Thursday, December 12, 2013

See ya Robbie wouldn't want to be ya!

Robbie Cano doncha know is a moron. Not for taking the money. That's fine. But for giving up the chance to be a life long Yankee. Brought up from the farm system he had an impeccable pedigree as a Yankee. He got a very nice offer from the Yankees and they also asked to get a chance to offer more. But he went for the bucks which is fine by me. I always thought he was a loser and now he can prove it with the Pilots. Isn't that the team in Seattle.

When you have a chance to be a life long "True" Yankee you should grab it. Guys get so much more out of it then being a guy who played on a whole bunch of teams. I mean who gives a shit about Sixto Lescano. I had a whole series about him that hardly got any comments. When you a "True" Yankee you can do autograph shows in basements in Staten Island for the rest of your life. Seriously dude.

The Yankees made some good moves so far. I love the Beltran move. He always wanted to be a Yankee. He even offered a discount before he signed with the Mets. He will do great at the Stadium. Ellsbury is a great pickup. Not just as a player but as a player we took away from the Red Sox. I am happy at what they have done so far.


The Dude said...

Sixty Lescano? Hmm...

Cody Jarrett said...

They didn't take Ellsbury away from the Sox. The Sox were never going to sign him. That's been known for 3 years anyway.

I get the hyperbole and everything, but jesus.

Cody Jarrett said...

BTW, can Beltran or Ellsbury pitch?


The Dude said...

Way OT, I am watching a National Geographic program called Big Bad Wood, about tree companies up in New England.

They are the biggest bunch of idiots I have ever seen - every single crew is screwing up every job in ways that make me think the whole thing is scripted - crushed sheds, idiot ground crews messing with golfers, truck drivers damaging the things they were told not to damage - really?

On the other hand seeing guys working on tough take downs is interesting - even with cranes and grappling hooks they are still struggling not to be killed on the job. I guess that part of tree work is universal.

Tomorrow - death to forsythia! Okay, maybe I'll take down the cherry tree that is growing around the power lines - that might be simpler.

Chip S. said...

I think Cano's dad's a possible upgrade for their pitching staff.

Cody Jarrett said...

I gave that show a look the other day on the on demand menu but read the description of whichever episode it was and decided not to.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The Mariners' management are retarded.

Michael Haz said...

This is turning into the blog equivalent of a Hot Stove League. You know what that is, right? Men and wimmin sitting around the pot belly stove at the General Store in winter talking about baseball and whittling.

The Dude said...

Which is still far more interesting that an actual baseball game.

Cody Jarrett said...

Peter King ‏@SI_PeterKing 3 Dec

Yanks pay $22m a yr for Ellsbury, electric player who, in last 4 yrs, has played 18, 158, 74, 134 games. What a country.

Great signing by the Yankees!

Signed, The Red Sox

The Dude said...

Have spent the day working on sawing down the cherry tree in the front yard. I have no idea how George got it done with such rapidity.

This is one convoluted mofo - branches goin' every which way, two sets of power lines going through the crown, a fence on one side that prevents me from just flopping the whole thing in that direction so I am taking it down one freakin' gnarly branch at a time.

It is not warm outside but I am drenched in sweat from the effort. Better cool off and change clothes before I get chilled. Must not chill. Must always stay just below bubbling over.

Cody Jarrett said...

You're using a Stihl 066 with a 36 inch bar for that, right?


The Dude said...

Today's branch work was done with compound loppers and an 066 with a 32" bar. When I get the limbs off I will fire up the 088 which has a 36" bar.

Among my people we have a saying "Git 'er done". So let it be written, so let it be done.

Cody Jarrett said...

Honest to Pete, Sixty, I know a guy who does tree work that actually takes that exact rig up in the bucket with him.

Arborist saws? For kids and women!

The Dude said...

Holy Schnike - it's gettin' real all up in that bucket. That's a guy I would not want to tangle with.

Most climbers use a one hand saw with a 12" bar - a Stihl 192 or similar saw.

Cody Jarrett said...

Yeah--he's a bit of a loon. More power and all that.

He took it from a guy that owed him money--I guess using it is some kind of pride point or something.

Before he bought the bucket truck he gave pedicures to cows.

The Dude said...

I may have asked this before, but I don't remember the answer:

Was Sixto polydactyl?

The other night I watched a movie entitled "Kind Hearts and Coronets".

Amusing film, then right at the end, it was laugh out loud funny.

Blake, have you ever seen that one?

Cody Jarrett said...

is that the one with alec guinness playing multiple parts?

The Dude said...

It is! Funny ending.

Great line, too "I shot an arrow in the air, she fell to earth in Berkley Square", referring to the suffragette played by Sir Alec in drag.

Very subtle film, a real treat.

Cody Jarrett said...

I had every intention of watching it but disremembered it.

Cody Jarrett said...

It always startles me how much stuff people put out on the innertubez about themselves.

The Dude said...

I know, right. I should shut the fup.

Cody Jarrett said...

LOL. I was specifically thinking about a person who put her profile up on okcupid. I was slightly took me about 15 minutes to have tons of stuff about her--and I'm no Nicola Spinsterelli.

I mean--blog posts, employment, tons of pictures of her kids...all of it.

We also found that she doesn't really look like the pictures she was using on the dating site.


Cody Jarrett said...

You know anything about Autine axes, Sixty?

The Dude said...

I looked 'em up - obviously I know nothing. I have an ax, but don't use it. They seem like really slow chainsaws, just sayin'.

Last time I was at Mt. Vernon I saw the actual ax that George Washington used to cut down the cherry tree.

Sure, they had replaced the handle 3 times and the head twice, but it was the authentic item.

Cody Jarrett said...

For hauling out that old chestnut--you should be ashamed.

Or not. Whatever.

Cody Jarrett said...

It's the idea of 300-500 for an axe. Crazy.

The Dude said...

I think the second handle was chestnut, now that you mention it.

Hey, I was a kid, gimme a break!

But as with all tools, you get what you pay for. Were I an axeman I would expect to spend good money for a high quality tool.

I tend to think of axes as dangerous, so I'll keep sawing down trees next to power lines in the pouring rain. That's much safer.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I don't think there are any Dominicans in Seattle ;)

The rule of Lemnity said...

Sixto Lescano?

Nice setup. they had one video of him hitting a grand slam against the sox.

MamaM said...

OK, Cody Jarrett, I don't know Whose the Winner in the Let's Take A Risk contest, but it seems to me that looking through OKCupid during the holiday season is chancier than sawing down trees next to power lines in the pouring rain.

What the hell were you hoping to find?


Now I get it. I thought you were looking for Christmas Cheer. Was the canister of concupiscent cupidness you were able to find bigger than a breadbox?

Michael Haz said...

Inga uses okcupid these days. Whatchewuptoo Cody??

MamaM said...

And Michael Haz, not saying the inclusion isn't appreciated, but if you're going to go the Men and wimmin route, it's technically Min and Wimmin.

Also a note of thanks, as a result of your post at Lem's about the walk in the snow I just finished the first two chapters of Population:485 by Michael Perry that was noted as being similar to your style and recommended in the comments. So far, it's good reading,.

Cody Jarrett said...

Sometimes I get bored, so I look through okcupid. There's some interesting stuff going on. One girl proudly describes her dungeon, waxes rhapsodic about her ropes and asks if her prospective dates have ever had rape fantasies.

It's all grist for the mill.

People are funny animals. One of my degrees was Anthropology. I watch and chuckle.

Cody Jarrett said...

And Sixty, I own several Gransfors Bruks axes. Beautifully made, Swedish steel. Half the cost of the Autine though.

The Dude said...

Based on CJ's glowing recommendation I signed up for Okcupid, or maybe it was Occupied, I don't think there is much difference, and what do you know - women my age who live around here are all Crack bait *said in the best Miss Teen South Carolina voice* "I believe in crystals and astrology and I am spiritual and have a shaman and and many animal guides and think that being a vegan is good except that I hate murdering vegetables".

Yeah, it's going to be a long cold winter, that's for sure...

Cody Jarrett said...

Which part of what I said was the glowing part?

You sign up for those things for the LULZ. Whatever the hell a LULZ is, I dunno.

It's like reality tv except it's quiet.

Did you read about the girl that got kicked off J-Date for not being a Jew?

It's funny. There are all Jewish sites, all black sites, all Asian and Muslim sites...but when some people started an all white site...this (the quote is from HuffPo)

"White People Meet" is the new dating website where white people can just meet other white people. Wait, that sounds bad. Let's just say it's the perfect place to fall in love with someone who is grappling with their own racism and trying to backpedal before he or she says too many horrible things.

White people are the only group capable of racism. You'd be amazed how often I forget that.

Cody Jarrett said...

It's 5 degrees outside. It hasn't been out of the teens all week. We're supposed to get a foot or more of snow today/tonight.

How flippin' cold can it be in North Carolina? 50?

I'm sure that feels cold to all you thin blooded cracker types. Up here we just grow another layer of body hair.

And I remember watching Swamp Loggers when they got about 3 inches of snow once and had to shut down the operation for 2-3 days because no one could drive in it or stand up in it. Southeners.

Cody Jarrett said...

Sixty, that gentleman who takes the big ass saw up in the bucket--you know how some people rushed out and got tattoos of barbed wire around their arms?

He got a chainsaw chain. Took the chain--off the saw--into the tattoo parlor for reference. Told the artist "if you screw this up I will wrap this around your neck and squeeze."

Interesting fellow.

The Dude said...

I like it! I use .404 RSLF chain and that would make a great tattoo - were I interested in defacing this work of art.

Cody Jarrett said...

And it's not tight around, it's loose like a real chain looped.

blake said...

I should refi. But I have an aversion to paperwork.

(This is also why I haven't had health insurance. It sucks, so bad.)

blake said...

Just sayin'.

Y'all carry on with your lumberjackin'.

Cody Jarrett said...

Same here, blake. I could shave a point or point and a half off if I did.

The Dude said...

Cut that mortgage down to size!

Cody Jarrett said...

Axe or Stihl (even Husky or Junkshed)...sure.

Talking to a drone on the phone and filling out endless forms? Good Lord no.

ricpic said...

You want the sexuality you gotta talk the spirituality.

Just say'n.

Snowed in here. Well, technically not. I mean I could go out on the roads but experience has taught me that at least half the drivers make absolutely no adjustment to the snow in their driving behavior. Same speeding. Same tailgating. So why go out there and risk it all to bring home a Drake's coffee cake? Mmmm...Drake's...nope, not worth the risk...but close.

So I guess Troop's resting. After an operation like that rest's just the ticket. To quote the great WC: "Sleep. Next to drink the most beautiful thing in the world." Or is it the other way round?

MamaM said...

Sleep is good. We're covered with a thick blanket of snow now, with reports of an even thicker blanket being delivered to New York.

Here's a Super Crumb Drake Substitute from one of the wimmins sitting around the stove.

MamaM said...

Ho there! I haven't baked in forever, but now have a crumb cake sitting next to the warming oven. Next on the list of beautiful things after Resting/Sleep, Drink, Sexuality, and Spirituality, is A Good Smell in the Kitchen.

Every year the small uncertain part of me still wonders if Christmas will come, and every year it shows up in myriad of different and unexpected ways. Enough to delight and remind the other part of me to look around with eyes open, and see what gets delivered.

SixtyG, a loopy chainsaw tattoo would probably be enough to ward off the Crack Bait, unless it triggered the 60 Shades of Grey vibe, in which case you'd be home free.

The Dude said...

You might be on to something there, MamaM! But I am almost certain that one conversation would accomplish the same objective at far less cost to me and my skin.

It's been pouring rain here today, my brother, damn almost-Y*nkee that he is, is in a blizzard. Bad storm, for sure. At least I don't have to shovel rain, just sayin'.

I just checked my Occupied profile and found a nice note from an actual communist. Yeah, this is not going to go well, and no, I am not going to date a Ukrainian. Sorry ma'am, and I sure that, as far as commies go, you are a swell (or at least, in places, a swollen) person, but no thanks.

Yeah, I am just that arrogant - no commies for me. Low standards are better than none, just sayin'...

Cody Jarrett said...

Other than Ashville, do they really have actual commies in Norte Harolina?

That's impressive. And yet sad.

The Dude said...

There are thousands of them here. It is astounding. The hills are alive with the sound of the Internationale. The cities are crawling with fellow travelers. The press is nothing but leftists. The university system is all indoctrination, all the time.

Only in the last election cycle did we manage to toss the corrupt democrats out of many state offices. It will be but a brief respite, but I am thankful for it.

The babes around here are without exception communists. I am amazed at how much they hate what our country used to be. Solitude can be a good thing compared to collectivism.

Cody Jarrett said...

Yeppers, pard.

Speaking of which, Thursday all day on TCM is Western day. I forget which movies, other than Red River.

The Dude said...

I just saw on Facebook that my sister made it home safe and sound from her overseas duty. This is good news indeed.

MamaM said...

According to the SonM who is situated at the NC/SC border, it's not just buckets of rain that's pouring down, it's buckets of cold miserable bone chilling 40 degree rain. Which makes me thankful for cover of snow-white snow which at least dazzles and makes everything look less like 60 shades of grey.

If the rain keeps 60G out of the trees and powerlines over in his neck of the woods, maybe it's not such a bust.

And Cody Jarrett. When I visited SonM in Nov. he showed me a carved walking stick he'd bought at a fair from a guy who runs a sawmill in the King's Mountain, NC, area. He thought the guy said it was made from white willow. Best I can find online that comes close is something called Diamond Willow.

Cody Jarrett said...

Salix alba.
White willow.

And that's good news, Sixty.
Or, since you're a big dog on the dating sites now, should we call you Sexty?

MamaM said... sister made it home safe and sound from her overseas duty. This is good news...

That is good. I've had two family members "disappear" in death, meaning they up and died without warning or goodbye. The day started out ok and at the end they were gone. Nowadays when someone I care about shows up again after an long absence, I feel a deep sense of relief, knowing it could just as easily be a different story.

MamaM said...

The Latin I can find, the wood was what I was looking for.

The Dude said...

Only if we can call you Cody Meade. He used to call me some variation of that. I didn't like the implication. Understand it, but Homey don't play dat!

However, leaving that behind, the cold rain does tend to sap one's strength, MamaM. I hope your son is able to stay inside and avoid the worst of it. And I bet diamond willow is the material in question - it has a very distinctive naturally twisted surface. Quite striking, much sought after.

My front yard is flooding. The river will be way up. But I still prefer rain to snow.

The Dude said...

Thanks, MamaM - my family is like Oz - people come and go with astounding rapidity. My father was dead and buried before anyone thought to mention that he was ill.

Both of my older brothers - bam, phone call, gone. Years apart, but no advance notice. One of them made me sad, the other was lucky I hadn't killed him myself.

I was with my mother when she got her final diagnosis, but I cared so little for her that I didn't bother with her condition much after that. I did go to her funeral - saw my oldest brother there for the last time, my next oldest brother skipped the service to loot her house with his hillbilly friend.

Yep, I am glad my sister is home. Her husband and young daughter are, too.

Cody Jarrett said...

Ouch, Sixty.


The Dude said...

Yeah, sorry dude.

Cody Jarrett said...

It's okay. I'll be alright after a couple of ice bags and some aspirin.

I bet I look funny in the morning though.

The Dude said...

I am not a gambling man, but I'll take that bet.

Cody Jarrett said...

Well, how could we really tell anyway after all?

The Dude said...

Pay up!

Cody Jarrett said...

I'll send $5 to Crackers in your name.

MamaM said...

it has a very distinctive naturally twisted surface. Quite striking

I didn't think to look it up in google images. Yes, that's it, Diamond Willow it is.

My dad died when he was 80, after he lost his balance and fell backwards from the top of his basement stairs as he was cleaning out his practice in prep for retirement, He broke his skull on the cement floor below. My mom who'd been standing at the top of the stairs seeing it happen, couldn't understand why an autopsy was necessary. Even though no signs of him being pushed showed up, the likelihood that he was feeling harassed is very great. It was a fast way to go and he was full of years, but he was also the kind of guy who loved life and had said at his birthday party two weeks earlier, that he wouldn't mind another 80 years. He used to drive my mom nuts at Christmas by buying gifts he wanted to give us, along with a special roll of wrapping paper without telling her what he was doing or sharing the paper. To this day, I go looking to buy a roll of special paper each year which lasts until the M-men feel a pressing need to attend to their last minute wrapping and use the whuppers out of it. Oh was that your paper? I thought it looked nice!

The crumb cake turned out tasty, not quite as attractive as the picture, good enough to be considered for Christmas morning fare. Gifts from unexpected places, as Ricpic the New York Grinch inadvertently drops a Almost Drake Crumb Cake down the Whose Chimney!

MamaM said...

Christmas and life stories over at Windbag's place. As he notes, something about the WordPress comment feature is off there right now, so I'm making comment here to say they've been read, with care and prayer extended.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

So what is going to happen today?

ricpic said...

Those Giants cheerleaders are nice looking gals but not impossibly cute like Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders.

Cody Jarrett said...

part of me wants the jints to win just because I hate the seahags more than the jints.

part of me wants the seahags to win because the idea of the jints finishing 500 or worse makes me chuckle.

part of me wants eli to throw 5 interceptions and be sacked 8 times including the final one that knocks him out of the game, just because I really hate the bitter lesbian.

ordinarily I'd root for injuries but rooting for injuries seems like tempting fate slash karma.

so mostly I just have to pretend neither team is playing.

Which is probably what Trooper is doing today.

windbag said...

Thanks, MamaM, I think I've got the comment thing fixed, although I have no idea what happened. I didn't know SonM was in our neck of the woods. He's right, it was pretty awful weather. At least it was contained mostly within one day.

Sixty, sent sunshine your way, but it's only in the 30s, not 50 like they predicted. Probably warmer in your neighborhood. Glad your sister is home safe. I've spoken to my brother exactly once since our mom's funeral. He showed up at my dad's place during the night when we were visiting NY. We were leaving that morning and discovered him out in the front yard in a tent. 7:00 am and he reeked of reefer. We're not a close family.

The Dude said...

Thanks for the kind thoughts, Windy.

My family has never been close, but now that we are down to a few stragglers we try a bit harder to leave the past in the past.

And any brother who didn't share would not be welcome in my front yard, just sayin'!

MamaM said...

We're not a close family.

Well, there's a phrase I can use, windbag, as I've been seeking a neutral response that doesn't open up the whole can of worms when it comes to questions about extended family. There's no clean or easy way to describe the gigantic maw and great divide that exists when addictions and personality disorders rule the roost. One of the positive outcomes over the years for my immediate family has been a lessening of guilt and an increase in healthier function. Less shadows pitching tents in the front yard and sneaking in the back door unannounced.

ndspinelli said...

Wow, I'm picking up a lotta hot stove I missed. Seattle has some young talent but it's like San Diego baseball wise. Except the weather is much better in SD.

Ellsbury is what my old man would call "a ballplayer." Funny how ten years ago Beltran and Pujols played a classic playoff series and Pujols won. He went on to win all the accolades, deservedly so. But, now he's eaten his way out of a career and Beltran is still producing. Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Cody Jarrett said...

What kind of "ballplayer" is Ellsbury?

I like him.

But he's hurt more than he isn't hurt.

ndspinelli said...

Cody, In my old man's world "a ballplayer" was a guy who played hard and smart, knew the game, was unselfish, kept his mouth shut, and came through in the clutch. You didn't have to be a Hall of Famer to be "a ballplayer." And, there are some HOFers who were not "a ballplayer" in his mind. Dave Winfield tops that list.

ndspinelli said...

Cody, In my old man's world "a ballplayer" was a guy who played hard and smart, knew the game, was unselfish, kept his mouth shut, and came through in the clutch. You didn't have to be a Hall of Famer to be "a ballplayer." And, there are some HOFers who were not "a ballplayer" in his mind. Dave Winfield tops that list.

windbag said...

...I've been seeking a neutral response that doesn't open up the whole can of worms...

It works because the emotion is removed. People can read into that whatever they want...they will anyway, regardless of what explanation you might attach to it.