Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Today's gratuitous bath tub scene asks "What did Beth do to celebrate the Saint's win and Madri Gra all at the same time."

Today's gratuitous bath tub scene asks "What did Beth do to celebrate the Saint's win and Madri Gra all at the same time."

I stole this from one of my favorite sites "No Smoking in the Skull Cave." They don't post a lot but what they do is cherce. They have great movie quizzes and pop culture stuff and a lot of interest blogs on their blog roll. You should check it out.

Oh and not safe for work. Hee.


chickelit said...

Looks like somebody's been reading back issues of "Trooper York, Entertainment for Mensch"

Trooper York said...

Hey I have to mix it up. It was getting too tame.

chickelit said...

Thank God somebody voted in your new poll. I was too chicken to go first. It's all such a statement.

Trooper York said...

That had to be Darcy. I think she is a cucumber girl.


Beth said...

It's good to know you're thinking of me, Trooper. Maybe not this much, though.

Trooper York said...


Just a shout out baby!

I figured you would enjoy the photo.

Double hee.