Sunday, March 30, 2014

Happy Birthday Chickie

It seems our good friend and primo commenter Chickenlittle/El Pollo Raylan  has a birthday.

Happy Birthday buddy!

I hope you have a happy and prosperous year!


The rule of Lemnity said...


Happy Birthday Chickl.

ndspinelli said...

Happy Birthday you practical jokester!

windbag said...

happy, happy.

MamaM said...

Remembering when he was also chickelit! (Remembering is a great word, from Latin re- + Late Latin memorari to be mindful of, from Latin memor mindful)

And celebrating his birthday and being with a mindfulness which reflects and honors his own.

Happy Birthday to a mind full person, a great brain, a fun and thoughtful commenter, and a good man!

chickelit said...

Thanks you guys.

I was working a lot the past 24 hrs and missed much. I came home this afternoon and took a 3 hour nap. I woke up and my daughter had made a cake so there was that. I gave everybody kisses and hugs.

Same to youse.

P.S. Tomorrow is blake's birthday. There is this weird end-of-March cluster of birthdays: Meade 29th, me 30th, blake the 31st.

chickelit said...

Darcy keeps all the birthdays straight and in order.

ndspinelli said...

Fuck Meade! Happy birthday to blake, it's the 31st now in the east. Having your daughter make a cake for you is the best present one could get.

chickelit said...

Thank you, MamaM, for your constant thoughtfulness and honesty.

Michael Haz said...

Hey, happy birthday Chick and Blake! I appreciate you both, and wish you many more years on planet earth.

Aridog said...

Happy Birthday Chick. You are worth the praise every time...I enjoy your presence.

As for "Meade 29th," ...fuck him where he eats, twice. That phony spiteful little snot is not worth mention...he wasn't born, he was shat. Big talker about money, but not one who has any. Except for his keeper.

Darcy said...

Darcy keeps all the birthdays straight and in order.

She tries. Two of my most favorite guys in the world having birthdays a day apart makes it easier. +)

Hope you had a nice one, Bruce.

And happy birthday, blake!

Darcy said...

+) ??

=) !!

ndspinelli said...

+) is a cross eyed smile, appropriate for these gents.

Darcy said...

Hehe, Nick.

Just a reminder: I am going to be in Chicago on the 12th and 13th if anyone is in that area on those dates, I would love to meet up.

ndspinelli said...

I'll be in the vicinity of the Grand Canyon. There are many good restaurants for carbo loading. All of the Rosebud chain, as is Tufano's.