To: Eliot Spitzer
From: Elena Kagan
Re: Release the Kagan
Eliot I know you are mad that we didn't hook up when we were in college. I mean I know you wanted to but I am just not into that back door stuff. I mean there were plenty of other girls that were and I know you paid....err found them. But I thought we were friends.
So why would you email a photo of me and Rachel when we first met on the quad that night. Well I was on her quad. You know that those rascally Republicans are floating a lot of rumors about me. I mean Rach and me are just friends. Seriously. We just play on the same softball team. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I wish you would stop. Please. I have enough on mind.
On this 4th of July I am reminded of all of us patriotic republican people. Thank God for us.
We care for our country, as opposed to libtard defeatocrats.
We are what we are waiting for. We are white, southern, hate fashion (sorry Troop) and believe in family values. If our half breed delirvance child get knocked up by her cousin as a result of rape we say have that baby Pearl. We will respect you, until you have that baby and then we don't give a flying fuck about what the mongoloid does.
I am a republican. I hate fags and nigs and I am proud of our cuntry.
Beauregard Sessions III is the most amazing politician this country has ever seen. So is Thad Cochran from Mississippi. Yes, they are big Porkers trying to keep their countries alive but we love them because they are republicans.
Now show us some patriotic, republican, preferably very southern pussy now Mary.
Thank you,
Do you all know Blue States Subsidize Southern Red States?
What is that all about?
Fucking rednecks. Get a job. Or maybe learn how to develop some new technology or medical cure.
And I won't tell anyone of your New Yorker, elite clientiele that you are a big republican because if I did you would go out of business and no one wants that, do we?
Now show me some republican pussy now Mary.
Titus, they all know I am a Republican but the still want the clothes.
It's all about the clothers boychick.
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