Monday, December 21, 2015

You got it right Billy!


windbag said...

Welcome back, Troop.

I'm a Mets fan, but I like the Yanks, too. Is that possible? Perhaps admire is a better term than like. You can't be serious about baseball unless you admit that the Yankees are the greatest baseball team ever. Maybe not your favorite, but they are the best. Billy Martin was an incredible force, but I never liked him. Couldn't stand to look at him. I think what turned me off was that he looked just like a friend's dad, who was a terrible drunk. Burned the house down by accident one night. That bad of a drunk. I guess that Billy's appearance just triggered such a strong emotion thinking about how horrible that kid's home life was with a dad like that (his mom died when he was an toddler).

Trooper York said...
