Sunday, May 6, 2012

Problems of a shopkeeper

Friday a woman came into the store with a chip on her shoulder. She was angry and upset and didn't want any help. The new girls didn't know what to do. So Lisa stepped in.

She helped her look at some tops and some dresses. She didn't find anything she liked. She didn't like the cut. Or the style. Or the print. Nothing was right.

So she decide to buy a bra. She had bought one from us three years ago. The wife went in the computer and found her size and brought a bunch of bras. The woman had taken off her shirt. And she goes. "You must hate me. I am so ugly." You see she had breast cancer. She had a radical mastectomy of one of her breasts. She had gained about 100 pounds due to the drugs and stuff she went through. She really hated herself and was very vocal.

"Everyone hates me. My husband asked for a divorce. My kids won't look at me. My own mother won't talk to me. Everybody hates me. No one will touch me." Lisa looked at her and said in a tiny little voice "I love you. I don't hate you. I will hug you. Once you put your clothes on."

The woman laughed. Lisa hugged her. She helped her figure out what bra would work with a built in balance for one of the breasts. She is living in a terrible place right now. But for a few moments she felt a little better.

That is a story we couldn't tell on the show. The camera couldn't go in the dressing room with the woman with her clothes off as she ranted and raged about her situation. We couldn't tell that story. We see it every day.

So when I hear people say that people who are overweight are just lazy and stupid and should just stop eating I want to say one thing.


Some dumb fucks just don't have a fuckin' clue.


The Dude said...

It is a terrible disease and I would imagine everyone here has been affected directly or indirectly by it.

I sure hope your customer is able to find some peace. That story certainly puts my problems in perspective.

Trooper York said...

It did for me too Sixty.

I have been thinking about it all weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yes Trooper, it is terribly hurtful when people are so cruel . It seems that being biased against obese and overweight people is still prevalent, one othe last of the real prejudices.

My mother was often in tears about her weight, had to sew most of her own clothing. She was a wonderful seamstress. I'm so lad that you and Lisa and others are providing a place for women in larger sizes to buy beautiful clothing, wish there would've been some like you back in m mothers day.

I remember feeling ashamed of her when she came to my school as a child, she was such a beautiful woman, so smart and capable. I told her I loved her and told her how beautiful she was many times after that time until she died, but still carry guilt that I was ashamed of her as a child.

Lisa showed that unhappy woman a great kindness, we need more Lisa's in this world.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lisa is a good person. I am glad she was there for that lady.

MamaM said...

She is living in a terrible place right now. But for a few moments she felt a little better.

Yes, yes and yes.

AllenS said...

Problems of a rural resident

I see that someone last night hit a deer in front of my place. Small buck. It's laying about 6 feet from my mailbox. I'll have to start the tractor up and drag the thing out back.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

AllenS, in Brooklyn that happens too. But they are usually rats. Big ones.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Poor woman. That is so sad to have no support from those closest to you when you have had a life threatening illness and have had your body and your sexuality mutilated. However, it is also all about attitude on her part as well.

My friend who just completed the chemo and radiation treatments, 5 LONG months of torture, has an incredible attitude. Positive, upbeat and doing very well.

I'm sure she has her horrible moments, and times of self pity (who wouldn't) just like your customer, but she doesn't let it consume her. I think that the fact of having a loving, supporting husband, family and friends makes all the difference.

I guess it is a two way street. AND who the Hell are we to judge anyone.

Freeman Hunt quoted something she had heard a woman say to another. It stuck with me and is something to remember when we try to superficially judge others.

"I don't know your life."

ndspinelli said...

That's a great story that touches me very personally. Thanks to you and Lisa.

Allie, I have found that guilt is the most misplaced emotion. Those who need a healthy dose don't have a lick of it, and those who don't need guilt are often overwhelmed by it. You know your mom looks down and has forgiven you long ago. On earth we are all flawed and deal w/ the 7 Deadly Sins. When we die we are imbued w/ a spiritual clarity and all that baggage is left behind. Let go, let God. It's trite but true.

Anonymous said...

Nick, true. I am not overcome by the guilt but it is there whenever I remember her and the loving mother she was. I know she has forgiven me, probably did so five minutes after it happened. She was near saintly for putting up with the rebellious child that I was.

Lisa's actions affirm my belief that mankind can be decent, kind and loving, despite our baser tendencies.

Darcy said...

Gosh, I needed to read this today. Being conscious of the suffering out there and remembering your blessings is a good thing. Thanks Jim, for sharing that.

God is good.

Darcy said...

And yes, Lisa rocks.

ricpic said...

Everybody wants to be loved.
Not that many want to give it.
But occasionally when it gets too much and you flail away in public
There's a kindly shopkeeper there to replace your divot.

Trooper York said...

I never heard it described as replacing a divot.

Interesting metaphor.

blake said...

Yer good peeps. I'm hoping they don't go too nutso with you in the edit. I know people like the wacky and the trashy and the mean, but it's nice to know there are good people out there.

blake said...

To be reminded, I mean.

TerriW said...

My godmother went in for a routine mammogram one day and within 24 hours, she was on the operating table, double mastectomy. (4 months later, her husband was gone and she was struggling with the bottle.). Two years now later, she is holding on, one day at a time. But cancer free, at least.

I cannot imagine the pain and stress and anger. The cancer was so nasty and so aggressive, she never had a chance to even process what was going on before WHOOMP, massive life-altering change.

Lisa is a good woman. I wish I could send my godmother to you, but I'm guessing y'all can't make fashion house calls to the U.P.

TerriW said...

Damn, I love that blue fabric on that dress. That's gorgeous.

Trooper York said...

That is what we call our "Icy" teal which has a Missonisqe feel to it.

It is all over the show and several women try it on and buy it.

We also have one that is more orange and red and called the "Firey" Missoni.

The Dude said...

Back when I used to wear a tie I would fly to Rome then take the train to Florence to buy Missoni ties.

Now all I have are ticket stubs and a closet full of brightly colored ties which are covered with dust.

But I did like Missoni.

chickelit said...

Good thing you weren't into Blahniks, Sixty.

Scarpe diem

The Dude said...

Dare I ask what a Blahnik is?

chickelit said...


The Dude said...

It's a real thing? Sounds like a depressed person in a shtetl.