Tuesday, October 1, 2013



Trooper York said...

I can't get the video to work but you can get my obscure reference.

The Dude said...

Your Peter is Gordon.

No, wait, googles... ah, I have it now - you got a Gerry implanted into your chest.

Well played, Troopski. Now don't let your hanging Chad fall off your Jeremy.

Trooper York said...

Not yet. Looks like Thursday.

I need a change of pace.

So to speak.

Palladian said...

I need a change of pace.

Uh oh. No microwaving burritos anymore?

Cody Jarrett said...

Now see, if you'd posted them singing "ferry cross the mersey" we'd have been left wondering if you were talking about a pacemaker or a Palladian meet-up.

Cody Jarrett said...

Uh oh. No microwaving burritos anymore?

He's either going to have to eat them frozen, like a man, or pay a little illegal Mexican to take the radiation for him.

Trooper York said...

Hey I don't own a microwave. Or a toaster for that matter.

I go Old School.

Palladian said...

I don't own a microwave anymore. I had to leave it behind during the eviction.

Palladian said...

What I really miss is my food processor.

Cody Jarrett said...

Hard time picturing you using a microwave, Palladian.

Palladian said...

Hard time picturing you using a microwave, Palladian.

I used it to heat blocks of cheese. You take a big chunk of good cheddar, microwave it for about 45 seconds, just until it starts to glisten, then pop it entire into your mouth.

ndspinelli said...

George Costanza liked to just gnaw on blocks of cheddar. Constipation problems, Palladian? I take magnesium pills and I'm clockwork regular.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, If this all seems overwhelming just take it a day @ a time. Which we all should do under any circumstances.

Palladian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

George Costanza liked to just gnaw on blocks of cheddar.

It's true. I'm George! I'm George!

Constipation problems, Palladian? I take magnesium pills and I'm clockwork regular.

I don't take anything and I'm totally regular too. But I'm not nearly as old as you guys. The cheddar may catch up with me.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Uh oh. No microwaving burritos anymore?

Countertop convection oven.

One of these would be nice too!

Always look on the bright side of life.

MamaM said...

Where's ricpic??? He's got the golden ring on this one

TY posts remind me of a backwards road rally, where I find myself at the destination posted, figure out the location and then wonder what road led to that point.

Which means I found Obsure Reference Number One and absorbed that news, before discovering ripic's schmaltzy fingerprints all over the carousel:

Gerry and the Pacemakers' next two singles, Murray's "I Like It" and Rodgers and Hammerstein's "You'll Never Walk Alone", both also reached number one in the UK Singles Chart,[7] the latter recorded instead of the Beatles' "Hello Little Girl", which went on to become the first hit for the Fourmost. "You'll Never Walk Alone" had been a favourite of Gerry Marsden's since seeing Carousel growing up. It soon became the signature tune of Liverpool Football Club and Celtic Football Club. To this day, the song remains a football anthem, there and elsewhere, inspired by Gerry Marsden's rendition rather than the Broadway original

Marsen's other song, "It's Gonna Be All Right" also works here.

Michael Haz said...

Pacemakers are good. They're the only way middle age white men can get rhythm.

On a serious note - look into cardiac ablation. It's a procedure in which the specific tiny area of the heart that's causing arrhythmia is identified and fixed by a little electric zap. No surgery. Mrs Haz had it done because her pulse would go to 220 for no reason, then drop to 35. Worked like a charm.

Contact me if you want more info.

The Dude said...

Back when I was an avid cyclist my resting pulse was in the 40s. My dear ol' dad always said, in his best Foghorn Leghorn voice "Boy, you gonna need ta git, ah say git, a pacemakah put in theyah!"

Haven't yet, but let me know how yours works out, Troop, and I will talk to my physician just so I can keep up the pace, or something.

ricpic said...

I like this song because Gerry (I assume the singer's Gerry) enunciates clearly. On so many songs you have to strain to decipher the lyrics. It's a pet peeve of mine.

The thing about regularity is that with age you stay regular (speaking for myself) only it's a slower regular. Like last night's dinner doesn't exit till the night of the following day (movie reference alert!). Okay, I'm exaggerating, but not by much. :^(

MamaM said...

Lisa's "Johnny Five, he's alive" was another wonder point

Short Circuit is a 1986 American science fiction comedy film...the plot center's upon a cutting edge military robot which is struck by lightning and gains sentience. Taking the name "Johnny Five", the robot escapes confinement and ventures out to explore its new life.

To consider TY on the same path as one who was struck by lightning, gains sentience, escapes confinement and ventures out to explore new life seems a fine parallel.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, Good advice. A simple procedure that takes care of most tachycardia. My mother-in-law had it done a couple years ago.

ndspinelli said...

Unfortunately it worked.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS put us over the $400 mark. Total is $408 w/ $292 for the Brooklyn couple. Trooper is like one of Jerry's Kids. Does that make ne Jerry?

Icepick said...

That depends, Spinelli. Are you big in France?

Icepick said...

That depends, Spinelli. Are you big in France?

MamaM said...

Honestly ricpic, I never know what's coming out when you show up, a poignant poem, a fitting song or something about regularity and last night's dinner.

Which brings to mind the Dad and Marco in Dr. Seuss' first book, "And To Think that I saw it on Mulberry Street",

When I leave home to walk to school,
Dad always says to me,
“Marco, keep your eyelids up
And see what you can see.”
But when I tell him where I've been
And what I think I've seen,
He looks at me and sternly says,
“Your eyesight's much too keen.”
“Stop telling such outlandish tales.
Stop turning minnows into whales.”
Now, what can I say
when I get home today?
All the long way to school
And all the way back,
I've looked and I've looked
And I've kept careful track.
But all that I've noticed, Except my own feet
Was a horse and a wagon on Mulberry Street.
That's nothing to tell of,
That won't do, of course....
Just a broken-down wagon
That's drawn by a horse.
That can't be my story. That's only a start.
I'll say that a ZEBRA was pulling that cart!
And that is a story that no one can beat,
When I say that I saw it on Mulberry Street.

Well, Ol' Marco comes up with a ton of imagined wonders after that inspiration and runs home to tell his story, with this result:

I swung 'round the corner and dashed through the gate, I
ran up the steps and I felt simply GREAT!
For I had a story that NO ONE could beat!
And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street!
But Dad said quite calmly,
“just draw up your stool”
and tell me the sights on
the way home from school” There was so much to tell, I
JUST COULDN'T BEGIN! Dad looked at me sharply
and pulled at his chin.
He frowned at me sternly from there in his seat, “was
there nothing to look at..No people to greet?
Did nothing excite you or make your heart beat?”
“Nothing,” I said, growing read as a beet,
“But a plain horse and wagon on Mulberry Street.”

MamaM said...

Trooper is like one of Jerry's Kids. Does that make ne Jerry?

Believe it or not there's a theme rolling:

Not since, oh, Martin and Lewis has there been a showbiz breakup as sudden and inexplicable. Last year the Muscular Dystrophy Association announced that Jerry Lewis was stepping down as host of its annual Labor Day telethon, the marathon TV event he had made his personal showcase, soap box and sentimental journey for 45 years. With the show cut from 21.5 hours to just 6, Lewis was being replaced by a quartet of hosts, the MDA said, and would make an appearance only at the end of the show, to say goodbye and sing “You’ll Never Walk Alone” one last time.

Michael Haz said...

Nice work, Spinelli. You showed a lot of character with what you did. Thank you.

I've been reading up on pacemakers. There are some pretty cool new GPS related features. For example, Trooper's MD could draw a geofence around Marco Polo, then program Troop's device to give him a jolt when he attempts to enter the joint. It's the same concept as putting in an invisible fence to keep a dig in the yard.

I see possibilities.

Michael Haz said...

Dog, not dig.

chickelit said...

At certain times Troop pretends to be a tacky card but at heart he's steady going.

Pace be upon you.

chickelit said...

Haz, what if Marco Polo delivers?

Chip S. said...

Maybe we should ask DBQ to invest the remaining funds wisely, and we could send the monthly earnings to Crack.

Hey, just a thought.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Now we know the rest of the story...

Connect the dots...

Trooper is at the hospital looking for plus sized models for his business.


Who else would even think to look there?

chickelit said...

Hey, just a thought.

More like a brainfart

The Dude said...

Chip S. wrote...

"Maybe we should ask DBQ to invest the remaining funds wisely, and we could send the monthly earnings to Crack."

That's a great idea - I would insist, however, as a stake holder in this enterprise, that no funds remain after taking care of Lisa. Trooper, too, of course, but mainly Lisa for being a trouper through this whole thing.

Plus Troop will need regular jump-starting and occasional battery swaps.

Cody Jarrett said...

Let Crackers make his own friends so they want to maybe do something nice for him.

The rule of Lemnity said...

BTW Trooper... I thought you might want to know.

Cincinnati is loosing to the Pirates in the opening game of their playoffs.

say-no-more ;)

Chip S. said...

OK, now we know how TOP is getting its remaining hits.

How about a warning next time, Lem?

The Dude said...

Yep, she's a hat-hole, we all agree on that.

Michael Haz said...

Jeez. Trooper's turning into a fricking Prius. How embarrassing. I hope he won't walk around with his left blinker on.

The rule of Lemnity said...

How about a warning next time, Lem?


ndspinelli said...

Thanks Haz. It was no biggy and easy to do for our favorite bartender. But, now it's an organic vegetable/fruit juice bar.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, I was thinking of taking the cash to the casino and putting it on the pass line. Well, since it's for Trooper, maybe Any Craps. Definitely not come, maybe no come!

The Dude said...

Fruit juice and vegetables will kill a person. Avoid them at all costs.

ndspinelli said...

Leisure Suit Larry's Reds are on the ropes. I went to a Pirates game @ PNC a couple weeks ago. That town is rockin' for the Bucs. Good thing considering the Steelers suck donkey dick.

Chip S. said...

Speaking of baseball, here's a handy guide to the playoffs for the casual fan.

MamaM said...

I hope he won't walk around with his left blinker on.

No need for a flashing light. The TSA Notification Card will "discreetly communicate" to security agents the need for screening using imaging technology or a pat down.

After they see/feel the package they can sound the alarm.

chickelit said...

Sixty informed: No, wait, googles... ah, I have it now - you got a Gerry implanted into your chest.

Troop is getting implants? Why?

chickelit said...

Looking forward to Troop showing us the scar LBJ style: link

chickelit said...

Where did yashu go? I miss her wit.

MamaM said...

I miss her wit

Along with her sparkle and insight.

This place could use a touch of Elven charm to balance out the Dwarves with Mattocks and Guys with Binoculars routine that transpires when things get dicey.

Chip S. said...

Just wait 'til we all start using testosterone cream. That will test even MamaM's patience.

yashu, stat!

P.S. Almost had the worst autocomplete disaster yet--it changed "yashu" to "trashy".

MamaM said...

LOL! & Amen!

MamaM said...

Add an "Oh, Noes!" too.

I'm still laughing. I'd forgotten about the cream!

That'll pick up the pace, and get the emergency flashers on the Priapos blinking.

chickelit said...

That'll pick up the pace

Pace Picante Sauce. The other stuff is made in New York City! link

MamaM said...

They're both good, El Pollo!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Just wait 'til we all start using testosterone cream.

Will Marco Polo use it for Tiramisu?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Fruit juice and vegetables will kill a person. Avoid them at all costs.

There you go Sixty, quoting Steve Jobs again!

The Dude said...

Got that right. Fruit juice, vegetables and quack cures.

Got any nails?

chickelit said...

Will Marco Polo use it for Tiramisu?



ndspinelli said...

I will be forthcoming and say I used testosterone cream. This was back in 2008-09, before they became all the rage[pun intended]. I had a very bad fall in 2007. I had subsequent problems w/ fatigue, muscle weakness and other shit. They thought I had ALS, those were dark days! The test is putting electrodes on long needles into your extremities! Painful and weird. But, it's one of those few tests where the neurologist tells you right away, and when she said "negative for ALS," well the pain went away.

In trying to determine a cause they found my testosterone was low, particularly free testosterone, which is the key one. It wasn't real low but below the normal range. We have a compounding pharmacist in town and my doc started me on the cream. I did it for about a year. I felt a little better, but not enough to continue. It can cause prostate cancer.

ndspinelli said...

I have leftover cream, Ryan Braun keeps trying to invite himself over for dinner.

ndspinelli said...

I'll try it in cream puffs, the state dessert. No shit, they have a cream puff BUILDING @ the Wi. State Fair. Thousands of Cheeseheads scarfing down cream puffs by the plate full. Quite a scene, an ob scene.

Cody Jarrett said...

Not true, Nick.

Studies have actually found that low test increases the risk of prostate cancer.

This link links to studies, for Chip.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

Maybe we should ask DBQ to invest the remaining funds wisely, and we could send the monthly earnings to Crack.

You guys are funny. 'sides...I'm out of the investment business. I just to insurance right now (don't ask....the horror story of just trying to get onto the producer web site so I can do some quotes!!....nevermind trying to get a person. and I'm an agent...sigh)

To make money in this environment, we have to think outside the box. We are flipping old cars. Bought a 1966 Dodge Charger with a busted engine that was sitting behind a barn in the weeds. The seats were removed and in the back of a shed, all the chrome is there, the dash was in the back along with some other parts, all the glass was there and best of all....NO rust. It had "fallen" off of the DMV records since last being registered in the late 1970's. 400% profit in 3 days :-) Some guy in L.A. is going to fix it up.

You guys wanna buy a 1969 Ford Country Squire LTD wagon with a working 429 engine. Cheap..../ wink

blake said...

o/~Paul and George and Ringo
Just a fraction of the Fab Four
Some still survive
From Dave Clark's Five
Washed up on the Mersey Shore

Gerry has a pacemaker
That hermit's name is Herman
That old man's Manfred Mann
And the Animals? Merely vermin


blake said...

It's not much that I mind y'all gettin' old.

It's that you're dragging me with you!

blake said...

Speaking of TOP, this should be the month that reveals whether or not the commenter walkout has hurt for real, or whether the dip in traffic is just a typical cyclical event.

It's definitely been on a downturn, with numbers about where they were in the spring of '12. But that blog has always rebounded (and come back stronger, even) in the past.

Icepick said...

The test is putting electrodes on long needles into your extremities!

So that's what they told you, huh?