Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I started reading "Taken for Granted."

It is really good. The only thing there is one really unbelievable scene.

It seems the heroine meets this old fat private investigator and decides to have wild kinky sex with him. The unbelievable thing is that the guy is so fat he couldn't see his penis. I mean really?


ndspinelli said...

Thanks, TY..I guess. Again, there's a PI in the sequel. He's hung like a horse.

Trooper York said...

Well I guess Shetland ponies are technically horses.

ndspinelli said...

Aaron Hernandez is the prohibitive favorite for the annual Lawrence Taylor Humanitarian Award. Inmates love when the get a new tight end on their cell block.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

That Tebow pick makes a lot of sense.

Michael Haz said...

Hey Trooper, your work at TOP makes you a True Defender Of The Faith. Well done, well done.

ricpic said...

Who's ready for Fall?

Here's a poem by Yeats that addresses the very subject:

The Wheel

Through winter-time we call on spring,
And through spring on summer call,
And when abounding hedges ring
Declare that winter's best of all;
And after that there's nothing good
Because the spring-time has not come --
Nor know that what disturbs our blood
Is but our longing for the tomb.

Well, I know your first reaction is "Speak for yourself, Yeats." But in your heart of hearts...