Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lem was surprised when Brian was killed!

But we all knew it was only a matter of time. You can't do the kind of stuff he used to do and expect to get away with it. Just sayn'


blake said...

I can't recall if they ever had sex on the show. They've come close a number of times.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I don't think I'm watching the show unless they bring him back.

just saying.

The Dude said...

It's a fucking cartoon, Lem.

blake said...


I fucking love cartoons.

Cartoon fucking is kinda weird, tho'.

The Dude said...

I hear that!

I get the sense that our dim friend thinks that a talking dog really was killed. Reality is a challenge for him.

blake said...

I assume it's just a ploy. Stewie has a frequently used time-machine, and I'm pretty sure he's done some cloning.

But it might be that MacFarlane is just exhausted from talking to himself. It's actually kind of amazing to watch live, as he switches between Peter, Stewie and Brian.

Chip S. said...

They killed Kenny, too.


blake said...

Once for a whole year.

I used to love "Family Guy". Not when it was on the first time, interestingly, but after it was canceled, it grew on me.

Then when it came back on the second time, it tacked so hard to the left after a few episodes, it got boring.