Monday, March 3, 2014

Reason 895 why I should move out of Brooklyn

We had to go to the store today on our day off because we were getting big deliveries. I have the UPS guy trained to call me when this happens. If I miss the delivery it goes back in the system and gets tossed around and half the time it gets fucked up. It is easier all around to just go to the store and get it and give the guy a tip so I can my stuff before it gets squashed in the sorter.

Anyway we get the stuff and start to walk home and who do we meet in front of the coffee shop? Agent Van Allen. You will remember when he stopped by the store to buy a scarf a couple of months ago. Well he has updated his look since then.

That day he looked like a homeless person. Sweatpants under shorts with a hoodie in freezing cold weather. If anything it is even colder today. He was wearing a flimsy coat with no buttons and Chuck Taylor All Stars with no laces. Oh and he had a huge motorcycle chain around his neck. You the ones that you use to stop people from stealing your motorcycle. Oh and he dyed his hair Marilyn Monroe blond.

Now you know me. I am a friendly guy. So I go "How you doing Mike?"  He replied "grunting something undecipherable." "Yeah Dude I bet I am going to see you on the Oscars next year." "More muttering nonsense that I can't hear." Under my breath "In the "In Memoriam" Section with Betty White and Jared Leto." "WHAT?" "Good luck buddy see you around."

I gotta get out of here. I can't keep running into crazy famous people. I would rather run into run of the mill crazy people like Sixty Grit or Icepick. Crazy famous people just have too much of a sense of entitlement.


The Dude said...

Hey, fuck you, my sense of entitlement has no bounds. My privilege has no color. My attitude - damn, boy, it's higher than your altitude!

But that was a good line.

I was just watching A Midsummer Night's Dream, the 1935 version, with all those Hollywood sorts in it. Very nice. It's good to see Mendelssohn's music played in the setting it was written for.

Of course I check IMDb to see who is playing which role, and what do you know - Mickey Rooney is Puck/Robin.

He was born in 1920.

Next time actors start dying in clumps, he needs to, as Peter Dinklage was told, stay low.

Yeah, I went there.

Billy Barty was in Midsummer etc., too, speaking of little people.

MamaM said...

First thought, upon seeing this post come up, was that Chip Ahoy had stopped by for a cheerful visit. Perhaps to bring you a card. Then I read the story.

The Dude said...

MamaM - you are somewhere safe - good job.

It was 75 or so here yesterday, today 25 and the sleet has accumulated.

Come on warmth!

MamaM said...

Yes! I wrote about that front over in the Spring Haiku and Curses from ricpic section! While I'm glad to be safely through that stuff and home, I'm sorry it's now hitting your area with its icy blow!

The book I listened to on the way back was The Cat Dancers, by PTDeuterman, with some of the doings taking place in the North Carolina/TriState area, along with talk of mountain lions in the Smokey Mountain National Park and and it ate up the miles.

TTBurnett said...

Hey, you could move to Oakland!

chickelit said...

re: Tim's link:

Thank goodness Oceanside hasn't yet gentrified. There's really no reason why our ass-kicking Marines would be displaced by hordes of pansies.

ricpic said...

You better think hard and I mean HARD before moving. You've got, I'm guessing, a wonderful old building on a beautiful classic Brooklyn block that you won't be able to replicate anywhere else and incredible amenities right at hand that again you won't find elsewhere. So you have to put up with an invasion of hippies. Obnoxious? I'm sure. But not violent. Most of all you're HOME even if home ain't exactly what it was. I mean I don't see you as the type whose gonna get much outta staring at nature or feeding the boids. But whattaIknow.