Thursday, May 17, 2012

Black Coffee


Chip S. said...

Thanks, Troop!

rcocean said...

Compare and Contrast.

Anonymous said...

Strange, TOP has a blogpost about coffee this morning, is there a mole amongst us?

Trooper York said...

I am pretty sure that one of the group is a mole. But that is ok I guess. I am not doing anything wrong. I mean we are not attacking them or anything like that. They have always been major league copy cats as they have stolen memes from me and Crack and a lot of other people.


Chip S. said...

Allie, reports on that coffee study were all over the internet yesterday.

There's no need to get all paranoid about TOP. I mean, if a post about having a bad case of the blues shows up, we can talk then. Otherwise, why not give it a rest and just enjoy the unique pleasures of TY?

Anonymous said...

I'm not Being paranoid, lol, just having some fun, relax.

Anonymous said...

Troop, I was kidding, but no you are not doing anything wrong, what wrong could you do anyway? What you write here is your opinion, you're entitled.

chickelit said...

Trooper York said...
I am pretty sure that one of the group is a mole.

I not a noun browser

blake said...

I am pretty sure that one of the group is a mole.


Trooper York said...

Some of the people who registered where people I was not familar with but sounded plasuable. So until something messed up happens I am not going to sweat it.

It is true that everyone writes about the stories of the day.

I only put up Dinah and Julie becaue Chip was asking about them.

Chip S. said...

And Chip appreciated the vids.

Not to mention a long-awaited WTG.

chickelit said...

If had to guess the identity of the mole, I'd say it's Allie. She's the only one here on a first name basis with Althouse. Plus lots of internecine stuff showed up with her.

Just my two cnts.

Chip S. said...

I see what yo did there.

Darcy said...

My hunch is that you'd be way off, Bruce.

I don't agree with her politics, but from what I know of her, my feeling is that she has a big heart.

If there is a mole though, whatevs.

Let's show a little love to the mole! Maybe it will turn. Or is that the worm?

chickelit said...

Well Darcy, just look at her over there on the Kennedy thread calling people idiots. Remember her mentor, Ritmo?--brilliant guy--I mean that (I'm starting a cult based on one of his prophecies).. but the one thing about him was his presumption of superiority. It just wafted.

chickelit said...

I know what your thoughts are on this Darcy though I don't understand the position you took.

Darcy said...

A lot is said in the heat of the ideological battle, Bruce. I know I'm guilty of saying things like that, too.

Should we assume that we're all phonies here at TY, then? I don't think so. I like to think that we're pretty real here.

blake said...


You're awfully selective about the name-calling you take offense at.

chickelit said...

I don't think we have to assume that everybody is a phony, no.

chickelit said...

@blake: Here? Your position is essentially Darcy's from what I can tell. Your position contradicts Troopers...and my hunch.

Darcy said...

The point I was making is that I think most of us are different over there than we are here.

Darcy said...

I don't think the suspicion of who is who matters. What people say to each other matters, though.

For my part, I would like to do better.

chickelit said...

The point I was making is that I think most of us are different over there than we are here.

Well you're not speaking for me and maybe that's the whole problem. Perhaps I'm the misfit here.

All along you two have behaved like you are dead certain of something which I'm not privy to. It keeps flaring up and frankly, it wrecks it here for me. :(

blake said...

I don't care what It is. I mostly do not read It, because when I do, It's saying something awful. And there you are sucking up to It no matter what awful thing It says about people you presumably like.

As someone who doesn't read TOP, all I see is that Allie's left whatever rancor is to be expected from political dialogue. Here she's civil, pleasant and kind.

It is none of those things.

Chip S. said...

I saw the movie.


The mole is Bill Haydon.

Srsly, tho, if there's a mole, wouldn't it most likely be a lurker?

Does garage mahal have a membership?

Darcy said...

I should have said that it matters to me. Not everybody, for sure. There are a lot of people out there who take communicating on the internet as a big game. I am not one of them.

Darcy said...

Didn't know that.

I'll leave.

chickelit said...

I am not one of them.

Neither am I.

I'm leaving too (for a while).

windbag said...

The posts here are interesting. One thread will generate dozens of comments, another none. The threadjacking that occurs actually seems to flow with the vibe (that being the neighborhood pub). Four or five are having a mostly connected conversation, and in flies in someone else, totally jerking the thread in a new direction. It's one of the endearing things. When TOP pops up, though, conversation hits a brick wall, and it's time to hit the bathroom while the rest of the bar discusses TOP.

Chip S. said...

Heavens to James Jesus Angleton! What's going on here? I'm totally lost.

If I may add an opinion--despite being the noob here among a lot of old friends--I think this mole business is divisive bullshit. Trooper had good reasons for taking his blog private, but they mostly had to do with avoiding damage to the show. I mean, who the hell would be willing to give up Whose That Girl and Panda Sex posts in order to go public?

Who gives a shit what goes on at TOP, or what anybody there knows or doesn't know? It's not like they're gonna be running to TLC demanding that the show be taken off the air.

I love hanging out here b/c it's a good mix of people who actually listen to each other and have interesting things to say. Plus, it's mostly silly fun, which is damn hard to find anywhere else online.

So can we back away from the whole Crowders vs. Bennetts vs. Givenses thing? pie all around!

Uh oh.

Anonymous said...

Why thank you Blake, I get to vent my spleen over there, good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Chip, this has NOTHING to do with a mole, lol.

Anonymous said...

Also Chip and Windbag, this issue has nothing to do withthe TOP.

Anonymous said...

What?! Whoever the hell "said" is, doesn't know that Althouse doesn't like me?? hahaha, good one. I am not a mole, far from it. I may agree with her on some SOCIAL issues, that is ALL. There probably isn't a damn mole, sheesh.

Trooper York said...

I agree that you shouldn't care about that. We should just have fun.

It is going to be a lot more fun here soon when you can make fun of me from the TV.

windbag said...

@Allie, speculation over a presumed mole reporting back to TOP seems to suggest that some of this has to do with TOP. Perhaps the themes are cryptic and escape my notice? Wouldn't be the first time.

Hey, SixtyGrit was passed out in one of the stalls. Either he spilled his beer or he pissed all over himself. He was mumbling, "Fuck you, lawnboy."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Windbag, then I don't know what's going on either, from what I understand it has to do with "it".

Chip S. said...

Troop, will the show be viewable somewhere online?

Anonymous said...

So Chickenlittle is "said"? Oh my, what eats you Chickie, honestly?

Do Darcy and I not have the right to defend ourselves against relentless attacks from "it"? has Darcy or myself EVER made the first move in any tit for tat with "it"?

That would be a no. Darcy is my girl and I am going to stick up for her when "it" wants to play ugly games, even though I know she can handle herself and has lots of other people here who love her.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

And Chickenlittle, what the hell makes you think I will let myself be abused here OR at TOP, when someone wants to call me an idiot or moron over there they will get it back on spades. Why are you dragging this shit HETE? What is the matter with you?!

I'm think I'm going wherever Darcy went.

And Chickie, Ritmo wasn't my mentor.

Anonymous said...

HERE?! Damn it all to hell.

Anonymous said...

MamaM , congratulations, you are "it".

Chip S. said...

It was already in the glass, I guess.

Chip S. said...

Not "it."

James Jesus Angleton, this is fuckin' complicated.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Chip S. said...

What I said was a reference to the earlier reference to apple pie, which was a reference to Justified, which seems to be this blog's official tv show until Big Brooklyn Style starts its 20-year run.

Chillax. OK?

Anonymous said...

Chickenlittle, what do you mean by this? Are you referring to Blake and Darcy or me and Darcy? I detect jealousy and when a man gets jealous of another man, he acts the FOOL.

You don't sound like the Chickie I thought I knew and liked, or maybe I didn't know you AT ALL. I do not understand where all this animosity is coming from.

Chickenlittle said,
"All along you two have behaved like you are dead certain of something which I'm not privy to. It keeps flaring up and frankly, it wrecks it here for me. :( "

May 17, 2012 4:23 PM

Anonymous said...

Chip, I'm sorry, I'm very upset that Chickie decided to stab me in the back , the way he just did, wow, I'm shocked, but maybe I shouldn't be.

I'm not coming back here until Darcy does. MamaM , or whatever it is can reign supreme.

Chip S. said...

None of this shit would've transpired in an Ella Fitzgerald thread.


MamaM said...

For close to a year, MamaM was the recipient of antipathy and snide remarks from Darcy, Blake and Theo/TT, based on their belief she was a sockpuppet for Meade. Rumors publicly spread via twitter by Darcy in Dec 2010, were exacerbated by TT's angst and later picked up and perpetuated by AllieOop as another one of her loving actions. Blake added his part by hinting that MamaM's IP matched that of the famous blogger, when it does not (tracing out to a different state, miles away from TOP).

To this day, I don't know what dirty deed Meade did to any of them that deserved the nastiness delivered; but it started long before he began his deletion routine, and IMO went beyond ball-busting to ugliness, with little to no humor present. At the time this started, I'd already been commenting in my own voice for several years at TOP and entered the TY enclave at his invitation and provocation.

As a result I wrote Althouse and Trooper York to provide identification and opportunity for verification. In Dec of 2011, TY entered the fracas during a heated exchange to clearly state once and for all that I was not/am not Meade or someone pretending to be him. Those responsible for perpetuating the rumor and attacks however, were less than gracious in their response, with Blake turning to the "well everyone thought so" excuse and Darcy delivering a public FU. Windbag, whose words were the least offensive, was the only one who openly and sincerely apologized. To my ears, his actions seemed in line with the beliefs and testimony he frequently shares. I find a similar integrity in Chickenlittle, who provides much of the lubricant, humor, respect and curiosity that makes this blog work.

I don't appreciate deceit and pretense, and I'm rarely charmed by smarm. Trooper York and the commenters I respect most on this blog may be three shades of bone-head much of the time, but the traits they share in common are an unswerving regard for free speech and an strong underlying sense of humor and honor.

There are two sides to every story. I've not known how to address this issue without mentioning the names of those involved. When Darcy huffed away as if she was the one who'd been hurt by this process and joined AllieOop in declaring they would not longer speak or relate to me, I took them at their word. This latest round of accusations, complete with name calling seems adolescent and over the top. As does the request from Titus that I show my tits. Given his tendency to obsess over perkiness and perfection, I believe he'd find them disappointing, as they fall into the soft and loved but well-used category.

The Dude said...

Titus likes tits? That's the first I heard of that.

Anonymous said...

MamaM, you truly are clueless as to your own culpability here.

Chip S. said...

James Jesus Angleton, Allie. MamaM just offered you a sip of unpoisoned apple pie and you pulled a gun.

SixtyGrit hit EBL much harder than anyone's ever hit you here, and EBL didn't even flinch.

Let it go. Everyone. Just let it go.

The Dude said...

I hit EBL? Really? Nah. Just called it like I see it. But if I crossed a line, I better apologize now. Sorry, hairy cow.

ndspinelli said...

Conflict makes me sad.

Anonymous said...

Chip, she didn't offer me pie, she is making excuses for HER OWN behavior. She has been relentless in her nastiness. When I talk about my mother, my husband any damn thing, nothing is sacred to her.

Anonymous said...
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Darcy said...

Group hug?

The Dude said...

I am there, Darce. But do we really need a group? ;^)

windbag said...


Hey, I've got the next round.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I want a double rum, I'm not kidding.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're here Darcy, I would give you a hug any day.

Darcy said...

I was just trying to lighten things up, windbag. I did have a couple of glasses of wine. Sorry. :)

And Sixty, anytime! Com'ere. :)

Allie you are aces. ;-)

Hey, I feel bad about the earlier stuff. I hope I can sort that all out privately with Bruce and Blake, whom I consider good friends. That's most important to me.

And no more mole/troll talk from me. Live and let live.

blake said...


Once again, they give the game away without even knowing it.

Ah, well. Live and let live, right?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, my two rums went down nice and smoooooth. Nothing at all will bother me for the rest of the evening, bzzzzz'd.

windbag said...

Nothing to apologize for, Darcy.

Anonymous said...

Exactly Darcy.

MamaM said...

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.-- Galileo Galilei

Anonymous said...

Almost all unhappiness in life comes from the tendency to blame someone else.--Brian Tracey

ndspinelli said...

I didn't know Allie was a pirate.

Anonymous said...

Arggg, matey, shiver me timbers and blow me down.

MamaM said...

Almost all unhappiness in life comes from the tendency to blame someone else.--Brian Tracey

Amen AlleyOop! It took 350 years for those lifted by Love to see the Light when it came to Galileo. Some would prefer to think the sun revolves around them than admit an error in thinking and judgment.

Those who believed I was Meade were mistaken. Including yourself.

chickelit said...

@Darcy said: Hey, I feel bad about the earlier stuff. I hope I can sort that all out privately with Bruce and Blake, whom I consider good friends. That's most important to me.

I feel bad too and I still want to be your friend.

MamaM said: I find a similar integrity in Chickenlittle, who provides much of the lubricant, humor, respect and curiosity that makes this blog work.

I picked up some KY watching Justified in case anybody's interested.

Chip S. said...


Chip S. said...

The group hug could lead to a bunga-bunga party at this rate.

chickelit said...

Allie said: Chickenlittle, what do you mean by this? Are you referring to Blake and Darcy or me and Darcy? I detect jealousy and when a man gets jealous of another man, he acts the FOOL.

I was referring to blake and Darcy's theory. IMO, all the acrimony built on a misunderstanding. I lashed at you because you played along.

I'm not coming back here until Darcy does. MamaM , or whatever it is can reign supreme.

Nobody reigns supreme here (except the host and his wife). Blake and Darcy have earlier membership cards. I sort of insinuated myself here. Emphasis on sin.

I like you Allie. I like your story--the whole German thing. I even like Ritmo--at a scientific knowledge level. I'm working on a blogpost but I have a sketch in my head that I can't quite get down on paper so I'm struggling.

Titus said...

Mama, I am sorry about the tit showing comment.

It is actually a compliment coming from me though, asking to show tits.

I really sincerely like tits, all kinds of tits.

Don't sell your tits short.

And I like you mamam, even though I don't understand half the things your write.


blake said...

Bruce, your thesis is wrong.

I believe that MamaM is a sockpuppet. I don't know for whom. Meade's been floated both in jest and seriously, but it could be anyone, or no one (in the sense of no one we know). But from what I've seen "MamaM" is not the only handle this poster goes by.

Anyone who cares enough--and I can't imagine why anyone would--can go back to "MamaM"s initial postings to see why I think what I think. Troop believes this person is legit, so that's that. I just don't read its posts.

But if I do see something and it's against one of my friends, I'm not going to let it slide.

TTBurnett said...

I'm pretty determined these days not to say much online other than in Facebook. But to respond to MamaM's little history, I will say that I did, indeed, think MamaM was Meade's sockpuppet. I didn't think that for long, however. My theory changed to her being Althouse's sockpuppet, which remained a working hypothesis until a few months ago. Shortly after Chickelit and I debated der Ursprung des MamaMs, (in German), I saw the error of my ways. I should have paid more attention to Trooper's original characterization of MamaM, which was clear enough and precluded an Althousian origin.

So, I wish to offer my apologies to MamaM for any aspersions I may have cast that she had anything personally to do with the Madison Mélange. I should have known better, for no other reason than MamaM is obviously much sharper than either constituent. I relished trading insults too much with my pretend-Althouse to consider the Althouse of a firmer ontological status might want such wit.

That is not to say I admire cleverness without kindness, or brilliance absent a drop of the milk of human kindness. But if there must be such, tossed as all out thoughts are into this digital void, MamaM's are of a much better grade than most.

TTBurnett said...

Also, in response to blake, I want to say I have a pretty firm idea who the "real" MamaM might be. She's been around the blogosphere for a long time.

But that's as far as I'll go, having been proven wrong twice already.

I will say that blogging and commenting under your REAL name is the best policy. Masquerades are amusing for a time. But when you consider all the trouble, it's probably better to dance with your own face in the air.

Darcy said...

As far as I'm concerned, we will always be friends, Bruce.

Thank you!

Darcy said...

And Tim, that was brilliant and full of the milk of human kindness, which is very you. :)

MamaM said...

Thank you TT and Titus. I enjoy interacting with both of you. As a sparring partner, TT is second to none. I might clasp Titus to my bosom for a moment or two, but I'd be a fool to believe he only understands half of what I write.

The most delicious irony of this whole kerfuffle is the fact that TT has been in possession of my real name all along. Several years ago, I sent him an email thanking him for his blog and the connection he provided to Captain Dave. He may not remember, but his return reply was gracious.

I am not a sock puppet. Those who wish to continue to believe otherwise do so for reasons that suit only themselves.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Blake, I won't say one way or another what I believe at this point I doesn't matter. But I do SO appreciate you and Darcy and others here for all the great conversations , laughs and insights. Made me want to become a conservative! ( a little bit)

And of course our Blogfather Trooper!

Anonymous said...

Tim, you are a great guy, wish you commented here more often, but I do understand whe you are coming from. Love when you post classical music videos here, a touch of class!

Anonymous said...

Darcy, you know how I feel about you sister.

MamaM said...

And so it goes...

Titus said...

I do wish their was some sort of resolution with all the commenters here though.

chickelit said...

Are ready to answer the questions, Titus?


ndspinelli said...

Titus, Be patient. This is life, a marathon not a sprint. My mother would always say, "Better out than in." Generally, men deal better w/ anger than women. Women tend to see anger as bad. Men for the most part realize it's an emotion the Good Lord gave us for a reason. Righteous anger most anyone can abide.

chickelit said...

Very classy move Tim. BTW, it was a pleasure to speak with you on the phone in Boston earlier this year.

ndspinelli said...

Anger is almost always worse if not vented. It is cancerous.

ndspinelli said...

Yeah Bruce, I just got a man crush boner reading Tim.

chickelit said...

"man crush boner" sounds painful!

The Dude said...

Monk lives.

TTBurnett said...

Thanks, everyone. Sorry I'm a little late to respond, but lunch was definitely over at the salt mine.

I, too, enjoyed the phone conversation with Bruce. It was a real disappointment to have missed meeting him in person when he was in Boston last time. I'm working two jobs, and am crazy-busy and/or exhausted a lot. The weather/traffic/general convenience in Boston is often terrible, so getting together for a beer or some other adult beverage (which I wouldn't mind one bit) just didn't work out. As I end up saying far too often, "Next time!"

Titus, OTOH, has no such excuse. He lives a few blocks from where I am 5 mornings a week, one of them Sundays. He should come up to St Paul's on one of the next three Sundays and go to the 11 AM Mass. He can ask one of the ushers in the lobby where I am, or, more likely, he could spot me in the lobby supervising the choirboy/ushers in the blue school blazers. It would be great to go out for brunch afterwards around 12:30. I like Fire & Ice, but if he has some other place in mind, it would be fun to try.

I may have my son in tow. He a paid singer with the Men's Schola these days. But even though he's in high school, he's pretty sophisticated (actually, REALLY sophisticated), and he knows all about Althouse and the old days, having himself been outrageously insulted on her blog. In fact, the insult is still quoted verbatim around the school, nearly 2 years after the fact. and a year after he graduated.

THAT, BTW, is why I am seriously one with the Evil Blogger Lady appellation.

TTBurnett said...

Another school story: I mentioned a few months back to the boys that I was thinking of starting a blog about the subject I teach. They all burst out laughing. One of them quoted the Althousian insult of my son. The others launched into a middle-school version of the famous "Internet Commenter Funeral." I had to yell at them to clean up their language.

But the point is that blogs and blogging are wired in young kids' minds to mean pointless, idiot insults and general dickwad behavior.

"You're gonna start a BLOG, Mr. Burnett?? Ha! Ha!...."

Actually, no.

chickelit said...

As I end up saying far too often, "Next time!"

I don't think I'll be going back to Boston--we won the suit I was helping with on all counts along with a few million dollars. And that's about all I'll ever put in writing about what I do IRL.

I did have a nice epiphany out there while walking along the Charles River regarding how to get published again in chemistry. There's still that to do.

The Dude said...

Never saw a chicken in a suit before. Even along the Charles.

Hey, I'm just eggin' you on...

ndspinelli said...

Bruce, I believe I may know what you do?

chickelit said...

Well, you are the PI, right? ;)