Thursday, June 27, 2013

Gratiuitous Bathtub Scene: RH Hardin is having a party!

To celebrate the same sex marriage victory, RH Hardin decided to have a pool party. Since he doesn't have a pool he had all his babes hang out in his bathtub.

There was a whole lot of clucking going on.


chickelit said...

You freak me out, Trooper York.

The Dude said...

And when it comes to chicks in bathtubs I much prefer when the picture is of Darcy, just sayin'...

Michael Haz said...

Well, I'm done as a reader and commentator over at Miss Stompy Foot's blog.

The ugly face of fascism has finally shown through her gauzey mask of feigned decency.

Coexist? Hah! That's an inside joke between liberals.

The Dude said...

It's been a year and a half since I commented there. It is tempting to post some mean-spirited rant from time to time, but so far I have resisted that temptation.

She is too drunk and liberal to learn and her weedeater Mr. Greenjeans would just delete anything I wrote anyway, so usually I just think of better ways to spend my time.

Like commenting here. This is better, right?

chickelit said...

Like commenting here. This is better, right?

Sixty, I feel like we are the closeted bigots now. Troop should nickname this blog "Lee Lee's Closet." We are the skeletons, the bare bones as it were.

The Dude said...

Oh, the ways I could respond, Mr. Raylan, but in this day and age, when we have a president who listens, the less said the better.

chickelit said...

Althouse really transformed into ritmo in the last 24 hours: the overweening pride; the sheer arrogance that "I'm always right and you're always wrong." I hope she triples and quadruples down and then falls flat.

@Ritmo, if you're reading this (and I know you do read here), Althouse just one-upped you and therefore deserves the voice of Churchill, much as I reassigned the "Inga Zone" The Althouse Zone. Inga now mostly deserves to be ignored, though I have one more song in the can for her. I think I'll give you the WS Buckley voice I had assigned to Simon.

chickelit said...

WF not WS

chickelit said...

OTOH, my Buckley and Burroughs' voices are kinda the same and thus the typo was apt.

The Dude said...

W. S. Buckley, author of God and Man have Naked Lunch.

chickelit said...

I could arrange a reading of Burroughs in an Buckley way!

chickelit said...

Call it Versa Vice.

MamaM said...

There was a whole lot of clucking going on.

'Twas the crowing that drowned the clucking in that tub.

It appears as of "Cock-a-doodle doo", which is more about proclaiming territory than conversing, has replaced "Moooo" as the endorsed and preferred means of communication.

chickelit said...

I penned the lyrics to this over a year ago and finally found a catchy melody: Inga-Gotta-Divide-Us

chickelit said...

Mercifully, it's the truncated version.

MamaM said...

Part of what makes me laugh when I hear these things, El Pollo, goes back to my memories of fooling around with my dad's reel to reel tape player and later the cassette recorders he used for his practice. We had a good time making up stories and trying out different voices, so I tap into that memory of fun when I hear and imagine you to be having similarly good time putting these together.

Truncated or not, it's mondegreen all around when it comes to that particular Garden of Good and Evil.

From mondegreen to this on homo and hetro

chickelit said...

This is the Althouse I heard yesterday: chirbit

I need to work on my John (Alt)houseman voice. A pedantic scold will do. The first rant is hers; my flourish is at the end.

MamaM said...

Another mess of Feathers 'n' Hot Wax over there.

The ending to that one was particularly punchy and fine. A good wind up and delivery, El Pollo!

The Dude said...

That is her brain on box wine.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Like commenting here. This is better, right?

You know she hates that there is this place hat she can't go.

The Dude said...

It is probably safe to assume that everything written here gets back to she-who-is-always-tanked.

Nah - that's just crazy talk - anyone who believes that would believe that the government would spy on all of its citizens, target its political opponents and endeavor to destroy its financial well being. And that would never happen.

Michael Haz said...

I'm glad that we've got this place.

I've started reading The Anchoress and Tavernkeepers blogs rather than TOP.

chickelit said...

It is probably safe to assume that everything written here gets back to she-who-is-always-tanked.

I think that is likely true (the part about stuff getting back to her) and also that Titus has proved it with remarks on Althouse. But I feel freer to speak my mind. Trooper's bully pulpit is different the Althouse's bully pulpit is. Althouse aligns with the future as she perceives it; I align with the past that has endured. That may seem foolish, but the future is hard to predict and I don't pretend to have a crystal ball as she does.

TTBurnett said...

I fail to see how Althouse aligns with the future, being, as she obviously is, among the Living Dead.

OTOH, there have been all these predictions about a future Zombie Apocalypse, which may be what she's preparing for. Only this time, she won't be on the side weakly moaning, "Help! Police!" The reason she was so out of it on that occasion was all the sunlight. They had to get her back in her coffin before more damage ensued.

chickelit said...

Tim, To clarify, Althouse aligns with what she perceives the future to be -- probably gleaned from her personal influences -- not necessarily what the future is. I don't pretend to know the future. If I tried to apply some chemical logic used to predict outcomes, I'd say: downhill.

Althouse tends to mock traditional influences rooted in the past to the extent that she can get away with it. She has to, to keep what she perceives as a having a halfway hipster audience (I wonder just how many under 30 people actually read her).

Lately, I see the rejuvenated hippy in Althouse, all too happy at age 60+ to continue tearing down walls and barricades, at least in the battle of words. But no one should pretend to know what she really thinks, alone, at night, listening to Meade snore.

chickelit said...

I've started reading The Anchoress and Tavernkeepers blogs rather than TOP.

I too like the Anchoress. I've never heard of Tavernkeepers.

chickelit said...

Althouse lives in an alternative reality where only white people discriminate.

I related an anecdote on Twitter how when I took my son to register for high school, the leader of a small pack of young men looked at my son and said "Are you German?" (my son inherited his grandfather's blue eyes and his mother's blond hair). The school is predominantly hispanic and blonds stand out like a sore thumb. Nowadays, he keeps his hair short according to Jr ROTC standards. Nobody goes after ROTC kids at that high school. He's also bigger and stronger than most other young men.

I wonder if Althouse has ever seen anything like that in Madison.

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Dude said...

At market today a woman wandered into my booth and started complaining that the group of students she had with her did not understand that they were seeing handmade objects.

I said "Well, maybe they don't make things themselves, therefore don't understand what is involved in making things".

She said I was prejudiced and a bigot - that young people in Asia make things.

Impressive leap, woman, I meant perhaps they don't have shop classes over there. I know they make iPhones and the like. Sheesh! take a chill pill, you cracker hater.

Then one of her students stepped up - says I "Where you from?"

"Kyoto" says he.

"Kyoto" I repeated, using my best Japanese accent.

Pointing at myself I said "I have been to Tokyo and Nikko."



The woman then picks up a bowl I had finished yesterday and says "See how light this is?", meaning it doesn't weigh much and trying to change the subject.

"Light" he repeats.

"Karina" says I.


At this point the woman is dumbfounded - the stupid hillbilly she was just castigating as being a bigot knows Japanese.

In reality, that is probably the only word of Japanese I know, I just got lucky that is was appropriate for the conversation.

Before leaving the guy said "Your Japanese is very good". Well, I do pay attention, and after spending some time in Japan and working with a good friend from Kyushu, I like to think that I have picked up a bit of the speech patterns and intonation. Anyone can do a Colonel Saito imitation after watching BotRK a couple of times.

"Thank you kindly, but it is no match for your English skills." Now go smack that stupid teacher of yours for being unable to teach you anything of American culture. She stupid!

Obviously, I didn't say any of that last part, no reason to pick on the weak of mind.

That's the kind of thing I do for fun at the market - confound oikophobes. I think of it as good times...

But we were talking about the paleface and her unfamiliarity with any not of her pasty tribe. Thank goodness I live in the south and not amongst the cheesy commies up north.

chickelit said...

Nice job of shaming the shammer, sixty.

MamaM said...

Not only are there hillbillies who know how to make things themselves, there's a few who are also great storytellers.

Even though the woman's cheeze may be too petrified to be movable, the click and exchange the student experienced is priceless.

chickelit said...

Even though the woman's cheeze may be too petrified to be movable

Käse möblierte = furnished cheese

The Dude said...

Thanks, Bruce, and MamaM, you are too kind. I was just lucky that the student wasn't from China or Korea - my story would have been very different had he not been from Japan.

Now back to listenin' to bluegrass and sippin' on that ol' jug o' moonshine...

MamaM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MamaM said...

When it comes to kindness, part of me sometimes wonders if the grit measurement is low enough and the particle diameter high enough, and the other part wonders if "Chamois" might serve as an alternate tag!

I visited/toured Japan in the early 80's and while in Tokyo, stayed at the Akasaka Prince, a new hotel with a mostly all white interior, like a blank canvas, on which the people themselves served as the decoration and ornamentation. I remembered it as beautiful and elegant place and was surprised to find had been completely demolished with a new hotel underway to replace it. The way they managed the demolition is interesting, because they lowered the hotel from the top down, effectively saving face and preserving a look of completeness while the destruction was underway.

The lowering in progress.

And how it was done

The Dude said...

Sham-Wow, baby!

I read about that demolition when it was taking place. I think I only went to Akasaka once, back in '82. I was on a Diet. Har har...

When I went to Tokyo in '96 I stayed in the Tokyo Hilton. I avoid the Paris Hilton.

MamaM said...

Dammit! I missed EP's shammer the first time around, and then was so pleased to find an agile goat behind the chamois, I forgot about sham-wow.

As for diet: Eat mor wurms, SixtyG, and Go Fish!