Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hey Fatso, You're my favorite!

Who is your favorite fat comedian. The choices:

John Candy
Chris Farley
John Belushi
Jackie Gleason
Rush Limbaugh

The only sad thing is that they are all dead.


Jason (the commenter) said...

I'm going with John Belushi using this reasoning:

John Candy - irritating
Chris Farley - an ass
John Belushi - hot
Jackie Gleason - wife beater (on his show)
Rush Limbaugh - genius and not a comedian

More pictures of Belushi covered in food/vomit please.

ricpic said...

Good for you, Jason. I'd have thought that Troop, of all people, would be a Limbaugh fan. Well, can't win 'em all.

dbp said...

I went for Gleason because he was the only fat comedian who lasted for a good length of time. Rush is pretty funny too but is not primarily about comedy.

Gleason also did some pretty serious drama, like in "The Hustler".

rcocean said...

Gleason was in a league by himself. Otherwise, its:


Farley and Belushi had emotional problems. Poor John Candy just ate, smoked and drank too much. So did Gleason, but John lost the genetic sweepstakes.

TMink said...

As I scrolled down I got to Belushi and said to myself "Well, that contest is over." Then I got to Gleason.

Man, I think I will split my vote. Belushi was so funny, but Gleason was talented in many areas.


Ron said...

Really I have to go :)

The Dude said...

Farley was very funny as the motivational speaker, but he didn't write it, and his main acting mannerism was twitching. Back of the bus, buddy.

Belushi - very funny, but drugs will ruin your timing and your life. To the back of the bus with you.

Rush, at times funny, but also a junkie. Pile on back there, and put that facking cigar out.

John Candy - dude, you were funny. Santa brought you your crane for the crane shot. You made some occasionally funny movies. You may sit behind the driver.

The bus driver, of course, is the man, Jackie Gleason. And away we go!

Big Mike said...

How could you ignore Curly, from the Three Stooges?

blake said...

Louie Anderson?
Sam Kinnison?
Buddy Hackett?
Ron Jeremy?

The Dude said...

If Sam Kinnison is on the list, then he wins - he was by far the funniest of all of these guys.