Friday, January 30, 2015

It takes one to know one

So the filthy A-rabs in Jordan know how to negotiate with terrorists. The Jordanians know the only thing that they understand is a boot on their neck. So they told them if they kill the Jordanian pilot then they will kill the prisoners they are holding. Immediately.

That's the way you do it. As reported in the New York Post:“I have reliable contact in the Jordanian government who says a message has been passed to ISIS,” said Elijah Magnier, chief international correspondent for Kuwait’s Al Rai newspaper. “It warns that if they kill the pilot, they will implement the death sentences for Sajida and other ISIS prisoners as soon as possible. There are other prisoners in Jordan that ISIS would like to free.”

Of course the pussies that run our government would never do that. Instead they will trade murdering terrorists for deserters. Obama wants the terrorists to win.


ndspinelli said...

Time for the gloves to come off. But, our sissy prez wears white, girly gloves.

Trooper York said...

And a burka.

Chip S. said...

The first time I saw that photo earlier today I was sure it was a photoshop of Obama's face onto some Mohammedan nutjob.

ndspinelli said...

We have some college girls living above us. They go to the U. of San Diego, a Jesuit school. One of the girls is named Di Blasio. She's from Boston, but I sense sorta conservative, @ least for a college kid. The kid is the odd man out there, just filled the need for another tenant by the 3 girls who are friends. She doesn't have a parking spot so has to park in a public lot several blocks away. She had to call the cops one night when a creep started harassing her. Told the kid to call me anytime she is frightened. She was so grateful. But shit, that's what religion is all about. I look @ the girl like she's my daughter. That's what God wants from us.