Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It takes a lot of balls to tell the truth

It takes a lot of balls to tell the truth about bad stuff that happens to you and I have to say that R A Dickey has a lot of balls.

He is a Met's relief pitcher and you all know how I feel about the Mets and their crybaby loser players. But he has just completed a very honest autobiography that I intend to purchase. In it he details how he was abused as a child and sexually used by his babysitter. I bet that happens a lot more than we know. He also details how he saw needles on the floor of the clubhouse when he was a Texas Ranger in the Juan Gonzales, A-Rod and Pudge days. It looks like a very interesting book. He is only a journeymen pitcher but he has been around the block and is not afraid to tell the truth.

I can't wait to read his book.

I bet he is going to talk about Bobby Valentine touching him in the shower. Just sayn'


chickelit said...

Here's what I know about relief pitchers.

ndspinelli said...

Isn't this the mountain climber?

windbag said...

Did you read Jim Bouton's "Ball Four?" Entertaining, if nothing else.