Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sometimes you know the game they are playing but you don't want to be part of it!

I mean it gets kind of old. You want to state clearly what you want to say though. I can understand how some people get tired of the same old bullshit. They want to change it up and do something different.

Nothing wrong with that.


The Dude said...

Is this another Y*nkees post?

chickelit said...

I think it's about Joe Pesce

The Dude said...


MamaM said...

Meanwhile the tape playing on the 8'track behind the card table has Golden Gord singing about Sundown and how he feels like he's winning when he's losing again.

Rather than straight fish, might I suggest the game underway seems more like Old Maid where the goal involves isolating and ditching undesirable cards, gloating over one's ability to do so and condemning the one who's stuck with the bad card as loser.

The 18th century ancestor of Hearts was called Reverse, because in this card game, you want to lose certain tricks rather than win them

ndspinelli said...

There is a new bio written under an alias. It's titled Confessions of a Sociopath. The author is a woman and a law professor!!!!

ricpic said...

I love Gin Rummy but I could never get the hang of Pinochle. I can still remember as a kid standing near the table where the men were playing Pinochle and the guy who won the round or whatever you call it would SLAM his cards down on the table. I mean SLAM! Scared the heck outta me. Cured me of any interest. Instantly. I also never climbed Everest.

chickelit said...

The might be playing euchre which is another one of those card games with a funny spelling.

MamaM said...

I mean SLAM! Scared the heck outta me... I also never climbed Everest.

Yeah, but... you know how to throw Yeats into the TY soup to mark a solstice and bring on fall considerations. That counts for something close to disturbing.

I was never good at gin rummy, too much patience and set up required. Our family went for a version of group solitaire, with everyone playing their own deck and aces going into the middle for all to use in a flipping fast free for all. Lots of trash talk involved to slow or confuse the others and keep the adrenaline flowing. Don't ask me what came first the ADD or the family devotion to chaos. I can no long play with more than three, or I lose my marbles. It's glorious though, when all the hands work out to a finish.

Our current game is Carcassone-a German engineered board game so confusing and involved, it's impossible to know who won until the end. Lots of action but less room for gloating as something is always happening.

windbag said...

I majored in euchre back in college.

The Dude said...

Never take a rake to a gunfight, just sayin'...

blake said...

Out of the loop. No clue.

And that's okay.

chickelit said...

lake said...
Out of the loop. No clue.

Euchre never made it west to California. You are forgiven. But Darcy is really good at it , so you should learn.

MamaM said...

It is the game responsible for introducing the joker into modern packs...

chickelit said...

It is the game responsible for introducing the joker into modern packs...

That's odd because I don't ever recall using jokers in euchre. There may be another version of it that I don't know. In Euchre, the jacks (bauers) rule.

chickelit said...

In the games they play at TOP, jokers are trump.

rcocean said...

Been reading the comments, and still have no clue.

But then I never did.

Carry on.

MamaM said...

The joker, however, did not appear until sometime around the 1860s. At that time, the game of euchre was extremely popular (it was later unseated by bridge). In euchre, under the British rules, there is a card known as the Imperial Bower (or Best Bower) that trumps all others. Decks of cards began to include a special Imperial Bower card, and it later morphed into the joker card that we know today.

The "Best Bower" was invented for use in the game of Euchre in which two of the Jacks are named Right and Left Bower; this happened during the 1860s in the USA. "Bower" is a corruption of the German word "Bauer" used in Alsace, from where Euchre or Juker originated as the ordinary word for "Jack." This card evolved into the Joker during the 1870s. The Joker arrived in Europe in the 1880s along with the game of Poker. It was gradually incorporated into French-suited packs with 52 cards.

That's if the computer links can be believed. My paper version, Scarne's Encyclopedia of Games, entitles the chapter, "The Big Euchre Family", which amuses me. Every big dysfunctional family of trump shouting jokers needs a true joker, a single dedicated card willing to throw cursive at the dumbbells and those wielding pitchforks and scythes.

I think, El Pollo, you've got the blustery old juggler touting his rythym and balls as if he's got something more than mouth and fancy talk about, confused with a true jester, a genuine joker who completes the deck.

On that subject, SonM just presented me with this video True Facts about the Mantis Shrimp. The voice reminded me of your chirbits. If you could put together something like that for young chemistry students, you'd be the next Mr Frizzle!

MamaM said...

"Basically it sucks to be the mantis shrimp's roommate--there's just way too much of the punching"!

The Dude said...

Must be front row!

The Dude said...

Little psycho bastards! Crawlin' around seein' color and stuff. They need to be punched just for that!

The Dude said...

The speech bubble in that cartoon could just as easily read "Go people" as we don't know whether the word fish is singular or plural.

Is this thing on?

I'll be here all week...

MamaM said...

Is this thing on? Of course it is. Even when the sea is calm life is moving under the surface. At great depths, ancient creatures swim along the ocean floor.

Going beyond "that's gossip" and possible rumor to a confirmed sighting befitting this Fish and Game Thread, Sixty's old bud Carol Herman, has resurfaced, floating up as it were from 900 ft down under to haunt LegalInsurrection, where EBL met her today and managed to give her a Cow Lick.

Bissage should be so lucky.

MamaM said...

Not only a solid Rockfish appearance, but a trip down memory lane, with a special 4th of July link to Althouse 2011 provided, where Trooper York put out the roster for his All Star House Baseball team and the departed Fred4Pres aimed at the target and reeled in the line with this:

I hear Carol rubs two pieces of fire together to make wood.

Carol won the world series of poker using Pokemon cards.

Carol can make telephone calls with her ipod.

If Carol Herman dreams of killing you, you die in real life.

Area 51 is where Carol Herman stores her lawn mower.

Almost as good a cow lick!

windbag said...

That's too bad to hear about Legal Insurrection. I don't hit the comments there very often anymore, so I hadn't noticed. I don't know how Professor Jacobson has managed to avoid the squabbling most blogs generate; his commenters are mostly decent. I find I visit blogs less and less. Perhaps the novelty has worn off?

MamaM said...

I don't know where to get news anymore, windbag. I rarely watch TV news. Up until 10 years ago, magazines, newspapers, books and people were my primary sources of news and information and now it mostly arrives in bits and pieces through the internet, google and blogs.

LegalInsurrection has been providing all the video links for the Zimmerman trial (the posts where CarolH has been showing up) which I appreciate because I can watch them and make my own determination of what I'm seeing before I read the commentary. The tone in the comments over there has been civil, with good information provided.

The Dude said...

MamaM - thanks for that heads up - those comments made me laugh. Fred was a funny guy. Wonder who he is now.

Trooper wrote:
"Sictygrit is Enos Country Slaughter."

Of course Enos was from up north in Roxboro, but other than that he seems like a regular sort of guy.

And while I read LI, I hadn't noticed CH over there. Maybe that's a good thing.

That was an interesting comment thread at TOP - I deleted my comments a long time ago - Sippican Cottage showed the way - but some of them were quoted in other comments. Fascinating bit of history there.

Shouting Thomas - a guy so thick he thinks Paul Butterfield was a good harmonica player.

Herman Carol - succinct.

What a time capsule of old time comments and commenters.

Where have you gone, Ricky Branch, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

windbag said...

@MamaM, I'm losing interest in current events anyway, in my slide into fatalism. Had a disturbing weekend with my bro-in-law a few weeks back. He's a smart guy. Programmer for a very wealthy company. He was more conservative than I was in his 20s (if that's possible). He got me reading National Review back in the 90s. Anyhow, he's not a liberal, but he has some downright awful ideas.

He thinks the Chik-fil-A guy doesn't have a right to speak his mind. He doesn't think Murdoch ought to be able to purchase any newspaper he wishes. Goofy stuff. He's not stupid. What explains it?


Somehow, seemingly intelligent, thoughtful people have bought into the idea that whites are guilty because they're white, America is the Great Satan, conservatives are knuckle-dragging cavemen who hate gays, women, and science, and all the other crap that Huffington Post et al. push.

This is a guy who, when his kid willfully disobeyed him, threatened to put his toy in time out. He knows better than that. He was raised better than that.

So, what difference does it make if I can recite the events of the day with sterling analysis and witty solutions? Who's listening at this point? Nobody. I've realized that being the most informed on current events does nothing for me at parties and when we have guests for dinner.

So, I still scan the headlines, knowing that they are misleading at best, but I don't probe much beyond them.

The life of a hermit is becoming attractive.

windbag said...

BTW, 176 days until Christmas. Cheers.

The Dude said...

Here is to hermitism - a wise choice in difficult times. Stay home, work, be creative, lock and load.

My brother is supposed to visit this weekend - we'll be doin' some work, drinkin' some whiskey, maybe smoke a stogie, who knows. I'd like to go to the range and punch some holes in paper but with ammo being so scarce I don't want think I have enough to spare. Could be silly thinkin', but why take chances - it'll keep just fine.

Michael Haz said...
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ndspinelli said...

Haz, We all need respites.