Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You either are or you ain't

There are two kinds of husbands who appear on reality TV shows. There are guys like Al Manzo, Chris Laurita, Jim Bellino, Don Gunvalson and Bobbbbbbbbie Zarin who are basically businessmen who are contemptuous of the process. They have their own businesses where they are the boss and they know an asshole when they see one so when of this Hollywood fanoicks start ordering them around they have to grit their and get through it so they don't kill the douchebag who is running the show. They are supporting their wives who love the idea of being on TV and are natural TV presences and who thoroughly enjoy being on TV. They are just doing it for the wife but they could give a shit about being famous on TV.

Then there are the guys like Joey Gorga, Slade Smiley, Eddie Judge and Simon Van Kempen love to be on camera and in the middle of all the drama. They love to be filmed and I bet they take directions very well. I bet they take it all. They take it deep. Because they all have something else in common. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

 So which kind of reality husband do you think I was?


Michael Haz said...

Vito Corleone.

chickelit said...

So which kind of reality husband do you think I was?

The kind who enjoys standing at attention for his wife?

Trooper York said...

Well that's for sure.

blake said...

I don't know any of these people.

But I think Titus might be offended if you started taking it deep without him knowing.

Anonymous said...

You obviously belong in the first group of husbands. Good soldiers standing at attention as Chickie said, despite the fact that they would like nothing better than to use their deadly fire power to decimate the Hollywood fanoiks.

Trooper York said...

You have to add Jason who is Bethanny Frankel husband to the first group. There is a great article about him on the former "I Hate Jill Zarin" website that I am going to write a post about soon.

ricpic said...

Is everyone okay with their taxes? I just finished the Fed return after chasing around for some new and completely redundant addition to the old Schedule D and now I can't find my NY State forms which I was sure were in the same folder as the Fed forms. So now I either call for NY State forms and wait forever or find a NY State tax office if there is one within fifty miles because if you go to the liberry there are the regular forms but not the estimated payment forms and you're all saying stop whining everyone goes through this shit and we don't whine about it just you always whining and though I hear you I can't help it cause this tax horror gets near impossible the older you get.

rcocean said...

You'd expect someone called "Slade Smiley" to love the spotlight. Didn't he help the "Frugal Gourmet" with the oysters?

Or am I thinking of someone else.

rcocean said...

Ripic, always have a CPA do your taxes. It may cost a little but it saves you the boredom and aggravation.

Just sayin'

rcocean said...

Sorry for insulting "Slade Smiley" I was thinking of "Slade Gordon".

BJM said...

I love Jason Hoppy, he's the perfect foil to Bethenny's crazy.

I kinda like Slade Smiley cuz he totally embraces his douchiness and he makes icky Vicki Gunvalson nuts.

btw-Did youse guys see Peachy try to hang a racist tag on Colton in this week's Survivor? The men gave up immunity to vote out Bill...a group decision, that was Colton's idea because he didn't like Bill. However, I never got a racist vibe between the two. The edit was that Bill was a shit load of inappropriate annoying and Colton is a young, flighty, spoiled drama queen. So who is being dishonest here? The show producers of course.

The move was actually implemented by Tarzan because Lief blabbed and turned Bill into a likely merge flipper...but Probst went after Colton solely because he is an affluent white Southerner...asking him how many African-Americans were in his life. WTF? Who elected Probst Head Racial Inquistor? Tarzan went off on Probst at that point, and Bill looked very uncomfortable...but IMHO damage was done to the show's reputation.

I'd ask why the producers choose to suddenly take the show in that direction when no tribe has ever given up immunity and gone to tribal...so they had tons of material...but Troop has given me the answer. They are all a bunch of PC douchebags.

Why does entertainment industry feel the need to stuff race down our throats at every turn?


Hmmm...maybe I should write me some advertisers, eh? See how they like the hot seat.

MamaM said...

So which kind of reality husband do you think I was?

If the question was about what kind of reality spouse, the answer would be easy: Big Ang.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You failed to take direction from a certain diva...and the rest was history. Thank God she was not your wife.

BJM said...

Blogger is so screwed up today, I'm bailing for a game. Sheesh!

Troop, you might want to rethink posting so many vid clips on the home page...the load time is insane.

Anonymous said...

Is it Blogger?

Trooper York said...

I always worry about that BJM. But if I post enough I drop it down the page so you can read something while it loads.

I don't know what to do.

Blogger is free. So how much can you really complain after all?