Thursday, April 9, 2020

Was Endgame prophetic?

Last night I was watching Avenger's Endgame. In it the world had lost 50% of its population. There was immense sadness and everyone was walking around like a zombie. Everything was closed and the streets were a dystopian nightmare.

Sort of the way they have turned America into a Science Fiction movie.

It seems that the socialist have gotten what they wanted. Empty shelves in the supermarket. People informing on their neighbors. A police state where they can arrest you for playing in the park with your kid. People not working but dependent on a government check to survive.

They have turned America into Russia.

There are no superheros to save us. Captain America is a fraud. Iron Man is really the Tin Man. The Hulk doesn't smash. It's not politically correct.

How did we lose our way?

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