Friday, January 6, 2012

One Adam 12...See the woman...allegations of gambling....somebody bet their bippy.

"Hello officer. I need help. There is this person abusing chickens. I think his name is RH Hardin."
"Well what do you mean abusing Miss."
"I don't know exactly. He chases them around his yard and grabs them and press them to his groin. Especially the roosters. He says he loves cocks."
"Well I don't know if that is against the law."
"What loving cocks?"
"Well that's good because I am kind of fond of them as well. And I haven't seen Boris for awhile. So what's your name officer?"
"Ahhh it's Pete. Pete Malloy."
"Well a Peter. I love a Peter. Even a salty Peter. Why don't you come upstairs with me I have something to show you."
"Are you trying to seduce me Miss."
"You bet your sweet bippy!"

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