Friday, January 30, 2015

Snow days ....yeah right

So Comrade Bill De Blasio and Capo Andrew Cuomo decided to shut the city down because of bogus reports of a deadly snowstorm. The dick governor shut down the subway screwing working people who have to come home late at night. He screwed every busboy and dishwasher and restaurant worker and bar back who doesn't get paid if he doesn't work and didn't have a way to get home to the apartment in Queens he shares with 50 other Mexicans.

It never used to be like this. The subway always ran during snow storms. In fact it ran now because the trains have to run to keep the tracks viable. They just kept the people off the trains including the homeless people who could shelter on the train or in the stations. Of course De Blasio and Cuomo don't give a shit about working people or homeless people. They just pretend to care. Fens law.

We closed the store early after snow proofing it. Nobody was shopping and we covered stuff with plastic in case a window broke and snow drifted in. Luckily nothing happened.

Tuesday is our normal off day anyway so we decided to stock up with some stuff in case the storm was bad even though we thought it would be a bust. We needed the bread and milk ya know:

Not that we needed them. I mean I did buy eggs but I only got wraps and pita bread.m. I got the almond milk. I did load up with fresh veggies. You always have to worry about scurvy. I went to Gourmet Fresh to talk to Juan Carlos our friend who handles the produce department.

We have onions we are good. Along with the lemons in the basket and the strawberries and lettuce and all of the rest of the shit I eat these days instead of burgers and fries.

We muddled through once again.

It takes one to know one

So the filthy A-rabs in Jordan know how to negotiate with terrorists. The Jordanians know the only thing that they understand is a boot on their neck. So they told them if they kill the Jordanian pilot then they will kill the prisoners they are holding. Immediately.

That's the way you do it. As reported in the New York Post:“I have reliable contact in the Jordanian government who says a message has been passed to ISIS,” said Elijah Magnier, chief international correspondent for Kuwait’s Al Rai newspaper. “It warns that if they kill the pilot, they will implement the death sentences for Sajida and other ISIS prisoners as soon as possible. There are other prisoners in Jordan that ISIS would like to free.”

Of course the pussies that run our government would never do that. Instead they will trade murdering terrorists for deserters. Obama wants the terrorists to win.

De Blasio pefers to pay people who attack cops because....I don't know why?

New York City has settled a nuisance suit by a machete wielding maniac who attacked cops for  $5000. Ruhim Ullah attacked cops with a machete in 2010. He was shot in the leg and subdued by other officers but filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit that he was sure to lose. Rather than fight this suit the city paid him off. There were a ton of witnesses and he plead guilty to menacing in an obvious plea bargain.

So it is just another added inducement for attacks on the police and the general order. De Blasio has quickly settled several suits in favor of "progressive" elements which have cost the city multi millions of dollars. The New York Post notes: 'City lawyers signed off on a $98 million settlement last March over a longstanding class-action discrimination case brought by minority FDNY applicants over unfair hiring practices. The de Blasio administration also settled the notorious Central Park Five case for $41 million last September. De Blasio also ponied up $18 million in taxpayer cash to protesters who sued the city after being arrested at the 2004 Republican National Convention."

Comrade Bill de Blasio. Redistributing wealth one criminal at a time.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Instant Replay-the Unedited Edition

Coach Lombardi was insistent that we pay attention to every detail. He worried about the lights in the film room and the food at the training table. The paper used to print up the play books. The size and type of towels in the locker room.

But most of all he was concerned about the balls.

Not his balls of course. The balls we used to play the game with on the field. You see depending on how the ball was inflated it could do different things. If it was inflated to the max when you kicked it would go really far. If it was deflated then it was easier for Bart Starr to grip and for the receivers to catch in the freezing cold tundra of Lambeau field. Of course you couldn't deflate them too much because of Hornung. You see he like to put them in his mouth. He was funny that way.

Coach Lombardi was super strict about all of the equipment. The tackling sleds. The whirlpool. And of course the tackling dummies. He always tested them every training camp. He wanted to make sure they were big enough and hard enough. That is why he would sit on them and feel them between his cheeks.

At least that is what he said. Hey. He's the Coach.

(Instant Replay- The Unedited Edition, Jerry Kramer & Dick Schaap Random House 1968)

Marilyn's Diary

My Uncle Herman wasn't a violent man. I mean parts of him were violent. Because he was made up of about a thousand parts of various dead people. His torso came from a gladiator. His arms from a Polish hussar. And his penis came from a rapist. But still and all he was very gentle.

And musical. He loved to play several insturments. So much that various musicians used to call him in to do session work. That is where Aunt Lily met her friend Charlie who was hanging out with Dennis Wilson of the beach boys. These young musicians loved to hang out with Uncle Herman because he was older and a man of the world. They loved to copy him. His licks. His mannerisms. There was this deaf English guy who was a talented musician and writer but who had an unhealthy interest in my little pervert cousin Eddie. Anyhoo he copied Uncle Herman's signature move of banging his guitar over and over again.

You see Uncle Herman loved to bang. I loved when he did.

It's all good!

Went to the doctor today. Everything seems to be good. We were under a lot of stress over the weekend and felt a little fluttery and wanted to be sure ever was on the level. It was and I got a clean bill.

What was cool was that we were the last patients and the doc came over to the store and bought a bunch of lingerie for his wife.

I almost got my co-payment back.

Friday, January 16, 2015

I know youse guys ain't nosey.....

But I will be away for a couple of days so I am posting even less than usual. We had a death in the extended family so we will be away at the end of Long Island until Tuesday. It is too far to go back and forth to Brooklyn so we will stay at our cousins house and go to the wakes and funeral.

We will be on time and nobody will wear jeans. Just sayn'

Is the Pope Catholic or will he punch you in the nose

Pope Francis has made some more news which I am sure you are all aware. He sort of came down on the side of censorship of the cartoons that are causing all the trouble in France.

I am not surprised. He is after all an ultra-liberals and all liberals are in the camp of protecting Islam no matter what crimes they commit. The liberals are all for censoring speech that offends the Muslims and he signed right on with that. He is firmly in the Ecumenical camp which is not unusual for Popes so it is unlikely that he would be in favor of freedom of the press instead of kissing up to the ragheads. I guess I could understand it if he was as outspoken about Catholic imagery being perverted. It seems that every other TV show I see is set in a Church and the sacred symbols are treated like garbage. Haven't heard him speak out much about that.

I will give you an example. Last season on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills there was this dumb cunt named Carlton who claimed to be a Wiccan but had all sorts of Catholic symbols in her house. Crucifixes, Celtic Crosses and a full confessional booth that she delighted in saying she enjoyed having sex in all the time. It went unmentioned.

There was a very short lived sitcom called Partners that starred Kelsey Grammer and Martin Lawrence. In the first episode the set up was that a Catholic priest was having an affair with Martin's estranged wife. They broke into the rectory and rifled through the priest things included a suitcase that contained a chalice and a monstrance that holds the Sacrament. Nobody said boo. No biggie.

I mentioned at Father Foxes place a strange occurrence at Midnight Mass. There were a whole bunch of people you never saw before. Not unusual in a big holiday. Anway there was this one hipster tattooed blue haired chick who took the host in her hand and started to walk away. She didn't put it in her mouth. The 80 year old minister started chasing her down the aisle because it seemed she took the host for some nefarious purpose. Maybe for some art project. Maybe for a Black Mass or some Satanic bullshit. The girl goes."Ok Ok stop it" and put the host in her mouth.

I wonder if the Pope would have punched her in the face?

Like butter......

So we were kind of depressed on our ride back to New York from Florida. After all the weather was great in Florida and we left the kids and we were going back to work and the cold. We needed something to help make the trip fun. So we decided to stop in Savannah.

To visit Paula Dean.

You see Glen's parents are big time friends of Paula Dean. His father once ordered 2,000 sandwiches from her when he was in the service and it sort of gave her a bunch of publicity and helped launch her business. Therefore we thought it would be fun to visit her restaurant.

It's a four story joint called "The Lady and Sons" restaurant. It was very well organized. You gave your name and waited about half an hour in her adjacent store to buy various do dads and take a picture with Paula. We killed some time and picked up a couple of souvenirs.

Of course she is not the way the main stream media portrays her. She has no problems with black people. Well brown people. She even let Omar grab her ass.

The menu is very limited. Lots of butter. Lots of fat. We decided on the buffet which was what most of the people seemed to order. The kid serving us was very nice and kept us filled with sweet tea and stuff.

The first thing we got was Fried Green Tomatoes. It was very authentic. It was served by a lesbian food runner.

It sort of gave me a clue to be easy on what I ordered. I mean we were in the middle of a twenty two hour drive and I didn't want to get the runs. So I decided to go slow on the buffet.

On the other hand Omar went nuts. He did the fried chicken and macaroni and cheese. With several helpings.

I just did the pulled pork, mashed potatoes, salad and baked beans. So I was ok. Well until we got to Virgina and we had to pull over to drop a Yule Log. But that's another story.

Lisa and Omar had indigestion immediately and I had to go into a hipster coffee shop and bully the barista to sell me two full cups of almond milk to settle their stomachs. That works great by the way for an upset stomach. Much, much better than regular milk.

I don't know how youse guys down south do it if you eat this stuff all the time. I mean every single person in the joint filled up with two and three plates of stuff. Don't get me wrong. I am not a big fan of fried chicken. That's for moolies. If it was sausage and peppers or pasta I would have been right in there eating like a pig. But this stuff is not for me. I tried it. I can mark that off my list I guess.

Along with taking a dump in Virgina.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Return of the Douchebag

My dear Holmes,

It is your most humble petitioner, Inspector Lestrade. It has been some time since I have stopped requesting assistance in the troubling matter of the disappearance of Lord Douchebag which you might not recall as it happened several years ago. That curious case had dragged on and on but is now considered dead. It seems to have escaped the notice of so many who at one time claimed the deepest interest and concern, but who have gone on as though nothing had happened. It is as though Lord Douchebag never existed. However now it seems that new developments lead me to believe that we must concentrate on more immediate concerns.

As I had previously noted in one of  my prior missives, I or my agents had at one time or another have attended many of the salons of the noted conversationalist and dilettante Lady Chatterley where Lord Douchebag was a frequent and much valued guest. In fact it has been told to me that the Lady in question has often referred to him as wonderful. What is most striking is that his name has not passed the lips of any of the many participants for lo these many months and it is as if he never existed. He is never referred to or referenced in any way which is passing strange since so many professed an acute admiration for his talents such as they were.

The Yard has ceased its inquiries into the doings of this disreputable salon as contact has soiled the reputations and the very psyche of any agents we have sent to observe the untoward activities of these demented sybarites. However it has been communicated to us that the name of Lord Douchebag has been mentioned several times in the last few days. In fact the foul leader of this coven has written to all of her disciples asking that Lord Douchebag be remembered and celebrated. This seems passing strange as he seems to have been forgotten by all and sundry these many months. Why bring him up now? Perhaps there is some fresh devilment in store as the Devil casts out for the help of her lesser demons. It is passing strange and I request you thoughts as to why it has happened.

I hope all is well with you and Doctor Watson and wish that you convey my best wishes to your estimable brother Mycroft. I would note that he had a terrible falling out with Lady Chatterley or more accurately with her lover the underemployed gardener. I understand he has been out of communication with most of his friends and has not appeared at the club for quite some time. I hope all is well with him.

In any event give him my regards.

I remain as always,
Your obedient servant,
Inspector G. Lestrade
Scotland Yard
December 15, 1899

It's a dogs life in Florida.....

Sitting around the porch on the warm night scratching your balls.

Who would want to go back to the snow?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bill De Blasio doesn't know a freaking thing about respect.

Red Bill De Blasio has commented on the fact that some police officers turned their back on his empty eulogy at that funeral for Officer Liu. The Sandinista fan said:

“Those individuals who took certain actions this last week––or last two weeks, really––they were disrespectful to the families involved. That’s the bottom line. They were disrespectful to the families who had lost their loved one. And I can’t understand why anyone would do such a thing in a context like that.”

Let's review who was disrespectful and who was not. De Blasio did not show up for the wake for Officer Ramos until 9pm after it was over. He missed the eulogy from the Officer's minister and more importantly the moving tribute from his son. What did he possibly have to do that was more important than being there early to show his "respects." This is the guy who went to the gym instead of attending the funeral of Herman Badillo who was a pioneering leader in the Hispanic Community. What does he have against Hispanics?

Did you ever attend a wake? What you do is you show up early and show your respects. You sit quietly and maybe say a prayer. You might participate when the priest or minister or rabbi says a prayer. I have been at wakes and memorials and services for almost every religion and creed in my day and I always saw everyone show up on time and be respectful.

He didn't show up late for Officer Liu's service. He came. He stayed for fifteen minutes. FIFTEEN MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did he have to do that was so important that he couldn't stay for more than the time it takes to fry up an eggroll. What does he have against Chinese people?

What does he have against Cops?

We know what he has against them. He had to warn his son that he might get killed by a racist cop when he is much more likely to get hit by lightning or eaten by a shark. He had to reinstate the Judge who let a perp walk who had posted terroristic threats against the NYPD just like the guy who ended up killing the two officers. He defended the chief of staff who has a boyfriend who is a career criminal. He has members of the his administration who post things like "Fuck the Police" on their twitter.

The proof is in the pudding. The pudding that is Al Sharpton that sits at his right hand when he makes decisions about policing the city.

I won't get into his wife and her associates and attitudes. I will just let you know that she wore a pair of jeans to the funeral.

Respect. Yeah. Right.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

We're back!

After at twenty two hour drive from Florida we got back on Saturday morning around 11 am. We were so wiped out that we slept the rest of the day and came into work on Sunday.

More details about the trip to follow.

Here we are at a great Maryland rest stop. They had everything. Most of the rest stops really sucked. Especially in South Carolina. It was a horror story.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Kayaking off into the to speak

If you haven't figured it out I have a new I phone and I am learning how to download videos.

Some of them are two long and I have to edit them to be able to email them.

I will get the hang of it eventually..

More Kayaking................a bunch of fun!

Kayaking with Lee Lee is just a bunch of fun.

You still can't beat kayaking for having a laugh

Or a scream. So to speak.

Our vacation is over and we are heading back to reality.

On the road all day tomorrow.

You never know who you will see on the Inter-Coastal....

Davy Crockett..............and Santa!

Hanging on the sandbar at Sackett St

Hanging on the Sandbar is like hanging around the corner.

Just in you bathing suit.

Well you can do that on Sackett Street too!

A view of Old Florida.......Johnny Ola a lonely nation turns it's eyes to you

You can see the old buildings from the inter-coastal....even Meyer's old house. Where Johnny Ola hung his hat before he tried to off Michael Corleone.

You need to make plans........

Next year......Napa!

Omar says he is ready to drive!!!!!! never know you will run into in Florida

You never know what rotten disgusting hulk you might run into. Covered in barnacles and smelling like bad fish. Old and grey and pretty much useless.

Keep you distance. It is just sad. Really.

Shiver me burgers it's lunch time

It is time for lunch at the boatyard restaurant. Burgers all around. Iced tea of course. Then back on the waterway.