Monday, September 8, 2008

Bedrock of Love 3

We didn’t know what to do about Betty. I mean she was freakin’ out and was obsessed with Rock Hudson. He really wasn’t into her if you know what I mean. He spent all his time talking to the young actors who played Bam Bam about gladiator movies. Betty was getting more and more fucked up. She tried self medicating and ended up with a smack problem. She had to go kick cold turkey because they didn’t have any fancy rehab places back then. I went to Rock to beg to just bang her once and maybe she would get over it. I even offered to pay him because the show was so profitable and we couldn’t screw it up. It was Barney Rubble who came up with the answer. And it was so simple really. Anal.
(Joseph Barbera and Herbet Finn, The E True Hollywood Story of the Flintstones: Stoned in Bedrock)

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