Monday, July 30, 2012

Hide your heart girls.....he will be here soon!


ndspinelli said...

Eli couldn't get laid in a whorehouse.

Trooper York said...

I don't know about that.

Trooper York said...

I will grant you that Aaron Rodgers could get laid in a bathhouse.

chickelit said...

What is night of three dogs reference I am not getting?

ricpic said...

I thought Tim Tebow's the new heartthrob in town?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

2 out of 3 aint bad.

chickelit said...

Eli Manning reminds me of the kind of guy who would hit on anyone Tim Tebow dated out of spite and then laugh about it. Course it would do more damage to Manning and the Giants than to Tebow and the Jets, but hey, that's the big leagues, right?

ndspinelli said...

Rex Ryan has lost over 100lbs. Lets see if any of that weight loss included the horseshit and bullshit he carried around w/ him.

The Dude said...

He has always possessed way more than 100 pounds of BS, that's for sure. Kind of like putting 500 pounds of crap in a 300 pound sack. Or XXXL golf shirt.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is field hockey season right now...

chickelit said...

Field hockey is not played with a puck, right? Is it a ball and stick game like lacrosse?

ndspinelli said...

chickelit, "You are correct, sir." It's a big game for young women back east. I never see it played in the midwest.

john said...

What is night of three dogs reference I am not getting?

Might refer to it being a cold day in hell before the Giants win another championship. But I don't follow pro football, so maybe not.

Troop - is your show still on? TLC listings are all about getting knocked up: "17 kids and counting", "i didnt know i was pregnant", "my kid is pregnant and so am i", "19 kids and counting", "secretely pregnant", "make room for multiples". wtf.

The Dude said...

Whilst strolling near the harbor in Singapore, I chanced upon, next to the big fountain, a pitch whereupon a game of field hockey was being played by grown men - Sikhs and whatnot, with turbans and knives stuck in their belts. Manly burly men. Serious men. I did not mock them for their choice of sport.

It's not a girl's game over there, just sayin'.

chickelit said...

Thou art a worldly and well travelled man, soixante grès.

Titus said...

What is up with the Eli ad where he is wearing wings?

Quick update. Things are going terrific here in DC. We are restructuring, reengineering, reorging and finally terminating.

The best part is making this list. I love this part. So many twist and turns during the list. Last minute ins and outs, etc. It's totally like Schindler's List.

I am so Mitt Romney and I love it.

I also enjoy saying the car is downstairs you don't need to go back to your office. There is a security guard outside the door that will walk you out of the building. Take care and best of luck in your future endeavors. Your belongings have already been packed up during this meeting and are waiting for you in the cab.

Oh and here is a kleenex pack.

Michael Haz said...

The Green Bay Packers are picked to win the Super Bowl, by the way.

Titus said...

I am ready to fire people. I hate dead weight oldies in an organization that feel complacent.

There is no place in business for complacency.


Titus said...

Women's gymnasts must shave their pubes. There is like no bush anywhere in sight.

You know there is a pube/bush manager on the team who makes sure there is no exposed curly dark pubes.

I want that fucking job.

chickelit said...

Hell has a new addition: link

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ndspinelli said...

I've never been a fan of the Olympics and Titus has enlightened me as to why. They are soooo gay.

Titus said...

Whatever happened to the Olympic Gymnast from Russia? I believe her name was either Olga Cuntlick or Olga Cuntlips?

She was famous for the Cuntlip Twist, which she did on the bars. I believe her cunt lips would grap the bar and she would then rotate around the bar while both hands and legs were pointed and then her cunt lips would release from the bar and she would fly through the hair doing a hamel camel toe and then "sticking" it.

The Cuntlip twist was especially famous for the "pop" sound that the cunt lips would make when they released themselves from the bar.

Many tried to emulate the Cuntlip Twist but none succeeded.

A true artist if you ask me.


MamaM said...

The sinkhole.

If not here, then there?

Titus said...

Was Olga Cuntlick there Mamam?


MamaM said...

Best to be asking the guy who lives closest to the hole, Titus.

Titus said...

Hole-I fucking love that term.

I was listening to old Howard Stern programs, and as you know I fucking love Stern, and they referred to some women as hole.


It really says it all.

I would love to inspect women's holes and do cleanings. What cums out of that hole? I could see myself with some Rumba or Vacuum scooping up and cleaning corners and crannies.


Titus said...

Do those holes ever smell?

I would be interested in how it smells, why it smells and to correct any smells in order to make them less smellable.

Do any of you women ever stick a finger up there and smell it? What do you smell? Can you give me an example of the smell? Like perhaps skunk, death or loaf? I am curious. I want to smell it and see how my oldFactory emissions react.


chickelit said...

Courtney Love used to be in a band called "Hole." I bought one song of her songs--"Malibu" but otherwise she's pretty gawdawful. She really needs to quit music and concentrate on acting--where she has more natural talent, IMHO. I see from this that her mood swings are out of control again--she's offending and insulting her own daughter.

Oh, yeah Courtney? You're really starting to look like Baby Jane Hudson--but I think that was your schtick all along.