Sunday, December 1, 2013

I just can't read Crack's Blog anymore......

I mean the victim thing is going over the top. Plus Meade is posting comments hoping to get a reaction. It is really funny. The dude can't give it up and Crack has become his willing accomplice. You have to laugh.


blake said...

I never could read it.

It's like "Highlights" for racist-phobic colored children.

Chip S. said...

It always reminded me of a ransom note.

The Dude said...

Yeah, can you imagine? Some might pay the kidnappers to keep him.

rcocean said...

Next stop Malcolm X

The Dude said...

Not likely - Malcolm X found religion. Crack wants a religion to find him.

Palladian said...

The design is so horrid that I couldn't read it even if the content weren't loathsome and stupid. And it was ever thus.

Michael Haz said...

I glance at iCrack's blog now and then, but it's such a mess design-wise and content-wise that there's no reason to linger.

I was reading something on another blog and clicked to the source article. The comments after the article included a skewering of LSL who apparently kicks up shit in that venue as well. Prince of a guy.

Michael Haz said...

Not iCrack. Typo.

TTBurnett said...

I never could read it to begin with, so I don't have anything to complain about.

chickelit said...

C'rack's Blog = B'rack's Clog

The rule of Lemnity said...

Go easy on Crack.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm just saying.

The Dude said...

Lem, you are a funny guy. Not in a humorous way, mind you, but you go right on loving that lazy, stupid racist, no one will think any less of you.

Michael Haz said...

Go easy on Crack.

You talkin' to me or to Rob Ford?

Chip S. said...

Um, Lem, we are going easy on Crack.

Darcy said...

LSL reacted to your poll, Michael.

Chip S. said...

Just saw that, Darcy.

I wonder if there's a fund for sexually abused dogs.

Darcy said...


Michael Haz said...

His comments are benign. He's not provoking an argument. Supporting humane causes is a good thing.

On my posts I have an itchy trigger finger on the delete button when there are insults and demeaning comments - the usual trollish stuff. His comments aren't anywhere near that level.

KCFleming said...

I feel bad for Crack.
He did not take heed of Nietzsche's warning:
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

His anti-New Age work led him into the abyss of paranoid conspiracy. First he saw New Age everywhere, now he sees racism everywhere.

And can someone explain Meade? What happened? He seemed normal, at least until someone drew on a Madison statue. But that was only a little odd. Then when the splooge stooge insults came out, he seemed to turn into Travis Bickle.

They both lost it. I've never seen anything like that myself.

The Dude said...

Meade is married to Ann. Need I say more?

KCFleming said...

Sure, but WTF?

Did they go all folie à deux, did her womanly wiles cause him to go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs? Did they smoke some weed laced with PCP? Was carbon monoxide involved? Smoking lawn seed?

I don't get it.

blake said...

He ceased to need to appear mostly normal.

The Dude said...

What do we actually know? They like to drink. They appear to be somewhat isolated, socially, and she won't allow him to own a dog.

I guess any day that one of them does not murder the other while he or she is asleep is close enough to normal for government work.

KCFleming said...

Much clearer.
I have some trouble reading people.

I blame Bush.
And New Age racists.
And hipsters.

The Dude said...

LOL @Pogo.

Yep, that's all there is to it.

Chip S. said...

Sometimes--ok, hardly ever--I wonder how her colleagues reacted to the whole marrying-a-commenter-who's-a-lawnboy thing.

Would a group of snickering profs suddenly go quiet when she entered the faculty lounge? Have people invited them to dinner parties where they ask LSL for his views on comparative negligence vs. strict liability, then cast sidelong glances at each other when he gives it a try? Are his constant attempts to appear witty and insightful on assorted law and politics blogs an attempt to elevate his perceived intellectual stature in Madison?

Not that I'd be remotely sympathetic, y'unnerstand. Just askin', for lack of anything better to write.

Michael Haz said...

Maybe they just thought (imagine speech balloons above their heads) "Huh. Maybe fish do need bicycles".

Interesting that the "my dinner with my friends" topics ceased soon after LSL arrived.

Chip S. said...

I didn't know that she used to have friends, except for Irene (?).


Well, surprising anyway.

MamaM said...

Sometimes failure to recognize and address unmet needs and traumas experienced as Little Tikes (particularly those involving relationships with authority figures and caregivers) can result in a rough ride in the Cozy Coupe further down the road. Those things aren't built to handle suspension, and they've little to no room for anyone but the driver.

rcocean said...

Crack be nimble
Crack be quick
Crack jumped over
The crazy stick.

rcocean said...

I thought of that after I read Crack's blog. Seems we white people are rich because we stole from black people.


Slaves picking cotton. It led right to the A-bomb, US Steel, and Boeing.

TTBurnett said...

That is a reasonably brilliant comment, Mama, that sums up nicely its portion of the human vomedy.

MamaM said...

Thanks TT! (I think) Hope you had a good thanksgiving. I've missed you around these parts.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

This comes to mind...

MamaM said...

If I was a spider in the cow stall, Evi, I'd laugh and write "Some Vid", "Some Song", and "Happy birthday, kid!" in the web overhead.

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
― Maya Angelou

Methadras said...
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Methadras said...

It isn't even bizarre anymore. I think he's revealed his true self and you are watching an outed black racist with a dog fucker as his sidekick. Go figure.