Saturday, March 31, 2012

Winters coming!

In the spring.

Season Two of Game of thrones starts Sunday night. It covers book two and three of the series by George RR Martin. There will be several  new characters. Stannis Baratheon. The Red Witch, Melisandre.

And you old favorites. Tyrion. Jamie.Renly. Joffery. Cersi. Jon Snow. Samwell Tarly. All the the characters that made the first season so great.

Check it out from the beginning. It is great TV.


blake said...

Not aaaaaall the characters.

Given the bloodbath at the end of season one.

I was chatting with an old friend who is a big fan of the books and she said, "You know, a lot of these characters people love so much are going to die."

Heheh. There's a great youtube rant about it. Frankly, though, I'm not linking youtube any more because of the damn advertisements. I'm done with it.

BJM said...

Otay! Good start to season two.

I've read the books, twice, but I'm just as drawn in as if I hadn't...and still can't wait for Joffery to get his comeuppance.

The casting is brilliant...who'd a thunk of Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister?