Saturday, March 8, 2014

I think chickie is right.

I know that there is some speculation that the denizens of Mordor have a window into what we are doing here. Chickie has long said that he things that they have someone reporting back to the Lidless Eye. But it can be a two way street.

I have a lurker who sends me emails about what is going on over there. This is from the latest report today:

"You are not going to believe it Jim. There are posts referencing pacemakers, fat guys, Japan, Fashion in Japan and baseball. Now not all of the them are digs at you but some of them must be."

I have been strong lately as I have not been over there or at Cracks for more than a month. I want to keep that up. I have been very busy lately and don't have enough time to keep up with my own blog so I don't care about what goes on there. Dropping comments at Lem's is enough for me. Especially  when Chickie and Michael Haz and Lem put up great threads as they have done lately. So it's all good.

But you have to laugh.


chickelit said...

I noticed she put up a post about a canal after I mentioned another canal in a comment on a Chip Ahoy post. But these things could be coincidence. Best not to think too conspiratorial.

The Dude said...
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The Dude said...

It just dawned on me that Troop's western stories are all a lead up to the finale - The Shootout at the Ofay Corral.

chickelit said...

You're a straight astuter, Sixty

ndspinelli said...

They don't even know how to bust balls very well.

chickelit said...

Busting balls = "mansplaining"

It's frowned upon.

blake said...

Speaking of attachment issues...

Trooper York said...



Trooper York said...

I don't know if they are doing it purposely but it is quite amusing.

I would imagine that joint has been leeched of all of the creativity when people like Theo Boehm, Palladian, Chip Ahoy and dare I say modestly Trooper York are no longer posting at Mordor.

The Dude said...

Yeah, your modesty is your best attribute. That and your humbleness. Humble and modest. Yep. One big gigantic heaping helping of humble modesty.

Did I leave steaming off that list?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Well thanks Trooper.

The Yanks still suck btw ;)

Trooper York said...

The Yankees looked good beating the Astros today. Mark Teixeira hit a dinger and a couple of the kids looked pretty good.

It was unseasonably warm today and listening to the game on the radio made me feel good today.

Michael Haz said...

I don't stroll over there very much anymore. Last interesting I saw was a zinger from Titus asserting that he know AA had been offered a lawprof position elsewhere and that UW threw some dollars at her to stay there.

Now that is fodder for a recall election.

Michael Haz said...

Malaysian Airlines pilot: Cap. Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

First officer: Fariq Ab.Hamid.

Two unnamed passengers on board w/stolen passports.

I suspect the crash was not weather related.

The Dude said...

Hey, it's Malaysia - that's a muslim country. It will be interesting to see what they can dredge up.

TTBurnett said...

Troop, my alter ego thanks you, although "creativity" may be too strong a word. I'd say more "desperation."

Aridog said...

I have no problem staying off TOP. It is like once described here, a place where wombats can bite you and you go all insipid and into yourself. That's not healthy.

Which brings me to why I took temporary leave of Lem's place. Not because of Lem. Not even because of Ritmo as Troop suggested, although his blather is more about him than anyone in real life. I over estimated him. My bad.

Nope, my reason for the hike was Phx's hi-jacking the Irena Sendler thread by Haz. See my comment at March 7, 2014 at 11:23 PM.

See, to me, Irena Sendler is an example of the kind of courage required to do the right thing when you can with full knowledge it can and likely will get you killed. That's the story of Marcus Luttrell and his team as well. I've known many people with this kind of courage, and not just men in combat. I doubt I could measure up.

Damn sure Al Gore and his scam doesn't.

At that point I realized I was going round the bend, letting anger rule me over nothing. I will add a couple more names to my ignore list and be fine.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

She is frustrated when she has to get in line with all the other bitches in the neighborhood.

Aridog said...

Troop mentioned Paladian. Has anyone heard from him lately? I've kept up an email connection with Evan, however he's been very quiet lately. I really like the guy so concern is creeping in to my thoughts. I know a few true artists and I am aware periodic solitude isn't unusual. I think the ball is back in my court by default and I'll write to find out whaz-zup.

The Dude said...

Yeah, phx is a vile piece of work. It makes me sad that Troop let that thing in here. Total breach of security and trust.

Add phx to my list of assholes who are ratting out this joint.

Michael Haz said...

Aridog - I hope you also post this on the Sendler thread.

Trooper York said...

I hear what you are saying Sixty but I kind of let people earn the right to be banned.

I don't think phx is the tattletale. He couldn't be because he wasn't here until recently.

I always feel the response to fucked up speech is more speech. Clear and unambiguous speech without shading for political correctness. When it becomes abusive like Titus and Inga or repetitive nonsense like Crack then it is time to delete. But I try to give everybody a chance.

The Dude said...

As I say, your blog, your rules, my Caucasoidal bro.

Now get your ofay self back to writin', or I will use strong language - language more suited to Dirty Harry than a refined Southern gentleman.

Aridog said...

Troop also mentioned "Crack." Did anyone else here receive an email from him like I did asking me not to believe what others say about him, including what he says about himself. WTF?

I know Freeman Hunt got an email like mine due to her(?) post about Bryan Stevenson, etc. That was a link in the email I got.

I've said nothing one way or another. I've kept up a connection when it seemed important to do so. Not so much lately. Last time I heard from him he said he'd get back to me as soon as he was done moving...never heard another word about where. Just the email I cite above. Now that he's back on TOP, not likely in the near future either unless necessary for reasons unrelated to TOP or LSL.

I am really beginning to think I need to re-think my basic human relations philosophy...e.g., everyone gets rated at 50% on a good/bad scale upon first meeting. In other words, neutral. They can go up or down from there, based upon their actions, not so much their words. I now question if that is the ultimate in naiveté'.

It has served me well in places half a world away under dire circumstance...and it may just be 100% wrong headed.


The Dude said...

As the old saying goes "Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

Yeah, that's a bit much, but I think the basic philosophy is sound.

Aridog said...

Haz...okay, I will post something there along these lines....oh, wait, no I won't, I said I was on hiatus at Lem's and I meant it. The subject (Gore vs Sendler) just pisses me off way too much.

Besides anyone who doesn't "get it" will never get it...and very likely has never been in a situation where it was life or death. There are others here who have seen far worse than me. For is cheap. It's not a sin to not have the experience...but to mock it is one.

Troop...Phx is not someone I'd say ban. He/she won't mind a bit that I ignore ... I have Sixty to take shots for me :-)) ...and Sixty is better at it to boot!

Yeah, I can be a punk that way...better I STFU at times is all it means.

chickelit said...

Aridog said...
Troop also mentioned "Crack." Did anyone else here receive an email from him like I did asking me not to believe what others say about him, including what he says about himself. WTF?

I'm not on Crack's mailing list. But anyone who writes someone and advises them not to believe what he says about himself should be outed as a phony. I'm still not seeing what his admirers see and I smell a Meadehouse/Freeman Hunt/Crack collusion.

Aridog said...

Tattletale? Damn...for myself, I do NOT care who says what about anything I say. I will say exactly, to the letter, the same thing face to face and anyone who has met me knows that. I seriously doubt Trooper York is any different.

I will listen to an opinion that differs from mine. I will change my opinion if the argument is sound. Just don't make mockery of life & death mother fucker if you've never faced it up close and personal. You are blessed. I know others who are just buried.

Trooper York said...

I am not worried about what I say Ari. But some people talk more freely here than they do in other venues. They may reveal more personal stuff here and know that we will not allow people to abuse them with it.

I would give you an example of something that happened at TOP. I believe Garage Mahal revealed he had a daughter with health issues and some people hammered him about it and used his kid to score points on him. If that happened here I would squash those people like a bug. Sanctioned with extreme prejudice as they say. So you know that you can be yourself without fear. So Sixty can talk about his love of show tunes and Nick Spinelli can wax lyrically about how he likes to cross dress at the beach in San Diego and we don't think any less of them for it.

That's what the Trooper York blog is all about.

chickelit said...

...and Nick Spinelli can wax lyrically about how he likes to cross dress at the beach in San Diego and we don't think any less of them for it.

How about the time Nick boasted about his nuts touching the water at a public toilet? I mean, it takes real cajones to talk like that.

Aridog said...

chickenlittle said...

How about the time Nick boasted about his nuts touching the water at a public toilet?

Say what?! He just sit down without checking if the last guy flushed and plugged up the drain?! :-0

Either that or his nut sack is longer than any of my horses ever.

Chip S. said...

Add phx to my list of assholes who are ratting out this joint.

Does this refer to a particular incident at TOP or TOOP?

The Dude said...

Thanks Troop - just yesterday I was humming "I Feel Pretty" while cutting down a tree. That's just how I roll.

ndspinelli said...

Here's the problem w/ this one public toilet. I hover to make sure my balls don't touch the water. But when I have my morning sit down and drop a huge deuce, that water level increases suddenly. So, my balls touch shitty water. now, GET THAT OUTTA YOUR FUCKIN' HEADS!

Chick, I've got no company or obligations this week. With the hellacious winter we've had more company than usual. I'll give you a call and drive up to meet you @ a place of your choosing. I look forward to meeting the famous chicken man.

Michael Haz said...

Nick - you getting any quality time on Black's Beach?

The Dude said...

Take pictures of the Left Coast meetup - and quit teabagging random terlits.

MamaM said...

just yesterday I was humming "I Feel Pretty" while cutting down a tree..

Now I'm stuck. I thought the line was, "I feel pretty and witty and bright", but what comes up along with that one in the google is "I feel pretty and witty and gay". Turns out I was familiar with the stage version.

The original stage version of Maria's song "I Feel Pretty" included the lyrics "I feel pretty and witty and bright / And I pity / Any girl who isn't me tonight." In the film this night scene was changed to the daytime, and presumably for this reason, the rhyming words "bright" and "tonight" were changed to "gay" and "today."

At least charming is not alarming.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, You gotta climb down to that mofo. When the college girls are here Mission and Pacific Beach is enough for this old fart. Love the thongs! Actually sexier than nude IMO.

The Dude said...

Is said thong being worn by you? Now I am alarmed.

Darcy said...

Nick and Bruce met up? Aww!

I think you should be flattered, Trooper, that Meadhouse cares so much about what's going on over here.


The Dude said...

... and livin' rent free - oh yeah, baby!

Darcy said...

Yessir. :)

sakredkow said...

Add phx to my list of assholes who are ratting out this joint.

Oh please. How self-important are you? You old hen. Have I ever done or said something that anyone could interpret as gossiping about someone else here, at Lem's or TOP? As if I would waste a breath talking to anyone about you.

The Dude said...

The commie rat bastard denies that he or she is a commie rat bastard. Fascinating. But unconvincing.

sakredkow said...

Kiss my ass, old hen.

sakredkow said...

You can't imagine how unfascinating you are to me, and probably everyone else here.

What in God's name would anyone care about your bleatings on Troops' site?

The Dude said...

Ah, there it is - the witty retort of the metrosexual.

The Dude said...

And, if we bore you so, why are you still here, if not as a commie rat bastard?

sakredkow said...

Can you imagine me going over to Meadehouse, "You know what Sixty Nine said over at trooper's site?"

They'd laugh me out of the place.

sakredkow said...

I said YOU bore me to death, hen. Cluck cluck.

sakredkow said...

Ah, there it is - the witty retort of the metrosexual.

I'm pretty sure even metrosexuals do beat you up wherever you go.

sakredkow said...
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sakredkow said...

Now why don't you just STFU and ignore me or risk my beating on your ass all day long in front of the people who you think admire you.

I promise, I'll be more than happy to ignore and I swear on your mother's grave I won't tell anyone anything I accidentally hear you say about yourself {{shudder}}

The Dude said...

As I say, Troop made a mistake by allowing you in here. Even for a liberal you are weak minded. But you are pathetic.

Darcy said...

I don't know who you're talking about, phx, but I admire Sixty very much and nothing you write is going to change that.

The Dude said...

Thanks, Darce.

sakredkow said...

Even for a liberal you are weak minded.

Sure, show me sometime when you can go toe to toe with me without getting your ass handed to you, chump.

sakredkow said...

As far as brain power goes you're stuck on sputter.

sakredkow said...

Now brother Sixty Grit you get the last word. Then try not to ever talk with me again, would you? You really embarrass yourself.

And I'll ignore you.

sakredkow said...

That's fine, Darcy. I don't have any quarrel with you.

The Dude said...

Typical controlling liberal troll - can only try to stop others from speaking.

You are as unoriginal as you are tedious.

MamaM said...

You can't imagine how unfascinating you are to me, and probably everyone else here.

This is the kind of crap that doesn't work. Why would "everyone else here" need to be mentioned or involved in two people's rancorous opinions about rats and old hens?

How about leading off your debut with something fresh and imaginative, phx? Lay an fascinating egg that would make an old hen cluck or a rooster crow. Something a rat might want to steal.

Today, after reading at Lem's and Althouse, I looked up the definition of disingenuous to be clear.

1. Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating:
2. Pretending to be unaware or unsophisticated; faux-naïf.

It fits some of the behavior showing up at both places.

To characterize someone as disingenuous is more than to call them a liar. A disingenuous person is capable of leading you to believe that they are in synch with you, or support you. However, the truth is that they secretly disregard you and oppose you. The pain of discovering someone to be disingenuous is to uncover their lack of integrity toward you. The pain of such deceit is more intense than if the person had disclosed their lack of support from the beginning.

KCFleming said...
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KCFleming said...

I went to TOP recently to mix it up.

Aside from April Apple and a few others, the bench is not very deep and the conversations veer mostly to Crack's race obsession.

AA has always had the ability to pick good topics, but really how many gay things are there tow write about? Many many many, it turns out. So damned boring.

I am glad Meade seems to have stopped posting at Lem's place. That guy is a lunatic.

Me? My night classes started again and i am offline more as a result. Barely timer enough to read.

sakredkow said...

@MamaM - Before I posted my first comment here this punk ass that I don’t know from a piece of shit in the street was trashtalking me to his buddies. I ignored it the first thread. In the second thread I tried to deflect it with humor. Finally I gave him the beat down that he so richly deserved; I even offered him the last face-saving word which it would have been wise for you to respect instead of posting that nonsense above.

You come in here like I’m some brat of yours that you can speak to this way: “How about leading off your debut with something fresh and imaginative, phx?”

You know what Trooper told me – they break balls in here, and be prepared take as well as you give. Right now I’m probably the chief target of for a lot of the biggest ballbreakers here, so save the kindergarden speeches for your children, it has zero meaning to me.

There’s something about your sanctimony I really don’t like. But my offer to you is the same as to anyone – friend or enemy. If someone addresses me with respect I will return it. I’ll go more than half-way to meet an honest argument and to give someone my best. I think getting personal when you are discussing politics is as dumb of a stand as anyone can take, and I’d rather make an enemy my friend than og through this bullshit. But like Sixty Grit says, you have to have a contingency plan.

Don’t troll me, bitch.

The Dude said...

Well, Troop, your phx experiment has resulted in phx berating MamaM and mentioning her children.

That didn't take long.

chickelit said...

@Nick: Today or Thursday I am free late mornings/early afternoon. We could meet at IN-AND-OUT for a late lunch or something. There's one off the 5 near PB and one up in Carlsbad. The question is who goes more than halfway...

Do you still have my number, my Google street view, my employment history, and last 5 years of tax returns?

@MamaM: Did you know the text of Andrew Breitbart's last tweet:

I called you a putz cause I thought you were being intentionally disingenuous. If not I apologize.

I think Trooper had higher hopes for letting phx in here. But now that Althouse's is completely soiled, and Lem's is going all contentious, the spillover here was inevitable.

chickelit said...

Don’t troll me, bitch.

Phuck you too and the whores you rode in on.

Now laugh, dammit!

Michael Haz said...

I didn't get the email about avoiding anything contentious. I'll try harder to be even more boring going forward.

windbag said...

Can we get a mop on aisle 3, please?

ndspinelli said...

chick, I got your phone# and I'll give you a call. I'll make the drive, I'm retired.

windbag said...

When I moved South, one of the annoying things was how you couldn't get a straight answer out of people. Instead of telling me something wouldn't happen until next Tuesday, they'd say, "Well, we're working on it." Okay, when will I get it? "We'll get to it just as soon as we can." Okay, when? "We've got a lot of things in front of it, but we'll get to yours soon as we're able." Okay, when? "Latter part of the week or maybe into the next, but we're working on it."

Drive you crazy. Just tell me when and I'll adjust. The South is an imprecise, but polite, culture, and once this Yankee figured that out and adjusted his expectations (and demands for precision) life got much easier.

Anyhow, the point I meant to make was that I worked with a guy who was from NYC. He went out of his way to be black and white in this grey, Southern world. Especially in our little town tucked away in the mountains, his blunt ways didn't go over well. His defense was always, "Hey, I'm just being honest."

No, you're just being an asshole.

MamaM said...

If someone addresses me with respect I will return it. I’ll go more than half-way to meet an honest argument and to give someone my best

To whom was the "Don't troll me, bitch" directed at?

If that's an example of half-way behavior toward me, it's laughable at best and dishonest at worst.

The animal name calling was strictly between SixtyGrit and you, phx. That's where it needs to stay, if you want to impress me with your willingness to be respectful in kind.

chickenlittle, I didn't know about Breitbart's last tweet. It hits the mark. Piss away integrity there's not much left to work with.

The Dude said...

Yeah, and since I started it I think it is only fair that I accept it at its word that it is not a rat. I was out of line and hereby withdraw that contention.

Funny, though, there was no denial of being a commie. That is telling.

As for bastard - only the parents know for sure.

chickelit said...

@Sixty: As Darcy well knows, you're a keeper around here.

The Dude said...

Thank you. But, as you know, it's all up to the big guy upstairs.

Yep, I am talkin' about Trooper.

MamaM said...

He's busy finding a new home on a non-contentious thread about fluffy bunnies and poison gas.

The Dude said...

His most recent literary masterpiece, I must say. Sloth indeed - how that word doth cut.

MamaM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
blake said...


"I'm just being honest" is usually code for "I'm just saying whatever vile thing comes to mind because I can't imagine any other viewpoints."

MamaM said...

I am glad Meade seems to have stopped posting at Lem's place. That guy is a lunatic.

No he's not, his behavior appears intentional, which leaves him more responsible and accountable than a lunatic.

As mentioned earlier, to discover someone to be disingenuous is to uncover their lack of integrity toward you.

Regarding him as a lunatic covers the real issue.

windbag said...

@blake, I put the "honest" defense in the same category as "you misunderstood me." Both are cover ups.

MamaM said...

We're back to a balance of truth and grace as the best response. Too much of one without the other doesn't work as effectively. I experience the difference between Southern Grace and Yankee Bluntness whenever I'm in Townsend, so apparent, I'm surprised when I hear it even when I now know the drill. This last time, I told MrM I'd be a different person if I was raised by the sweet spoken woman who leads the class. Thankfully, he likes me the way I am, though the balance thing is still in process.

KCFleming said...

True about Meade. I meant no exculpation.

Sociopath-crazy, not schizoid.

Aridog said...

MomaM ...seconding Pogo about Meade. He is a sniveling sociopathic weasel with spite for spirit more often than not. A spoiled little man-child who needs a mommy figure to "play defend" when it is really for his own protection. My guess is that he has a "history" of the same old same old with both women and men.

There. That's a "nice" as I can be on the topic.

Michael Haz said...

I experience the difference between Southern Grace and Yankee Bluntness whenever I'm in Townsend

Southern Grace is opening for Yankee Bluntness this week at SXSW in Knoxville.

sakredkow said...

Yeah, and since I started it I think it is only fair that I accept it at its word that it is not a rat. I was out of line and hereby withdraw that contention.

Funny, though, there was no denial of being a commie. That is telling.

As for bastard - only the parents know for sure.

Since Sixty is being big about this and is apologizing to me, I too would like to say I was out of line and offer my apologies to Sixty, and of course MamaM who just happened to get in the way of my animal instincts. Guys, don't get in the way of Sixty and I when we're goin' at it.

You're a big lug Sixty, but you know I didn't really mean nothin' by it. I'd appreciate it if you kept the trashtalk to when I actually post something, but I know you can't help yourself, so in the future I'll try to be a little more tolerant and overlook it if I can.

Troop, I owe you an apology, too. Seems I made a little mess on Aisle 3, and I'm sorry about that. Here, give me the mop and bucket, I'll get it.

I owe you all an apology I guess. I appreciate you all welcoming me over here, even though most of you don't like me very much, and I know a lot of you wanted to at least give me a chance. I won't let you down again guys.

I do promise not to rat on anyone, even if you deserve it or worse, but I do give my solemn word on that. Heck, Troop just invited me in here to look at some of his stories and I haven't even had a chance to do that.

Whattaya say guys? You'll get good honest arguments from me and I'll be accountable for all my words. When I'm wrong I'm wrong, and I'll say so.

But if no one is for me, or Sixty says I should go, I'll go.

Michael Haz said...

Guys, don't get in the way of Sixty and I when we're goin' at it.

Okay, but I'm not baking the cake for your reception.

Michael Haz said...

phx - stick around, will ya?

sakredkow said...

Damn that I broke my own heart with that.

sakredkow said...

Thanks, Haz. You're all right and I look forward to friendly tangling with you. I really enjoy your music and your stories about where you live.

sakredkow said...

Sixty's been here a long time and he had a visceral reaction to my being here - not really a good reason for that, but it doesn't matter. He's no doubt earned his place here and I'm a usurper. I didn't come here to ruin his day.

windbag said...

I made a little mess on Aisle 3

You are the mess on aisle 3. Not little, either. A big pile of shit. Have the last word, but fuck off and don't bother me, as this is the last time I intend to address you directly.

sakredkow said...

Ouch. That's a vote against me. I'll leave you alone, too, windbag. I don't want any trouble.

Michael Haz said...

@windbag - phx made a sincere and thoughtful apology. He gets a do-over. Man up and be nice. We all deserve some forgiveness and grace along the way, you included.

windbag said...

Michael, man up and stand up for your internet buddies.

chickelit said...

Well, the Spinelli-Chickelit meet up was a success. Nick bought me lunch at In-And-Out Burger and we wiled away the hours talking about everything TOP & TOOP related. We made tentative plans to get together for some manly drinking.

Michael Haz said...

That sounds like a lot of fun!

The Dude said...

Pictures or it didn't happen.

ndspinelli said...

No papparazzi. Maybe In and Out has some security footage. Chick is a practical joker. He had a ketchup paper cup w/ some fake plastic ketchup spread out @ the condiment stand. Chick was substantially like I expected, intelligent witty and observant. But, the practical joke stuff was out of left field.

MamaM said...

Where have you been nd??? He's got jester written all over him. You're lucky if he didn't record your voice for a chirbit!

That you'd be able to work up a meet-up together is a cool thing. Qualifying for a Yay!!! which is not an expression I like when I find it on Facebook, but find most fitting here as a cheer.

And phx, as apologies go that was lame. You still haven't said who the directive, "Don't troll me, bitch" was directed at.

It better not have been me, or you owe something more than the bullshit that I "just happened to get in the way".

Chip S. said...

For a special occasion like that I'd bring the fake vomit.

ndspinelli said...

MamaM, "I was blind, but now I see."

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, I'm on my toes for a hand buzzer next time.

Trooper York said...

Hey I missed this whole thing. Sorry I was busy.

Trooper York said...

Phx I have confidence in you. You see like the kind of guy who can give as good as he gets. Feel free to get acclimated and get your feet wet.

I don't have a lot of political posts per se. Most are just my meandering and my continuing series. So you can most likely comment with out coming to blows.

We have a diverse group here. We have literate faggots, nasty rednecks, drunken Irishmen, racist jews, angry gun toting broads and Darcy. So you are a welcome addition to add a little diversity. Welcome aboard.

MamaM said...

@Pogo...exculpation, that word is new to me, but useful. I'm still disappointed in the pair of them for displaying behavior that turned out to be a whole lot less sincere and forthcoming than I'd hoped or expected. Which indicates I've not yet reached the place of not caring.

MamaM said...

You see like the kind of guy...

Is phx a guy?

The Dude said...

MamaM I am sorry for writing what I did and really sorry that you got splattered by that shit.

My visceral hatred of communists, socialists and other anti-American scum overcame my better nature, but that is no excuse.

It is a struggle for me, as you have seen over the years, to comment without being profoundly mean. I am working on it, but clearly, I have much work to do.

Once again, I apologize for my bad behavior and will try to let my personal beliefs get in the way of commenting here in Trooper's Diversity Experiment.

Aridog said...

60-Grit said...

I ... will try to let my personal beliefs get in the way of commenting here ...

Damn right. Me too. :-))

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

Sixty, you don't owe me any apologies, although I appreciate your heart and willingness to do so as cleanly and sincerely as you have. My comment about the "pair of them" was meant to convey my disappointment with the Althouse pair. What you and phx do is up to you and between you. It was phx who didn't keep it personal but sought to draw in the crowd, not once but twice and then set about covering it with "Guys, don't get in the way of Sixty and I when we're goin' at it", while indicating that I got in the way when I didn't. I told him what didn't work and invited him to be more fascinating, since that appears to be one of his criteria for judging others. I also copied the definition of disingenuous as a reminder of the kind of behavior that destroys blogs.

Good luck with the experiment.

The Dude said...

Thanks, MamaM, you know I think the world of you and will try to behave better in the future.

sakredkow said...

And phx, as apologies go that was lame. You still haven't said who the directive, "Don't troll me, bitch" was directed at.

It better not have been me, or you owe something more than the bullshit that I "just happened to get in the way".

I said I was sorry, bitch. Get over it.

ndspinelli said...

"I said I was sorry, bitch!" I'm sure your mother would be proud.

The Dude said...

phx has even less class than I imagined. How is such a thing even possible?

Michael Haz said...

I said I was sorry, bitch. Get over it.

^^That comment copied above causes me to retract this comment I made earlier: phx made a sincere and thoughtful apology. He gets a do-over.

windbag said...

So, Michael tells me to man up, but when I push back, he can't respond. Grow a pair, dude. According to his sanctimonious presumption, I didn't recognize contrition in phx's apology. Additionally, I am without grace.

Well, that's his judgmental assessment. Whether it's accurate or not is beside the point. I'm curious where grace fits into his assessment of my response to phx. Michael assumes that I've misread phx, that his understanding is the correct one, and that I need to grow up and respond to phx in conjunction with Michael's assessment of the situation. Oh, really?

Michael also left the impression that I think I'm above needing forgiveness and grace myself. Believe me, I'm painfully aware of my need for redemption and how undeserving I am of it.

Condescension is a smelly, repulsive character trait, Michael, and I don't respond positively to it. Now, I know I won't win the congeniality award to this post, but oh well, life can be like that at times, eh? You didn't disagree with what I said and try to persuade me to view it from another angle, you corrected me. There's a big difference.

Now, I'm not trying to drag anyone into this, but phx's latest noxious communication directed at MamaM doesn't strike me as verifying your assessment of the sincerity of his previous attempts at making things right with those whom he has offended. MamaM may take his comment as light-hearted banter--that's not my place to judge or decide, and I certainly am not speaking for her--but if that were directed toward me, I wouldn't take it that way. Each of us reads with certain filters in place, and mine tend to lean toward the literal rather than the subjective.

I've learned a couple of things in my life and this is something that I've tried to do, particularly in the past 15 or 20 years. It's generally a bad idea to begin a sentence with "You need to..." whether you actually say those words or just make the impression. People don't respond well when they sense they are being dictated to.

FWIW, which probably isn't much in most people's estimation.

windbag said...

Well, it appears that Michael posted while I was tapping away at the keyboard. Timing is everything, eh?

sakredkow said...

I apologized to MamaM and she posted TWICE bitching about me after that.
"Not accepted, FU" would have been fine. I got to listen to her crab about me for how long? I don't know her from Adam and I didn't address to begin with, no matter what she says.
She muscled her own way in. You boys can help muscle her way out but I'm not impressed by anyone's arguments so far. Light weight whining.

The Dude said...

Why are you here, phx?

sakredkow said...

Sixty see Troop's post above.

Now why are you ragging on my ass for no good reason?

sakredkow said...

Any time, ANY TIME anyone wants to shake hands and call a truce or negotiate a nonagression pact it's fine with me. I made it clear I thought this personal stuff was bullshit and I don't like it.

But if you're going to jump me before I get my coat off, and others coming in think they'll get their little kicks and jabs in while I'm defending myself, don't whine about me being mean.

The Dude said...

I asked you a question.

You hate us, you hate what we stand for and you bring plenty of hate over here.

I just wonder why you bother.

sakredkow said...

Of all of you here I'll bet I'm the ONLY person who says I don't care about our history, what went on between us in the past, I don't care about your politics, religion or belief, if you offer your hand you'll find a sincere hand offered back.

If your terms are "leave me alone, don't talk to me, ignore me" I'll honor that.

Who makes the same offer to me?

It's okay, you don't need to. As long as you know my offer stands.

sakredkow said...

You hate us, you hate what we stand for and you bring plenty of hate over here.

Where do you get that crap? When have I ever, ever said I hate you? Or even said I don't like you?


And it's never personal with me. Never. Unless you make it personal.

sakredkow said...

But if you do make it personal, don't fucking cry. And as soon as you want to stop it, I'll stop. Just say so.

sakredkow said...

So relax. Let's have some fun out here. This game's fun, OK? Fun goddamnit.

Chip S. said...

Sixty Grit said...
I asked you a question

And I asked you a question in this thread two days ago (March 9, 2:27 PM ET, to be specific), which you didn't reply to. Maybe it's the one thing in this thread that you simply didn't read, or maybe you chose to ignore it, b/c of its obvious point.

What I would have said or should have said is that I, too, would object to someone w/ membership here posting about it elsewhere in a bad way. Those are the rules of commenting here as I understand them.

But if it was just a broadside against a commie rat bastard, then I'd say that this is Trooper's club and Trooper's membership decision. I view this as an ongoing party, and try (maybe w/o success) to comment accordingly. Anyone here ought to be treated like a friend of Trooper's. As has happened in the past, when that friendship is abused the abuser is soon gone.

I don't think anyone here has given phx more shit @ TOP than I did when I commented there, so this isn't me defending a homie. But I'm willing to put that past hostility aside here as long as the offer is reciprocated.

Now, to phx, who has no historical knowledge of this place, I will say that MamaM plays a key role here. It's presumptuous of me to claim to be able to explain it fully, but I think you could describe her as a sort of den mother to a bunch of often unruly cubs. I for one appreciate the role she plays and am grateful for her occasional interventions and frequent wisdom. So while many of us wouldn't have a huge problem w/ you talking trash to us, we do have a problem w/ trash-talking MamaM.

As for Sixty, he's cantankerous and sharp and often funny as hell. He is, IMO, the spice in this jambalaya. It wouldn't be Trooper's w/o him.

So, can we all get along w/o losing our edge?

(Apologies in advance for the sanctimony.)

Trooper York said...

Now, now girls can't you all get along?

This isn't the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

windbag said...

MamaM had a bumpy start here. I reacted very badly to her, based on the faulty rumor that she was a puppet of dubious origin. Having weathered that storm, I've come to appreciate her contributions. Part of her ability to overcome that bumpy start was due to the fact that, at her core, she is a decent, honest, and intelligent person. I'm glad she persevered.

Michael Haz said...

A brief musical interlude.

sakredkow said...

I don't think anyone here has given phx more shit @ TOP than I did when I commented there, so this isn't me defending a homie.

LOL. Good times, ChipS : D

sakredkow said...

I appreciate you providing some of the "corporate knowledge" of the place for me as well. That was sporting of you and gives me a better understanding of what's what here.

Chip S. said...

I just realized something funny.

What often got me going w/ you, phx, was your "meta" thing, commenting on comment styles all the time. And yet, I wind up doing that very thing here.

I mean, I really hate "meta". So gramscian.

sakredkow said...

Sincere good wishes to everyone. Maybe over time you'll see me as I see myself, a fundamentally decent person with no grudge against anyone in the world.

Sixty in particular, maybe you'll learn I really don't hate anyone here or hate what they stand for. I agree or disagree with ideologies, but I genuinely like people of all stripes and flavors.

Maybe over time I can make it up to MamaM, we'll see.

Thanks for having me Troop. You know you've always been good with me. You could ban me tomorrow and we're still good from where I stand.

ChipS, thanks for your graciousness and maturity. I'll remember that.

I hope you respect the fact that I can brawl, but I don't like it. On the other hand, you can't evolve without conflict.

sakredkow said...

What often got me going w/ you, phx, was your "meta" thing, commenting on comment styles all the time. And yet, I wind up doing that very thing here.

Freaking exactly! ROFLMAO, I remember that very clearly.

sakredkow said...

I am pretty "meta" - I think the reason Trooper gave me signing bonus to come here is that I'm also a little creative, sometimes funny, and if I'm going to insult you I'll try not to just phone it in. Not to everyone's taste but I ALWAYS have my hand open whether you're a Rethuglican or libtard.

Chip S. said...

Just don't expect any reacharounds.

sakredkow said...

But man, do I annoy Chip S. LOL.

He's got some character though.

sakredkow said...

You know who once did me a real gracious turn when I was fighting off these really evil wingers who just wouldn't leave me alone at TOP? In the middle of this brutal assault from a small group against me, edutcher came in and symbolically offered me a hand. I was so freaking astonished. Dude hates what I stand for with a passion, or what he thinks I stand for, but he gave me such a great gift of kindness in a real bad moment. Eductcher will always be good with me because of that.

The Dude said...

Answerman says - there have been several instances where stuff here has showed up elsewhere, but then again, maybe that is just hearsay.

I cannot point to a single incident that could not be explained away as a coincidence.

So ax CL and Troopski for their take on why they think this place is bugged.

Chickenman and Trooper have kept that meme alive, I am just paranoid enough to think that any committed communist is a rat.

Aridog said...

Phx said ...

Who makes the same offer to me?

I do.

ndspinelli said...

Hopefully we're not goin' to the mattresses.

chickelit said...

I would rather lie on a mattress than a mat. NTTAWWT

chickelit said...

@phx: The "don't troll me, bitch" and your subsequent follow-up are rude and out of place in context because you're talking to MamaM. MamaM just doesn't fling those kinds of words around and so doesn't deserve them in return in my IMHO.

MamaM said...

Thank you for your good words, gentlemen. You do not disappoint and my fondness for you is beyond words. Since I was gone for most of the day, I thankfully missed phx's decision to trot out a second round of "bitch" in what I presume was meant to be another reference to me.

Bossy, I might have gone with. Even Hossaroni was passable for a while before the deranged stranger went off the rails.

Unfortunately, in my world, use of the word "bitch" as a noun in place of another's name, is considered a form of degradation and revilement. More specifically, it's one of the words used by people with anger and abuse issues to demean and devalue those whom they wish to control. And that's how phx's application came across to me. Which makes it difficult for me to reconcile the following:

And it's never personal with me. Never. Unless you make it personal.

blake said...

I've been out of the AHouse loop so long I don't know any of the loyalties, feuds and what-not (and I am honestly poor at tracking those things anyway). I remember phx but not well enough to recall if we clashed or where his sympathies lie on any issue.

So I figured was just riffing on the first "bitch" comment with the second one.

Struck me as sorta funny, in that assholish TY-blog way that most of us here engage in from time-to-time.

MamaM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MamaM said...

Maybe it would have struck me as funny too, blake, if phx had the courage and integrity to own the first one, but apparently phx didn't. And that one was also preceded by the admonition, "Don't troll me".

Since all posts and conversations that take place on this private blog are open to comment by those with access, I don't know what this directive is about. It reminds me of "stop stalking me" and catfishing tactics Inga and Titus used to employ.

sakredkow said...

I wouldn't mind going on a bit longer, saying thanks to some of the folks here who generally showed me a pretty good side of themselves, let Sixty and everyone else know no hard feelings from my end, talk it out more with MamaM, but it's got to be boring everyone else to death by now.

I always say I'm responsible for my words and I'm transparent in my thinking, in how I arrive at what I believe, and accountable for anything I say (assuming someone really wants to know how I account for it and isn't just busting my balls). I'm willing to own it when I'm wrong and answer for my contradictions.

So MamaM again, I'm sorry. I don't expect that to be acceptable to you and I understand. Nobody owes me forgiveness or anything else for that matter. I'll carry on and remain open to improving things between us if you like. No bad will from my end (there never was, just a little annoyance really).

If you want me to answer the indictment against me I will, but I doubt it's going to earn me a handshake and blank slate at this point anyway, and as I said everyone is probably pretty sick of it all by now. But I'll stay here and talk about that or anything else anyone wants to as honestly and forthrightly as I can if they want.

As far as debuts go, it was probably a little fresher, a little more imaginative than some. I lost a little good will but I got a little good will, too.

Thanks Ari, thanks windbag, thanks blake.

yrs sincerely,
commie rat bastard