Thursday, June 6, 2013

It was a tough day yesterday.

So it has been a really tough couple of days. We get a call yesterday from the store...the phones are not working! Now that is bad enough but when the phone line doesn't work....the credit card machine doesn't work. So I can't make any money.

We immediately contacted Verizon and they bullshitted us that it was a problem with the store. That we had to pull out the jacks to "reset' it and it should be fine. Well we did and nothing changed. Five calls later we found out that it wasn't just our was a whole area where a junction box got fried. They said it will not be fixed until Friday night around seven o'clock. That means I am without a credit card machine from Wednesday morning till Friday night. How about them apples?

We cobbled together a temporary band aid. As each customer came in we sold them the goods through our website. Of course I had to refund the shipping but what are you gonna do?

We were so pissed we decided to go to Marco Polo for a cocktail for the first time in a while as we had still been sick. The joint was empty for some reason. I guess it was a combination of being a beautiful night and that it was Wednesday. Anyway we decided to sit with Tony at the bar.

It was time to try something different so we went with the taste of mango which was run with crushed mango and mint and some peach bitters. It was tasty but not enough of a kick for me so I went with a different drink on the next round. We kept it light with a baked ricotta in a tomato gazpacho with cumcumber and  a plate of mozzarella in carozza. Then salads. Caesar salad for Lisa and an arugla and fried peaches for me.

We just needed to chill out.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Was their credit card machine in the fritz? Or did you just pay cash and avoid that?

Good food and drinks do help in moments of personal stress.

The Dude said...

Switching to an all cash business might be good, especially if you are a Verizon customer.

MamaM said...

Sounds like something more multi-faceted, like a prism, is in order, to increase latent capabilities.

The Dude said...

Someone should be in prism for spying on us, but instead, anyone who complains will likely be diffracted.

Trooper York said...

I always pay cash in a restaurant.

They are the number one venue for identity theft.