Sunday, May 27, 2012

I didn't even get to do the hucklebuck

Almost all of my contributions were dropped because they didn't appreciate my point of view. And they wanted to concentrate on the dresses and the makeovers.

But it sucked that they dropped my interpretation of the hucklebuck.

It was a classic.


ndspinelli said...

It's about winning, not who gets the win.

Trooper York said...

Yeah but we had the chance to start a dance craze that would sweep through America!

Like shit through a goose!

Like Yogurt through Jamie Lee Curtis!

What the fuck it was the hucklebuck!

Chip S. said...

At least we've still got the Sambola.

MamaM said...

Doing the Hustle works as a filler. Still hoping the Hucklebuck in one form or another will be danced.