Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Return of the Douchebag

My dear Holmes,

It is your most humble petitioner, Inspector Lestrade. It has been some time since I have stopped requesting assistance in the troubling matter of the disappearance of Lord Douchebag which you might not recall as it happened several years ago. That curious case had dragged on and on but is now considered dead. It seems to have escaped the notice of so many who at one time claimed the deepest interest and concern, but who have gone on as though nothing had happened. It is as though Lord Douchebag never existed. However now it seems that new developments lead me to believe that we must concentrate on more immediate concerns.

As I had previously noted in one of  my prior missives, I or my agents had at one time or another have attended many of the salons of the noted conversationalist and dilettante Lady Chatterley where Lord Douchebag was a frequent and much valued guest. In fact it has been told to me that the Lady in question has often referred to him as wonderful. What is most striking is that his name has not passed the lips of any of the many participants for lo these many months and it is as if he never existed. He is never referred to or referenced in any way which is passing strange since so many professed an acute admiration for his talents such as they were.

The Yard has ceased its inquiries into the doings of this disreputable salon as contact has soiled the reputations and the very psyche of any agents we have sent to observe the untoward activities of these demented sybarites. However it has been communicated to us that the name of Lord Douchebag has been mentioned several times in the last few days. In fact the foul leader of this coven has written to all of her disciples asking that Lord Douchebag be remembered and celebrated. This seems passing strange as he seems to have been forgotten by all and sundry these many months. Why bring him up now? Perhaps there is some fresh devilment in store as the Devil casts out for the help of her lesser demons. It is passing strange and I request you thoughts as to why it has happened.

I hope all is well with you and Doctor Watson and wish that you convey my best wishes to your estimable brother Mycroft. I would note that he had a terrible falling out with Lady Chatterley or more accurately with her lover the underemployed gardener. I understand he has been out of communication with most of his friends and has not appeared at the club for quite some time. I hope all is well with him.

In any event give him my regards.

I remain as always,
Your obedient servant,
Inspector G. Lestrade
Scotland Yard
December 15, 1899


Chip S. said...


There. That should fix it.

chickelit said...

Nice retort

Michael Haz said...

Quite a few blogs written by famous law profs, and others, are publishing the cover of the current edition of Charlie Hedbo. Quite a few, but not all.

One blog, for example, offers a mealy-mouth explanation about why the picture will not be posted or discussed, because it may offend some people yadda yadda yadda.

How ironic that this comes form a blog whose owner frequently deems it appropriate to offend, to highly offend, Christians who deign to disagree with her on one topic or another.

Or to offend men at will, even to the point of having to close down her comments to avoid defending her position.

But no. let's not publish the cover of Charlie Hedbo.


chickelit said...

My working theory is that said blogger knows exactly whom she offends by siding with the NYT and Barack Obama.

How about you guys' buddy Turley? What did he publish?

Michael Haz said...

Turley published it. As did Insty.

Chip S. said...

Pope advocates violence against people who piss him off.

I'm guessing he interprets "turning the other cheek" to mean mooning people from the popemobile.

Scratch a leftist…

Chip S. said...

I see now that Turley blogged this. Sorry.

I thought of TY right away when I saw this.

Trooper York said...

I posted a few thoughts over there.

I have been too busy to post here so I have been doing drive by sat a Turley's lately.

Trooper York said...

This Pope never misses an opportunity to disappoint me.

Now I know how they felt in the 1940's when Pope Pius was accommodating the vicious fascists of his day.