Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Blessed Sacrament.

I went to mass today to pray for the people we lost on 911 seven years ago. There weren’t a lot of people at the mass. Some fireman, two cops, several of the church ladies and a few of the merchants on the block. Just regular people offering up their prayers.

Althouse had a few 911 threads up but there were very few comments. And some of them were pretty vile. People don’t seem to realize how they sound when they spew such bile. It is more important to score points than to show some simple respect.

Last night I watched this new TV show about a motorcycle club on Spike. There is a scene where the bikers are cut off by a guy in a red sports car. Later they pull into a gas station and the notice the car. So they go into the convenience store part and see the guy buying some beer. One of the bikers goes over and starts to kick the shit out of the guy. He leaves him on the floor. The guy pulls out a gat and starts blasting. They grapple. All the while the Indian guy who runs the store is screaming “What are you doing to my store.” He takes his fire ax and chops it right into the head of the guy with the gun. He is standing there with a giant axe planted in his head, and falls over dead.

That’s what I wanted to do to some of the commenters on the thread today.

It doesn’t jive with going to church and praying, but it is how I feel.


KCFleming said...

You're right, man. Sorry about that, troop.

Trooper York said...

Hey don't sweat it man, I don't. You know these guys reveal themselves by what they post at times like this. The lack of humanity is striking. You can see who are real human beings even if they are ultra-liberal. People like Beth and Madison Man are people I am proud to know. I don't think we could agree about 1 thing out of 10 but I would respect what they have to say. The rest of these douche bags, not so much.

Keep fighting the good fight Pogo. You explain yourself much more than I am willing to do. Me, I just want to sink an axe in their

KCFleming said...

Last night my wife watched the replay of the live coverage of 9/11 (on MSNBC). I could only handle a few minutes at a time. It was odd to hear the announcers react like real people on air, and not spout preprogrammed talking points.

I showed her the picture of 'the falling man' online; she had never seen it before.

And we had our son tell us what he remembered of the day. He was in 3rd grade then, now a sophomore in HS.

It's still hard for me to fathom.