Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Whose that girl!

Now you might think that she is a friend of RH because she likes small animals but I think Garage Mahal kind of digs her. At least he is always dropping her name.

What's up with that?

Whose that girl? I bet Cedarford knows.


Hoosier Daddy said...

Whose that Lady?

Vell dat is nun other than Frau Eva Braun!


Trooper York said...

You know your german broads.

chickelit said...



Sounds like a living glory hole.

Hoosier Daddy said...

You know your german broads.

Dude I'm Polish. If you can't beat em, steal their women!

I used to date this hot German babe in college and we would play a role reversal where she was Poland and I was a Stuka divebomber.

She had that Stuka siren scream down pat too.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I thought it was Althouse, what with her bunny obsession and everything.

Think there's a connection?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Back in the day I also had a lot of buddies with German background and it got a bit dicey for me when we'd grill brats, tap the keg and next thing you know they were all singing the Horst Wessel and kicked my ass.

That's why nowadays I just hang around Mexicans and Irishmen. We have more in common plus I can always take them in a fight.

Penny said...

It is only on Althouse and here at Troop's place that we mispronounce the word "BRAT". ;)

ricpic said...

I don't think Schicklgruber ever, you know, shtooped her, poor deprived girl.

Ralph L said...

Is this post's title supposed to be:
Who's that girl?
Hose that girl!
Hos: that girl!