Saturday, July 14, 2012

Deep Titus


Titus said...
I am no good at cooking, home interior, gardening, or any so called gay shit.

I am pretty butch.

But I will do it with my hat on.



ndspinelli said...

You're throwing Peggy Lee fastballs Trooper.

Titus said...

I did a dominican tonight.


ndspinelli said...

We all get to know each other here to varying degrees. Some like Allie, AllenS, MichaelHaz, chickelit, Tim, are pretty much an open book. Others, like ChipS Darcy, MamaM, blake, Sixty Grit are more guarded. Then there are the performance artists like Titus who just sometimes gives us reality, mostly as it relates to his youth. However, it's mostly fantasy like his recent posts. There are other valuable commenters that I don't mean to slight but just want to be brief.

We joked about Trooper being dead, and for the most part it was joking. But, we care about this fat asshole douchebag and in the back of our minds there was some concern. With that in mind, I was taught, "better out than in" when dealing w/ emotions. And, I married into a passive-aggressive Wi. family that holds in emotions so tightly they're actually constipated all the time. I shit regularly, but I'll leave it @ that. I'm no Titus.

My suggestion to all is to give it to this douchebag. Tell him what you think. Trooper can take it, he may not like it, but he can take it as well as he dishes it out.

The Dude said...

Whoa, dude, if you think I am guarded then you haven't been reading my various missives closely enough.

I have told my entire life story here over the years. Birth, youthful days, teenage years, twenties, my entire career in high tech, my ugly divorce, my current tasks, all there. Chainsaws, trees, power tools, CNC - I have doled out huge amounts of information. I have written extensively about here I have traveled, how I enjoyed bicycling, my love of domestic pets, all there.

I don't write too much about what I do currently as all my customers are fucking communists and if word got out that I don't like commies and their stupid belief system I would be ruined financially. I don't mention my home town by name as there are plenty of people on the interwebs who are angry enough to hunt me down.

So, I am guarded, in the sense that I want to protect my life and privacy, but the rest - open book, baby.

*insert gratuitous catch phrase here*

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, I'm one of the newer ones here and I meant no disrespect. I just don't know you as well as others. There was/is no judgements being made, I was just trying to get this boil lanced and get back to normal..or @ least our normalcy.

The Dude said...

I knew a dermotologist named Lance Boyle. Irish, he was. But that's a story for another day.

No disrespect taken, my man. I wish there was a better way to communicate inflection or intent, as words are usually misconstrued.

Carry on...

Titus said...

I have always wanted to do this specific dominican but in the past he never noticed me.

Last night, for some reason, he noticed.

I will need to wear that same outfit in the future as I think it helped.


ndspinelli said...

Being Irish, Dr. Boyle no doubt was lancing boils both professionally and metaphorically his entire adult life.

Chip S. said...

ndspinelli said...
You're throwing Peggy Lee fastballs Trooper.

nick, I'd love to steal this for future use, but I can't figure it out. Is "Peggy Lee" the object of "throwing" or a modifier of "fastballs"?

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, I stole it from Tug McGraw. He called his anemic fastball a Peggy Lee because other pitchers players would say, "Is That All There Is?" Title of her hit song.

Chip S. said...

Thanks, Nick.

I didn't think you were referencing "Fever", cuz that would require bringing the heat.

Or else Peggy Lee used to be in that women's baseball league and couldn't even hit meatballs.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

We just got back from a weekend trip to the 'big city' so we could lounge around in a air conditioned hotel, dip into their hot tub, drink and send out for bbq ribs and drink some more.

Went to a really cool craft fair early in the day and flea market and the Dumbplumber impulsively bought me a really cool straw and fabric hat. It looks like something from the 1930's or flapper era. He said...You can leave your hat on....wink wink. GREAT hat!

Then on the way home. Stopped at Coscto and dropped about 350 bucks on food and other supplies.

Hows that for open book :-D

ndspinelli said...

DBQ, Thanks. Again if you feel slighted please know there was no intent.

Regarding Costco, CNBC did a fascinating special on Costco and their recently retired founder. It explains how people go into Costco intending on getting a few items and "drop 350 bucks." We do the same, and now their building a Costco just a few miles from us.

ndspinelli said...

I mean "they're"'s cocktail hour[Beefeater martini, very dry and straight up].

MamaM said...

Depending on what is being looked for, some open books read more true than others.

As I've said before, discerning trust differs from blind trust in that it involves trusting others to the degree they've proved themselves trustworthy.

De Becker, in "The Gift of Fear", describes "forced teaming" as one of the most sophisticated manipulations used by con artists and criminals: because a 'we're-in-the-same-boat" attitude is hard to rebuff without feeling rude." It's one of several behavior patterns he lists as Pre-Incident Indictors of misuse, abuse and violence.

Forced Teaming This is when a person tries to pretend that he has something in common with a person and that they are in the same predicament when that isn't really true.
Charm and Niceness. This is being polite and friendly to a person in order to manipulate him or her.
Too many details. If a person is lying they will add excessive details to make themselves sound more credible.
Typecasting An insult to get a person who would otherwise ignore one to talk to one.
Discounting the Word "No". Refusing to accept rejection.

Anonymous said...

Mama, unless you have met a person face to face and had real life interactions with them, I don't believe you can make a judgment call as to their trustworthiness. That's being cynical for cynicism sake, but that would fit into the Discordian ideology.

MamaM said...

The beauty of to the degree they've proved themselves trustworthy is that it fits any situation, online or in person.

Chip S. said...

that would fit into the Discordian ideology.

That's Discordian theology, not ideology.

Of course, for you Reds, ideology supplants theology, so your mistake is completely understandable..

Anonymous said...

Chip, I almost used the word theology, but I thought it might insult some here. Doesn't Discordianism pride itself on being a anti religious religion? So how can it call itself a religion then? Is it some Discordian prank?

My Pentecostal upbringing prohibits me from easily calling this a true religion. That might make me a bigot.

The Dude said...

Is Unitarianism a religion?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, good question. My daughter is being married by a Unitarian minister, so does that mean she will be married in the eyes of God? Who knows?

Her inlaws are Evangelicals. I'm agnostic, with lingering remnents of Christian Fundamentalism. It's a crazy topsy turvy world.

The Dude said...

I am listening to a work by Louis Moreau Gottschalk - I translated his last name - Google says it means "God mischievous". Fascinating - I have been listening to his work for many years now - finally found out at least one version of what his last name meant.

The people who built the house I now live in, before Anglicizing their last name, were known as Schwarzschweißer. Even without WWI I can see why that was changed.

Anonymous said...

Blacksweat. Ew.

AllenS said...

Sixty, I was just asked by a girl that I went to high school with, someone that I haven't seen since 1964 to be Facebook friends. Looking around her site, I see that she is heavy into Unitarianism. I'm not sure if they believe in everything, or nothing. Maybe that's the plan.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Unitarians have a statment of faith of some sort, I don't really care. I would rather they had a secular wedding, but they chose this route instead to pacify his relatives, whichif they knew about Unitarians they might not have requested a "religious" wedding.

Very nice people, conservatives and mildly evangelical. At least grey haven't tried to convert my daughter. My future son in law moved away to Madison from his small town and away from his parents political ideology and religion. He's still a GREAT guy and I've thanked his parents for raising such a good man. They love my daughter too, so we are all peachy.

Anonymous said...

They, not grey, yikes.

The Dude said...

I attended a Unitarian church for many years. The Buddhists met there. Yom Kippur was celebrated there. The atheists met there. There was a Wiccan group in the basement. It didn't seem like a church to me, or at least not a church that acknowledged that Christ had any import on Western thought.

I think they are more like a religious flea market or smorgasbord - a little of this, a bit of that, 2 from column A, 3 from column B sort of place.

I broke up with the redhead so I left, she stayed.

Anonymous said...

Thank God they aren't being married in the Discordian faith! Sorry so bigoted of me, I know (I'm a closet Christian).

The Dude said...

Hey, being a bigot goes hand in hand with being a commie.

Christianity, however, is incompatible with worshiping the State.

Anonymous said...

Ah well Sixty, I'm a smorgasbord of values, ideologies and spirituality.

Mama can run with that one;)

Chip S. said...

Christianity, however, is incompatible with worshiping the State.

Sixty Grit, you insightful SOB.

I argue this point to all my hard-core libertarian friends who disdain religion and, therefore, conservatism.

Most people want to be part of something bigger than their own lives. If they aren't religious--esp. Christian or Jewish--they're inclined to worship the state.

"Liberaltarians" are delusional.

Chip S. said...

Discordians, of course, are inherently libertarian.

Chip S. said...

Hey, I just noticed something.

32 comments and not a "shiny helmet" joke among them?

ndspinelli said...

When I was a juvenile probation officer in KC I went to a 3 day seminar @ the Unity Village. The Unity Church is headquartered there and they have a beautiful campus for meetings and retreats. I don't know anything about their beliefs, but they do offer a great venue for all to gather and it was quite cheap, @ least back in the 1970's.

I have a confession to make that I've only told a few people. This alcoholic seminar was about helping kids on our caseloads who had alcoholic parents. We stayed 2 nights and my roommate was an American Indian guy..a real good young man. Now, I was in my 20's and an even more stupid asshole than I am now. Knowing I was going to be there for 3 days w/o a car I brought a bottle of bourbon. The first night I broke it out and offered a drink to my roomie. He looked shocked and said, "Man, I'm a real bad alcoholic, if I take one sip I'll drink that whole bottle." I felt horrible. What I remember most was how gracious he was. We stayed in touch for many years, he worked @ a halfway house for urban Indians. I learned a lot about alcoholism, but more about forgiveness.

The Dude said...

I attended the local Unity church for many years, too. I liked what I learned there. In fact, some of the most important things I ever learned about religion, I learned there.

That particular church was funny - a friend said about the women who went there "The odds are good, but the goods are odd" and that they were. Some of the most messed up broads I ever encountered went there.

One stony fat dutch broad went to Unity Village to become a minister. Nice. Now back away from the bong, whack job.

Chip S. said...

@60--That's why I prefer to hang out at the local sex addiction therapy group.

blake said...

When you were young
And your heart was an open book
You used to say "Live and let live"
But if this ever changing
In which we live in
Makes you give in a cry
So live and let die

Dust Bunny Queen said...

DBQ, Thanks. Again if you feel slighted please know there was no inten

Not slighted at all spinelli. No problemo. I just wanted to share about the hat
