There was a lot of nasty people and nasty talk at the evil blogger ladies place today. It was all about the juice box mafia and Jounolist and Jewish people. From the tenor of some of these remarks I think some of these people have never met a Jewish person in their life. It was very nasty and un-called for.
Maybe Theo is right and I should just post boring stuff like he does. (he said that not me).
But it does leave a bad taste sometimes. Just sayn'
Don't knock boring topics.
I have recently-diagnosed high blood pressure. My doctor ordered me to avoid unpleasantness online as harmful to my health.
I an not kidding.
My doctor wants me to avoid all undue stressors, salt, fatty foods, drink lots of water and practice meditative breathing so I can keep my systolic pressure in the 80's at most. If I start breaking 90 consistently, I'm on meds.
I mentioned that I spent a certain amount of time online, and she said don't engage in anything that isn't relaxing and enjoyable. She said, "If you have a blog, just do that, make it interesting and fun to yourself, and don't get involved in controversies."
No blogger lady or other stressful sites from now on.
Doctor's orders!
I just conducted a little clinical experiment. I checked my blood pressure just after writing the previous comment. 138/85. Not great, but lower than it has been.
Against my better judgment, I clicked on the link and read the first page of the Blogger Lady's moby-and-troll-filled anti-Semitic comment section.
Checked again.
Never going back.
"I just don't like some of those commenters!"
OK, big boy. How bout you just pretend to be a "patriot"?
Cedarford has his 'pit in hand', so to speak.
And I'll be the "clueless babe", as usual...
Althouse can direct.
She's a natural!
Theo, honey? "Sugar pie, hunny bunch, you know that I LOVE you....Can't h-e-l-p myself" (8)
Just let us know when you're ready to be our orchestra.
Haha...I keed!
Orchestra, no leader? Howsa bout we call it JAM for now?
That's diastolic, not systolic.
Diastolic is the "return" blood pressure, which is too high in my case and especially dangerous.
And I'm still never going back.
Theo, glad to read that you're working on bringing down the stress and BP. Keep at it!
My dad is a vigorous 86 year old. No illnesses, hasn't been hospitalized since birth, regular check-ups, etc.
His formula for decades has been to keep his stress level low, meditate every day, use his spare time and energy to help others for the simple sake of doing good things, take his vitamins and supplements every day, walk and do light weight lifting every day, and a glass of red wine at night. And never, ever complain or even think negative thoughts.
He's told us for years that he is "programming" himself to live to be 120. Maybe he'll make it.
When I compare him with others his age, the difference that exercise, good diet, vitamins and a positive outlook makes in someone's well-being is visible and remarkable.
As far as spending time at troll-filled places, don't do it. It sucks the energy out of you.
Has anybody here seen our old friend Sippican?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed a lot of people,
But it seems the good they went away.
You know, I just looked around and they're gone.
Anybody here seen our old friend Bissage?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He gleed a lot of people,
But it seems the good they die young.
I just looked around and he's gone.
Anybody here seen our old friend Theo?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He treed a lot of trolls,
But it seems the good ones they died fools.
I just looked 'round and he's gone.
Didn't you love the things that they stood for?
Didn't they try to find some good for you and me?
And we'll be free
Some day soon, and it's a-gonna be one day ...
Anybody here seen my old friend Garage?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He pee'd a lot of people off
I thought I saw him walkin' up over the hill,
With Sippican, Theo and Bissage.
The fag on Althouse excused you of being an Anti-semitic.
Get him girl!
I replied to him in a most gentle manner Titus. I feel really sorry for downtownlad. I hope he makes some real friends. He seems like a very lonely and troubled guy.
Sorry to hear about your high blood pressure Theo. You know you are always welcome here.
Of course that is as long as hot photo's of starlets from the sixties and seventies don't make your blood pressure go up.
Of course that is as long as hot photo's of starlets from the sixties and seventies don't make your blood pressure go up.
Actually Trooper, Boyle's Law predicts that pressure should decrease with increased volume-as from saw tubular expansion. The Law is strictly rigid for gases, but I'm sure it applies to some degree here.
I've got it (high blood pressure) as well....and I don't do the medication for it..tolerate it well..I mean. Rock and a hard place. I'm just happy to wake up in the morning.
I do hope you get better. anyone named after the Boehm fingering system has to survive to 110.
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