Thursday, July 26, 2012

Marilyn's Diary

Uncle Herman and I had to find ways to spend time together that wouldn't make Aunt Lily suspicious. She was my Aunt and I loved her. I didn't want to hurt her. But I loved my Uncle Herman so much more.

We worked up this little magic act that we used to perform at the VFW and at the annual Monster Mash. He would do card tricks and different illusions and I was his lovely assistant. It was a lot of fun. And it gave us an excuse to spend time together to practice our act. I especially loved his favorite trick.

He would make his penis disappear.

But it would be hidden in just the right place.


chickelit said...

I just fucking give up.....

rcocean said...

Ha. Where the hell does Trooper get these pictures?

ndspinelli said...

Trooper was Herman's fluffer on the set.

chickelit said...

Nick, that must have been back in Troop's glam days when referred to Gwynne as "Hunkle Ermine"