Taking Jason's suggestion we will be picking our favorite singer. But not based on her singing ability.
But rather on who has the nastiest, smelliest, dirtiest, hairiest, worst cootch.
The vage of your nightmares.
Your candidates:
Mariah (Derek why don't you return my calls) Carey
Melanie (I never shaved and I never will, I love Oscar Gamble) the hippie chick.
Madonna ( the whore)
Whitney (Bobby where's my crack at) Houston
Amy ( left back in a class by herself) Winehouse
I'm voting for Amy.
Glad to see Trooper is making an effort to reach out to his female readership.
The thing you've gotta understant is they all wanna be loved, the poor dears.
Hey I gotta be me.
Plus all these ladies lend themselves to continuing series.
They almost write themselves.
And all the women who post here get the joke.
We weeded out the wet blankets a long time ago.
So, this is sort of like my pick an STD poll?
I'm voting for the one who has done the most damage to herself and to others.
Where's Lady Gaga? She would certanly be the favorite of middle-age slightly paunchy libertarian-leaning mostly conservative non-Obama voting males (that is, if recent comments on a blogger lady post are representative).
So Amy it is.
Proof that Madonna actually posed for this.
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