Friday, April 16, 2010

Hey there's a new blog in town!!!!

Our old buddy garage mahal has started his own blog called appropriately enough "Garage Blog."

It's full of hot chicks and hot cars and both of them will give you a smooth ride. So check it out and leave a comment.


chickelit said...

Careful there TY. You don't want to encourage the lad too much. Garage's head or another appendage might swell up and (dare I say it) explode!

Trooper York said...

Hey he is already my hero.

Not every body can carry off being called a "voluminous fat fuck."

chickelit said...

Not every body can carry off being called a "voluminous fat fuck.

Oh I missed that...was that for real? when?

Trooper York said...

You have to visit the evil blogger lady to see that!

chickelit said...

Oh you mean here. Just saving others the time of searching.