Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sometimes we cry!


rcommal said...

Ditto, and ditto, of what I said in my comment on your just previous post.

Also, just...ditto, though I suspect you're way up more against "it," whatever "it" is or "its" [in the sense of a plural, not of the standard possessive] are, than I at present.

Please take care of yourself.


rcommal said...

Remember this, dear Troop. It's important so to do. xxoo

Anonymous said...

Whatever it is, remember, this too shall pass, may hurt like a kidney stone though.

The Dude said...

Jesus, what a powerful song. I have been listening to Van Morrison for almost 50 years now and I had never heard that one before.

Thank you for posting it, Troop. Hope everything is okay up your way.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Doesn't Van Morrison look like Christopher Hitchens a little in that video?

Just imagining Hitchens singing Christo-centric lyrics like that makes me smile and pray for his immortal soul.