Monday, December 28, 2015

If it is Holiday Time you know what that means.....It's Florida time!

If it is Holiday Time you know it is Vacation Time and we head down to Florida. Now we didn't have a Muslim drive us because Trump told us it was illegal and he was not going to let any Muslims into Florida so Omar had to stay home. We flew down on Christmas Day and boy are our arms tired.

We had some fun at family gatherings and parties the last couple of days. Today was the first day we had a real break. So what did we do? We went food shopping.

Of course this is a little different than what we used to do. We had to shop gluten and diary free and had to be careful to not load up on Junk food the way we used to do on other trips. There was a Whole Foods type place called Fresh Market and it had some of the stuff  we buy up in New York. I loaded up on chicken cutlets from the butcher and made a load of gluten free breaded cutlets.

I was lucky 13 and my number was called so I could put in my order. We loaded up on organic meats and vegetables. Some tasty gluten free pasta. Spices and condiments to tart up what we are eating. But when it was all said and done I had to do some begging. I pleaded and I begged and I finally was allowed to get one thing I wanted.

An Apple Pie. Because I am a freaking American!!!!!!

1 comment:

windbag said...

Have yourself a merry little Christmas, even thought you didn't need to leave New York to get Florida weather this year.

Nothing more American than apple pie. When the locals say "I like a little apple pie in my coffee," they mean that they like moonshine in their coffee. Nothing more American than that.