Saturday, March 10, 2012

The View was spectacular

The view from the pier was spectacular. We were bundled up for the wind and you can see the Statue of Liberty in the background.

When we filmed I talk about how my grandmother came over from Italy in 1902 and saw that statue when she sailed into Ellis Island. She went to work in a shirt factory and was lucky to not burn to death when the Triangle factory went up in smoke. It could have happened to her except that she worked in Brooklyn. When she had a family they worked at night sewing buttons on a card to make a few extra buttons.

Now I have a store and clothing line named after my grandmother and I have a TV show about the store.

God is great and merciful.

God bless the United States of America. The land of opportunity.

So many people forget that.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful view and beautiful wife!

Tell Lisa, I'm growing my hair long because her beautiful dark hair inspired me! So shiny and healthy, ask her to post a comment here for us ladies as to what products she uses, she seems very savvy. If she ever gets a free moment that is:)

MamaM said...

Although I too appreciate Lisa's beauty, and would be interested to read any post written by her, I am not interested in knowing what hair products she uses. Since I speak only for myself, I've no way of knowing the level of interest others might have for this information, but wish to remove myself from all collective voice pronouncements made on behalf of "us ladies" .

The view is spectacular, with the torch of Liberty visible as she stands centered between you. The tipped horizon adds to the sense of blessing conferred, as if the weight and goodness of freedom slid your direction, resulting in all three of you standing together in that particular time and place to reveal 110 years of opportunity made real through hard work, faithfulness, persistence, endurance and love. The story within the story here reminds me of the Abraham/Isaac picture posted earlier, with a similar conclusion. On a generational scale, willingness to sacrifice, risk and walk into the unknown led to provision beyond imagination or expectation.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that products are not your main focus MamaM. Nor are they mine, but it would be great to hear from Lisa, she is the fashion expert and probably up on the latest trends. Far be it from me to include you in the ladies group, feel free to continue to opt out.

It would be a hoot hearing from Lisa, but I know she's incredibly busy.

MamaM said...

I consider the lived blessing being realized through the store, show and lives of spouses and generations of children to be the real hoot and main focus of this particular post. It's an amazing and unusual story and photo.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up MamaM. We're not at Althouse here, comments can veer way from the blog post subject matter.

I appreciate the beauty of the blog post, I understand the sentiment of the blog post. Because I chose to comment on an unrelated matter, doesn't detract from the beauty or the sentiment, life s short, again lighten up.

MamaM said...

Freedom means I speak for myself and you speak for yourself, as lightly as either of us prefers.

If my saying what I enjoy and find amazing about this post seems heavy to you, so be it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

MamaM, for heavens sake, of course speak for yourself and quit already with this passive aggressive stuff directed at me. Why make reference to my comments here in your comment? It wasn't what you said about this blog post that seemed heavy to me, that was lovely. What seemed heavy was your continual negative attention to the comments I make here at Troopers, why is that?

That freedom you speak of extends to me also.

Titus said...

Hello fellow pubes. I went out tonight and was a star. They are calling me now looking for my hog but I am tie tie.


Anonymous said...

Hi ya Titus, I have insomnia. Have fun, don't hurt yourself though.

Trooper York said...

The wife thinks my blog is silly. She worries that I might write something that would get me in trouble. She wants me to be free to write books which is what I always wanted to do.

The TV thing is not my dream. It is hers. I just want to help her. I really, really don't like the TV people. But I put up with it and swallow my pride and take a lot so we can get it done.

That is why I had to take the blog private. I couldn't spout off where people could read it. Maybe some day I will write a book about our experiances.

It would make Bourdain look like Mister Rodgers.

Trooper York said...

The reason why Lisa's hair looks paticular good is that our friend Juan Carlos came all the way from Florida to color and cut it the way she likes it. He did it at his own expense for a brief credit but mainly because he was our friend and wanted to help us.

We had many people who went out of their way to help us and extend themselves for us because of who we are and what we had done for them in the past. They were without exception treated poorly by the production staff until I stepped in and forced them to act like human beings. It was a full time job in and of itself.

Chip S. said...

I think you add a decade or so to Lisa's stated age to cover up the fact that you kidnapped her when she was 15.

blake said...

o/~So God bless the goods we was given
And God bless the U. S. of A
And God bless our standard of livin'
Let's keep it that way

And we'll all have a good time~\o

Trooper York said...

I should add when I say I don't like the TV people I do not mean the crew who have been nothing but kind and professional. It is the producer who is the big problem. And I don't have anything I could do about it.