Saturday, August 8, 2009

See Theo

Post more photo's of opera singers to get that traffic buddy.


dr kill said...

Forget Theo- Did you hear that Michael Jackson died?

Trooper York said...

What the fat guy from American Idol? Man with Paula gone they are down to that poofter.

Anonymous said...

I'll have you know I mostly put up pictures of THIN opera singers, such as Natalie Dessay, my fave Sarah Palin look-alike, or the hot chick who sings the Indian Princess in Rameau.

Tell me you wouldn't want to have a pow-wow with her.

Anyway, I'm working on a post about Lulu—both the "real" Lulu, Louise (OMG) Brooks, and Berg's 12-tone opera of the same name. The clip(s) I have of the opera have an extremely svelte blonde playing Lulu. Trouble is, once you've seen Louise Brooks in action, NO ONE can ever be Lulu again.

I'm sure Alban Berg was thinking a LOT about Louise Brooks as he was composing 'Lulu,' but unfortunately, he died of an infected hornet sting before he finished the opera.

His wife was P.O.'d at the whole thing, and burnt some of the score, so we'll never know exactly what's missing.

Probably the pages with stains on them.

BTW, one of my professors in College, Karl Geiringer, was Berg's editor at Universal Edition in Vienna. He knew Schoenberg, Webern, Berg, Alma "tell us—all modern women are jealous" Whatever -Her-Last-Name-Was-Then, and had met Freud. Dr. Geiringer was terribly old, but still had all his marbles, so UC let him teach well into his 80's.

Thank you, Herr Hitler, for sending so many artists and intellectuals to the US, and quite a few on to California, which was as far away from the troubles as you could get and still find a tolerable Sachertorte.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I can't tell you why I capitalized "College" in that comment, except it's late, I had 4 hours sleep last night, and I still have 4 piccolo headjoints to finish before Monday, or I am dead.

You'll have to wait a week or so for my take on the Meaning of 'Lulu.' In the meantime, I'll just put up random pix and YouTube clips, and avoid saying anything at all about Obama, lest I wind up on some list somewhere.

Maybe someone will do an opera about Obama someday, like "Nixon in China." I'm just not that big on operas with Federal Government themes. I keep thinking of things like, "Madame Buttersubsidy," which, despite my better judgment, I've already sketched out.

Trooper, if you have any customers who are opera singers, you might ask them if they would be interested in singing the role of a spokeswoman for the Dept. of Agriculture who has a love child with John Edwards, and stabs herself to death when he refuses to acknowledge the baby.

Or maybe she just sues him.

But she has to be scrawny and blonde.