Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Yankees sign Kevin Platypus!

So the Yankees continue their policy of signing stars from other teams that their fans hate just to get us riled up. I mean in the past they had signed Wade Boggs and Roger Clemens and Johnny Damon and Daryl Strawberry and Doc Gooden and Steve Howe and fuckin' A-Rod.

Now they have signed ex-Red Sox third baseman Kevin Platypus!

I mean this fuckin' guy hated on the Yankees. Always had shit to say. Now that A-Rod that fuckin broke his hip like anyother AARP member they got Platypus to fill in at third on a one year contract for 12 million or so.

What a bunch of bullshit.

I know that George loved to do this because he thought it stuck it to the other team but all real Yankee fans hated this. Now his kids are pulling the same shit.

Seriously enough of this shit.

The only good thing I can hold on to is that the Giants would never get a loser like Aaron Rodgers on their team. They shot their wads with Craig Morton and Norm Snead. Never again.

1 comment:

The Dude said...

Sounds like a good hire to me.