Thursday, March 6, 2014

Matsui Mania

There used to be a bar next to the one that the wife managed that had this promotion called Matsui Mania. There were two Matsui's in New York baseball at the time. The great Hideki Matsui of the New York Yankees and the hapless Kazuo Matsui who played second base for the worthless New York Mets. Well anytime one of the Matsui's hit a home run everyone in the bar got a free drink! So the Yankees Matsui was a hell of a lot more popular. At least with the drunks on Eight Avenue.

I had to do something to impress the Japs about my multicultural bona fides. So I went to my Bobble Head collection at home and brought my Hideki Matsui Bobble Head to the store and put it in a prominent location where they could see it. They were suitably impressed.

Of course I had to hide the giant stuffed Godzilla doll I had that I used to throw at Mayumi when she worked for me and fucked something up.

You can't win them all.


windbag said...

I love this time of year, because the Mets are tied for first.

chickelit said...

If someone were to carve or sculpt a bobblehead doll from scratch, what would be the best medium?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am surprised you do not have an Ichiro bobblehead. Japs love Ichiro.

MamaM said...


Don't know if it's best, but it's where I'd start. Lots of info online about how to make a head with it.

The Dude said...

A sculpted portrait bust, to be accurate, must begin with a skull.

If you can model the skull accurately then you can apply the surface details and end up with better results.

Sculpey or Fimo - both excellent. And they are available in colors.

Go crazy, Chickenman - sculpting is a great thing to do.

chickelit said...

I used used to sculpt little heads out of modeling clay when I was a kid. I did Lincoln once. Of course that material is too soft. I took a jewelry making course in HS and learned about the lost wax process. I got pretty adept at carving in wax. But that material is not right either.

I will look into sculpey, MamaM. Thanks!

@Sixty: Suppose it's a skull full of mush?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hey Trooper... the Yankees suck!

ndspinelli said...

What ever happened to Dice-K? I saw him pitch in the WBC out here in San Diego. He shot his wad and I've not seen him in a couple years.

The Dude said...

Going to sculpt a lib, eh?

Big ice storm here now, still have power but cable is out. I am going to go hang gliding.

The Dude said...

The ice storm is damaging my trees. When it thaws out I will have to spend days dealing with the mess. At least one tree will have to be pruned down to ground level, others just pruned back to sound wood. I really didn't need more work right now, but what are you going to do, right?

The Dude said...

Power went out an hour ago - it's going to be a cold dark day.

chickelit said...

Sixty Grit said...
Going to sculpt a lib, eh?

Who's know for their big head?

The Dude said...

In that case just start with a badaydah and you are 90% of the way there.

MamaM said...

How are you getting power and heat, SixtyG? A generator? This stuff sounds more serious than icy daffodils.

The Dude said...

No power, no heat, only candles for light, I am wearing all my clothing, and will subsist on crackers until the power returns. I do have a hand crank flashlight/radio/cellphone recharger so I am good until I am too weak to turn the crank.

I did go drag some downed limbs but got soaked doing it. Also duscovered that my neighbor's white pines have shed some major branches and smashed my fence, again. That gets tedious.

ndspinelli said...

Sounds like a bad day to give up amphetamines.

The Dude said...

Thank goodness I haven't!

The Dude said...

Okay, I spent some time sawing and dragging the pine branches off the fence and that warmed me up nicely. Now I am inside and what do you know - power is back. House is warm. I can cook supper.

Still no Internet.

windbag said...

Hey, good news, Sixty, clouds have moved on. Sending sunny skies your way.

The Dude said...

Thanks WB - the clouds cleared out just before sunset. In theory it will be warmer this weekend. I am ready for that.

ndspinelli said...

Now you can cook up a big batch of meth.

chickelit said...

I can cook supper


The Dude said...

Sixty of them.

Actually, after being fed grits at least once a day as a yute I haven't had any since I left home 45 years ago. I'm good.