So insomnia theatre is reopened as the wife can't sleep so we have been watching old seventies shows that we have taped on the DVR off of the old bastards network. What's great is we can zip right past the commercials for the yogurt that makes you shit and the computer geeks who will speed up your computer.
So we saw two episodes of Rhoda and one of Phyllis.
Now watching shows from the seventies are very weird. First of all the laugh track is out of control. And when they talk about stuff it knocks your socks off. In one episode Brenda is unemployed and Rhoda and Joe make a list of all her expenses. She goes "Ok. Rent $150. Phone $10. Utilities $15." And so on and so forth. And I am saying to myself "Wheres the time machine I want to back to 1972."
The other strange thing is how superior the Rhoda show is to the Phyllis show. The Phyllis was actually actively bizarre. In it she moved to San Fransisco and works for one of the City supervisors. The really bizarre thing is that the guy in the next office is a dead ringer for Dan White the guy who shot Milk. It is freaky.
Anyway the episode we saw last night had Phyllis dating this dude who confesses he is gay. In San Fransisco. In the Seventies. Who'd a thunk it. The attitudes and the dialogue had to make you laugh. But not in a good way. In a disbelieving amazed way. It was just too much for my little Trooper brain.
Luckily the wife fell asleep so I could turn to Jackass.
Ha ha! Don't you DARE try to make me think you are funnier than Bissage!
I got this measly sense of humor and can only take one funny person at a time.
But you knew that. Didn't you?
Don't let that guy bother you.
Drag queens make me uncomfortable.
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