Friday, April 2, 2010

Hey everybodies got a blog war going and I have been falling behind.

I mean everyone is stirring the shit. I mean every time you turn around there is another blog war starting! I want to get in on the fun. And the only way to do that is to antagonize someone. You know poke them with a stick in that ever so tender thin skin. So here you go:

Today's poll: Whose is your favorite bully!

Nellie Olsen from Little House on the Prairie

Lucy from Charley Brown

Bluto from Popeye

Bif Tannen from Back to the Future

The evil blogger lady!

There you go. That should start the shit stirring. Hee.


Jason (the commenter) said...

I always thought the evil blogger lady should put some curls in her hair, because she does remind me of Nellie Olsen sometimes.

She's got that dress she has multiple version of, that's ruffled, it would be perfect!

Trooper York said...

Yes I always thought of her as a Nellie Olsen type. You have that nailed. But then all you gay dudes have a great fashion sense.

DaddyO said...

That one on the bottom looks like the model for those inflatable porn dolls, the ones with the startled expression.

Trooper York said...

Well shitfire Carl Bob not everybody is satisfied with one of those stuffed sheep like you won at the county fair.

john said...

I voted for Bif although my preference was Eddie Haskell.

You know he grew up and became a motorcycle cop (LAPD)?

john said...

You sure Carl Bob didn't win a real sheep?

john said...

Maybe you should go over and anti-Moby [or would it be Moby^(-1)?] some leftie blog then see if they will follow you back over here.

I bet even Montana/Ritmo would come to your aid in a good fight.

Anonymous said...

Who's Meade voting for?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone advanced the theory that Meade is Titus?

Michael Haz said...

@Windbag - Many theories have been advanced regarding Titus's real identity.

The one that seems most plausible is that he is actually the quarterback of the New York Giants football team.

Trooper York said...

Dude, it baseball season.

You should have said Titus was Jeter.

Sharpen up.

MT Mellon said...

Hey cousin Carl! Long time no hearing from you. How you been?

How come you stopped going to the blogger lady?

DaddyO said...

Hey MT, long time no teeth.

I peeked over at blogger lady today where she talks about her new Apple thingamajig. That woman could stretch a new hickey into a two-day topic.

DaddyO said...

Photo of the day.

The cartoon balloon if there was one would say 'Take it from me, most men will say 8 inches, but it's usually like this.'

Cousin Bob said...

Hey, Carl Bob, I bet she's glad to be getting hickeys at her age. Of course when you're as old as she is, they get hard to tell from liver spots.

Only her Meadehubby knows for sure.

Anyways, my 16-year-old nephew stopped by today with his mom. He says he's saving to buy some new game controller thingy. His mom says a couple of her friends got iPads today. She says she doesn't understand them, and doesn't have the money.

16-year-old pipes up that when everybody figures out how dumb iPads are, you could tile a cool dance floor with the returns. You know, install apps that glow different colors with foot pressure. Maybe you get them all networked to play the music, too.

Mom says she wished you'd actually go to some dances instead playing "Call of Duty" 16 hours a day.

Kid says X-Boxes are waaay cooler than any Apple crap, and, besides, considering the skanks at his high school, he's much safer in his bedroom. He just wants to be a DJ when he gets older.

traditionalguy said...

Trooper...This blasphemy of the Sweet Professor from bucolic Wisconsin has backfired bigtime. God took revenge on your Yankees on opening day. Now see what you have done.

DaddyO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DaddyO said...

Mr. Traditional Guy, God was in Green Bay all afternoon, as usual.

He took no revenge on the Yankees, just pity.

traditionalguy said...

That team Atlanta took from Milwaukee has a new right fielder this year, fresh out of a local high school. On his first major league at bat this Heyward kid hits a grand slam to deep left center. That was the planet shaking event here to start off Bobby Cox's final year.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I actually got to see the guy who played Bif do a comedy show last week. He wasn't that good but it was kind of interesting to see him trying to make a living these days. (The second of the two opening acts was better).

I had the urge to yell at him to "put a nice coat of wax on it, Bif!" My date got a kick out of that. But it looked like he was very practiced in the art of taking on hecklers. In fact, taking on the audience was half his act.