Tuesday, December 22, 2015

It is embeded in the culture now and there is nothing you can do.

So I am watching this stupid little sitcom on demand last night. It is called "Superstore" and is set in a Walmart/Costco sort of superstore somewhere in the burbs. It has all of the current stereotypical characters. The bumbling white store manager who is a Christian and is mocked for his slogans and piety. The sex crazed plus sized assistant manager who has the hots for the young white college hipster guy who is slumming by working at the Costco because he can't get a regular job. Of course there are the super wise minority characters. The wheelchair bound black guy who is a fount of wisdom and good sense but not threating because he is one wheels. And the wise Latina in the form of the Ugly Betty girl who is the protagonist of the piece.

The premise is the hispter guy like the wise Latina. He is played by the Jewish dude who cut his ear off in Mad Men. He is constantly put in situations where his college smarts are shown up by the wise minorities who have to school him.

The last episode is all about racism. It seems they are hawking a salsa and the white manager guy wants Ugly Betty to promote it because she is Mexican. She freaks out because she thinks it is a demeaning stereotype. Meanwhile some of the other workers are happy to do it. The other Spanish Chick loves it because it gets her out of the dressing room duty which really sucks. Ugly Betty starts fighting with her to the point that she pulls a bowl of salsa out of her hands and trips her up and she sprains her ankle. So the obsequious Filipino dude goes full retard with the sombrero and fake accent to sell salsa. The Ugly Betty chick starts to berate him and asks him how he would like it if she faked being an Asian and did this:

Of course the customer reports her and the whole store has to watch a sensitivity training video. Which is as stupid as you might imagine. Everyone is pissed that they have to go throw this.

The subplot is what I found interesting. TV shows now have to gild the lily by portraying sweet old white ladies as racists. They did it last week on Chicago Med and then again in this show. The hipster guy was working in the pharmacy and giving out flu shots. He sees this eighty year old frail white woman in the line who calls him over to ask how long was the wait. He decides to escort to the front to have a seat and naturally someone in the line asks why she is going to the front of the line. Of course it is a black dude who asks. The sweet old lady turns to him and says "He's white and we take care of our own." This is one of the causes of the store being forced into sensitivity training. It was termed the worst kind of racism.

My question is why?  Why is it a problem if white help out whites when a whole cottage industry has sprung up for blacks to assist blacks and Hispanics to assist Hispanics and women to assist women. Are white people the only people who have to not help their own? I guess so. This type of political correctness is soaked into everything. De Blasio has passed a law that if you refuse to let a transgendered person use your ladies room you are subject to a $250,000 fine. If you talk about it and say you are against it or are say anything in any way that they find offensive you are subject to the same fines. Political correctness has triumphed. At least in New York City. In television. In print. On blogs. You can't even watch a stupid sitcom without getting hit over the head with this stuff.

Enough is enough.


windbag said...

I've never seen that show, but I was thinking about that very problem just yesterday. In addition to the politically correct bullshit is the notion that conventional wisdom is never right, because it's not perceived as being historical evidence, observation, and what's salvaged from years of trial and error, but rather conventional wisdom is a lie told to keep the peons oppressed. So, you can never have a white Christian dude say anything of value. He's part of the patriarchy and can't be trusted. But the black crackhead's muttering is accepted as holy writ. The white, grandmotherly nice lady can't possibly offer a teenager any insight into life. The only way to give her any cred is to make her a foul-mouthed, horny drunk. Then, of course, her life experiences are worthy of emulation.

The politically correct police berate anyone who jokes about stereotypes of minorities, but are silent when all Christians are stereotyped as Westboro Baptist Church cretins. Stereotypes are funny, that's why it's fun to mock the English for their bad dental health and the Irish for their drunkenness.

There is so little worth watching on television or in movies anymore. It's all predictable, boring crap. Tarantino is an asshole with his worldview, but the guy knows how to make an entertaining film. He obviously doesn't care if he offends. I can live with that, because it's honest and you know what you're dealing with. The dishonest politically correct crowd changes its mind every other day about what the standards are for acceptable conversation. You'll never win, trying to play their game. Someone like Tarantino, assholish as they are, at least have staked out a position.

These guys are hilarious, and this clip is the template for just about every popular film in the past decade or two. Oh, they're using stereotypes. They must be bad people.

Trooper York said...

It is ridiculous. I just had a censorship thing where people who rail about political correctness jump to censor you when they can. It is just such bullshit.

I understand when you have a business you can't broadcast your views. That is why I am so sympathetic to Anthony Cumia. He lost his gig because of his views and everyone is piling on when it is obvious that the broad is an opportunist who is trying to shake money out of him. His own fault for hanging with such a shank but still.