Everybody wants to be on TV. It is only natural. They use it all the time to get free stuff. They got Juan Carlos to do our hair just to get screen credit. Many of the local stores will be featured in the opening as I want to give them a boost if I can. But we have a problem with someone close to us.
We have a bunch of family and friends on the show as well as good customers. But one of our closet people wrote something on facebook that was very upsetting. They were pissed that Lisa was the star and not them. They think they could have a spinoff. So they keep trying too hard in the few scenes we have shot. Which is a joke. You are either good or you are not. You can't force it. It has to be natural if it can. Otherwise you look stupid. They don't get this. But it is clear to any one watching the dailies. We won't have to say anything. The producers will smack them down and maybe even cut them out. But it was very hard for Lisa. She felt such love and loyalty to this person. So she is very sad and hurt.
Me, I am not surprised. As I have said many times people lack both humility and self-awareness. This person is way too full of themselves. I told most of the crew "Dudes you have to remember on thing....you have a job because of Lisa....so if she wants something just do it and I will fix it later." They all get it. But this other person doesn't. They are too rapped up in delusions of grandeur and the thought that they should be a star.
The wife wanted to confront them today but I talked her out of it. I always make her wait a day or two and think about it. You don't want to go off half cocked. So to speak. By all means lay the hammer down if it is warrented but don't do it because it is emotionally satisfing.
We are both half Irish and half Italian. I tell Lisa don't be Irish. Don't go into the bar and offer to beat up the toughest guy in the bar. Be Italian. Let them feel their back and say "Gee I have a pain in my back....I don't know what it is...or my God....IT'S A KNIFE!"
I think you'll have to trust your producer's self-interest.
Sorry your wife got hurt. That sucks.
I took a bus tour of the Blue Mountains in Australia. The tour guide was Dal Myles. He said he was half Irish and half Scottish. Half of him wanted to drink and the other half didn't want to pay for it.
This has nothing to do with anything, but it was a funny story to hear while heading for the Outback.
Wait, Henry Hill and James Conway were both half Irish half Italian. Damn, boy, do those people understand who they are messin' with?
Spin-off theme song: link
Leave a horse's head in the swelled head's bed as a calling card. He/she will get the picture. Capiche?! And just to satisfy Sixty -- Twirl!...or was that Twist?!...or Zing?!
Wait, what was the question?
It's too bad Lisa was hurt by this person already second day of filming, wow. Hopefully this person can put their head back on their shoulders and apologize and make the best of a bad situation. When their scene is left on the cutting room floor, they will feel the knife.
Yeah, and I go to the symphony to hear that awesome triangle player do his thing. Amazing that he has an entire orchestra backing him up for his moment.
I wouldn't want to be on tv.
No interest.
Well you see when close friends or family hurts you it hurts even more.
I don't worry about it because I saw it coming a mile away and cationed her that something bad was gonna happen.
People think who the fuck they are. Thedy don't realize that they are not the star. They are a bit player.
All the world's a stage. And all the men and women merely bit players.
And I have no interest in being on TV. I don't have any interest being on stage, which probably hampers my music career.
But! I wanted to point out that that behavior is not dissimilar to what happens when people get around money, too. They just go berserk. Instant greed. It all should be theirs, they're just sure.
I am sorry you had to go through that. Give it time.
It is just a sad fact of life that not everyone is going to be 'happy' about your sucess.
Envy is a strong emotion. Even your best friend will stab you in the back. But....this goes to show that they weren't really your best friend in the first place.
Hard as it is, something like this will weed out those people who you don't need in your life and bring on those who may surprise you with their strength and loyalty.
You and Lisa stay strong and hold fast to each other and it will all work out.
In the meantime. I vote for the Italian method.
Those 7 deadly sins. I made a living uncovering them. I have the same Italian/Irish split. Your assessment of the dynamic is spot on!
@ Sixty
I have a friend who is half irish and half scottish. I can't wait to tell him that joke.
This is why you need us :-D
We (speaking for myself in the Royal 'We')aren't interested in being on television so you don't have to worry about the envy or jealousy factor.
We can't overact and try to upstage the star of the show. From our seats at our computers, not possible.
You can let your hair down and vent to us (the blog group) without worry that it will get back to anyone.
We can diss anyone we want and tell off color and dirty jokes.
Think of us as your virtual bartenders.
Think of us as your virtual bartenders.
And as the supporting cast of this blessed blog.
When I have a personnel issue on the job, I'm torn. The Irish and German in me wants to destroy them in a public, ingeniously devious, and messy incident. The French in me just wants them to fuck off. The English in me wants to stew about it, tsk tsk-ing the situation.
In the end, I usually adopt the "give them enough rope, they'll hang themselves" stance. By the time I have to intervene, nobody doubts that I did the right thing, including the victim.
I guard my unemployment insurance rate carefully. It's been 0% for years. Apparently, I'm known for that up at the Employment Security Commission. My accountants told me they were eating lunch with some of the staff and my name came up, with the ESC staff commenting how cheap I am.
When you mix family/friends, it gets particularly ugly. I've had to fire about six people who attend my church. Ouch. I've told friends that I won't employ their kids because I know them too well and I don't want to have to fire them. I don't live near family, but I would never employ anyone in my family outside of my kids.
For those who survive, we have a hell of a time at work.
My personal mantra is The Chairman's "The best revenge is massive success."
However my fav is what I overheard my Irish Gran say to a frienemy on the phone, "While you're stabbing my back, you can kiss my ass too."
Oh, that's a shame for Lisa. I hope it gets better.
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