Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy Paddy's Day Windbag

Windbag said....

Nothing crazy ever happens on Paddy's day in our small town. I mean I sell a lot of pistachio ice cream and every once in a while I have a Bailey's Irish Cream cake to make but other than that not much happens that is ever different.

We like to have a party at home to celebrate the great contributions of the Irish. I just have to be careful I don't over do it because the wife sometimes takes that opportunity to send me a message.

She always said my face is really easy to read.


windbag said...

The contributions of the Irish...the big ditch known as the Erie Canal. Hey, how can an entire nation starve, when it's surrounded by water? For cryin' out loud, didn't anybody think to fish when the tater crop went bust?

Another St. Patrick's Day tradition is we watch The Commitments and drink a shot every time they say something we can't understand in their jumbled, Irish accents. Haven't made it past 15 minutes yet.

The Dude said...

The Commitments is a great movie. GREAT FOOKIN' MOVIE!

Anonymous said...

Well that's one way to get a good nights sleep.

MamaM said...

TY has the best pictures. This one made me laugh. I think it's the calm look on her face and her careful attention to detail.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That's pretty funny.

Once when my ex husband was passsed out (as usual, big alky) I painted all his toe nails bright red. He didn't notice until the next day and I didn't tell him that I did it for some time, so he spent awhile wondering just what he had done in his blackout state.

LOL. I am mean.

Thankfully, those days are past.