Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hey stop needling me!

Well I guess she can't stop. She is doing acupuncture.

That's right I am going for acupuncture this afternoon. I am having them work on my leg and ankle that has been killing me. We are trying to take care of all our physical stuff before we start filming. So in a couple of hours I am going to look like a pincushion.

Which sucks.

Because usually I am the one needling people.


Anonymous said...

You are on pins and needles over your new series!

chickelit said...

Nixonian phlebitis?

Get well!

windbag said...

Careful with that stuff.

chickelit said...

So how was the facial?


blake said...

Cool. Hope it helps.

chickelit said...

At first glance, I thought you were stippled. <--warning: link goes to Althouse art.

chickelit said...

Woah! was my last disappeared comment too outre or did it go in your spam hole?

chickelit said...

OTOH, maybe I've reached a TY comment limit?