Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fever...in the morning

So I was so sick I had to go to the doctor to see what was up.

It turns out that I am pretty sick. I had a fever of 102.7 and as an added bonus conjunctivitis/!

My new worker seems to have brought in all her kids diseases at one time and it wiped me out. I will be out of action for a while.


Michael Haz said...

Whoa. That's pretty high, Trooper. I hope someone gave you a nice, cooling alchohol rubdown. Or something.

Anyhow, sleep all day and all night adn we'll look forward to your healthy return.

windbag said...

This picture looks much healthier than the last.

TTBurnett said...

What Michael said.

windbag, too.

Titus said...

Get better Trooper.

Love ya, big guy.


ndspinelli said...

Pink eye. That's a gay disease. I suggest a hot toddy or 5.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Children are just small bags of germs. I was constantly sick when my daughter was in elementary school.

Take care. High fevers are not good for adults. A cool shower to bring the fever down and lots of liquids. Maybe even a hot toddy. Hot brandy [or rum]: a good shot of either in a cup with a large tsp of honey, some lemon peels and maybe a small squeeze of lemon juice...fill the cup with boiling water....let cool a bit...smell the aroma and sip.

blake said...

The beauty is, if you have the kids and lots of 'em, you ultimately become immune to all the diseases.

Well, it's worked out that way for me.

Get well, dude.

Titus said...

Hope you are doing better Troop.

Thinking about ya.


rcocean said...

Agree. Kids are little "Typhoid Mary's".

Troop: Hope you're well by now.