So the idiots at the evil blogger lady's joint were having a grand old time dissing Gabourey Sidibe because that douchebag Howard Stern said she would never get another role. Well this weekend I saw her several times on TV and it was amazing what a cool person she is.
First she was on E News with Ryan Seacrest where he replayed his interview with her on the red carpet before the Oscars. He is chatting with her and asks her if she is enjoying meeting all the stars. So she goes "Yeah that Keanu Reeves is very handsome." Seacrest sees Gerard Butler and says "Hey what do you think of him." And Gabby goes "Yeah he's sexy too!" So dick that he is, Seacrest calls over Butler and says "Tell him what you just said" you know to embarrass her or something or to get good video. She goes "What." "Tell Gerard what you just said." And she goes "Oh I'd hit that." Shut up. Both Seacrest and Butler were sputtering and didn't know what to say. They were used to condescending to people and she put it right in there face. Way cool. Butler lamely goes "Well I'm available"and he was the one who was put on the spot and made very uncomfortable. Very funny.
Then she appeared on Talk Soup. The premise was that she came to get a Talk Soup Award these cheesy things they give out in an hour show during the Oscars. She didn't get it and goes
"Did they give it to that bitch Sandra Bullock. She gets everything!" Joel McHale goes "Well I don't know what we can give you because we are out of awards." Now they have this recurring gag where they have this one hairy dude who walks around in a bikini and looks ridiculous. So they give him to her. And she goes "What does he do?" "Nothing much." So see lifts up his bikini top and goes "OK I will shave him down and maybe I can do something with him."
In both instances she was very funny and natural. Without forcing it. She is very unconventional but I think she definitely has a future especially in comedy.
The people who don't realize that are even stupider than they usually are when they talk about politics.
Whatsamatta, can't a bitch practice some decorum nowadays?
Trooper -
Admit it. You made it rain on her parade, didn't you.
She already left NY.
John, normally when the devil appears it rains and thunders and misery follows the trail of it's forked tail and webbed feet.
Just sayn
I did feel a disturbance in the force.
The animals were restless. The cats lay down with the dogs.
Evil was nigh and the earth trembled.
I don't know if you listen to NPR.
A while back they had the director talking about the cast. This clip clearly shows that this girl has her life together; she's "on a higher plane." And, her togetherness seemed to be a "mind-blowing" surprise for Daniels. A teachable moment, I guess.
"Mr. LEE DANIELS (Director, Producer, "Precious"):...But so, anyway, they did this, and then they put out open calls, which is really a good thing, too. They had a, you know, put posters out in schools and stuff around the country. And so anyway, we had these 20 girls narrowed down, and they were the real girls. These girls really were, you know, they had problems speaking, in their diction, and Gabby came in to Billy's office, Billy found her, and she auditioned. It was a great audition. And then when I went to meet her, she started talking like this white girl from the Valley, and I just thought my God, this is - who are you? And I realized at that moment if I had used one of the girls that was really Precious, that I would have been exploiting them, and it would not have been - I would have made a mockery of Precious.
So this girl is not Precious. And so she's, you know, she has a different life, and she's - though she's from Harlem, she's very worldly and really has a sense of self-confidence that either, I don't know, I've never seen anything like it before in my life. She is truly, you know, either in denial about her physicality, or she's on a higher plane. I know she's got several boyfriends. She's so secure with who she is that it's mind-blowing.
GROSS: And as you say, it's a real performance. I mean, I've seen her interviewed, and she speaks really well, but in the movie, she has to be somebody who's very self-conscious, very self-protective and really mumbles, can hardly read. It's really a fine performance."
Now, if only Terry Gross and Lee Daniels could speak as well as this fat black girl "from Harlem". Which is more troubling, their inability to articulate or their (racist) condescending surprise in finding someone like her?
I don't know. You know?
See I know a lot of girls like Gabby. They shop in my store all the time. From Haarlem. And Bed Stuy. And Fort Greene. And Brownsville. They are together and cool and most of them have loving husbands and/or boyfriends or at the very least baby daddy's. These are people that snotty radio hosts and out of touch professors will never meet in their entire life. Who would make them cross to the outher side of the street because they are afaid of them.
These pretentious douchebags would gag a maggot.
I like her and think she is cool.
But you know the old saying..if it wasn't for the hefty gals gays would have no one to dance with.
Titus - no apparent hefty gals in this dance scene.
I don't know - I have never liked fat chicks and nowadays they don't try to hide their fat.
This actress is fing enormous. There is no excuse to be that obese IMO.
Gotta love the "fat" threads over there. *eyeroll*
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