Listen, I don't want a 300 post thread about gay marriage.
Other peoples marriages are just not that interesting. Or fun. Or something you should stick your nose in.
I just think that people who worry so much about what other people do in their marriage and have such a big problem with the Mo's have something else going on. (I'm looking at you Chief Bald Eagle). Live and let live is what I say.
I mean look at these two broads. Who would want to stick their nose into them I ask you?
Well I just wish the evil blogger lady would quit deleting my comments.
I posted the same comment twice in the Apostle Island thread. The first time I wasn't sure if the comment had "taken". So the second time I made sure it was lodged. I reloaded the whole page. Even the count was right.
30 minutes later the comment was gone.
The funny thing is that the comment was a compliment on the composition of her second photograph- I even compared it to Gericault painting in the Louver.
I guess she doesn't like compliments from certain people. Either that or I got on her shit list for not toeing the line on the latest gay marriage opinion.
I will delete this comment if the comment magically reappears over there.
I wouldn't worry about it. She doesn't take it that personal. At least I don't think so. I mean nobody mixed with her as much as me and she doesn't delete my comments out of hand. It might have been a mistake or blogger might have ate the comments.
By the way, if I deleted your comments here I wouldn't have any.
So you can say anything you want.
By the way, if I deleted your comments here I wouldn't have any.
LOL! That's not strictly true but I get your drift.
Perhaps it is a blogger glitch but there's no way of know. Here's the "lost" comment: link.
It's gotta be a glitch, then.
I mean, I posted something particularly snide to my arch-enemy and the same thing happened. Silly me! I thought that after all this time offending everyone, Blogger Lady finally took to snatching one of my brilliant insights out from the ethernet and into oblivion.
But seeing as it happened to the utterly inoffensive Pollo, this must surely not have been the case.
Computers. Can't live with 'em...
Well I just wish the evil blogger lady would quit deleting my comments.
Listen, BL doesn't delete comments. That's what she told me after my comments were deleted a while back, so it must be something else.
BTW, you might want to download a free script-blocker program. My "deletions" were in the form of a script used by blog owners to divert me to a blank page.
The script blocker fixed that. It was called No-Script.
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